Gold collapsing. Bitcoin UP.


Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2015
On the 1-day chart BTCC down to 9 percent after Samson Mow tweeted their copulation with Blockstream Core.
13% x 144 blocks -> 18.7 blocks/day

Expected standard deviation (aboutish, incorrectly assuming Poisson, not Binomial statistics): sqrt(18.7) = 4.3 blocks:

(18.7-4.3)/144 = 10%

So far, this can still be explained with expected statistical variation.


Staff member
Aug 22, 2015
I think this 3 week deadline was possibly the last (or at least the penultimate deadline). If core are still flaky, or set a timescale too far out I think it will be over within a week. If core say "we'll do a HF in <a month or so>" the chines may accept it, if its not too far out. If core subsequently don't deliver on that I think that is when you will see the miners settle on a non-core HF. Classic or otherwise.

I also think that core is playing a very dangerous game, because if the Chinese are pushed that hard, then they *will* do it in house. Ask yourself, wouldn't you?
Sorry to sound like a broken record. The maximum Core will do is lie, saying an HF happens after SegWit.

Core has driven into a dead-end by denying the ecosystem a simple block-size increase, for which a dozen BCT and reddit polls showed >80% support. A lot of those voices were non-technical, but the issue is basic and everyone can understand it. So the community consensus was (and is) clear. Sure a few hold-outs did not like this proposed change, just as some did not want soft-fork P2SH, or LevelDB, but got them anyway.

By delaying Core made a fatal error*, it upset a large part of the community and accelerated the take-up of alternative implementations. Every week the devs delay hard-forking they entrench opinion against them and make it less likely that Core would come out of a HF with anything other than a minority or rump implementation.

They are not playing a game, they are in a trap of their own making.

* (Maxwell almost certainly deserves most blame for their predicament).
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Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2015
Those aren't legitimate, right?
I thought you were asking how you could do it. You can certainly run full nodes on AWS and they will be as much a part of the network as any other.

Spot instances mean there's a chance you'll be outbid and your nodes shut down but t1.micro can be had for 1/3 of a cent per node per hour. You'd have to pay extra for storage for the blockchain though.
[doublepost=1455583450][/doublepost]Hmm. This looks like it might be a good way of sharing the blockchain between multiple nodes on AWS to reduce costs.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
lol, @bitsko just overwhelming the Core Slack channel. even brg444 is helpless :)

and with @Aquent all over the Classic channel...

i been slamming Twitter recently. ;)
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New Member
Dec 19, 2015
I came across this great video again randomly today, and couldn't help but share share it here in light of all the contention going on in the bitcoin space. Good to keep in mind as we strive to push bitcoin forward.



Active Member
Nov 8, 2015
When he first started posting on the wall observer he was tracking trade volume in china he’s data made for great price predictions, and many didn't see him s a troll. He has a good scam radar, I believe he is more skeptical now than when he first started posting, having internalized some Keynesian dogmas.
To put Stolfi in some general context ("baggage"?), he found out about Bitcoin a short time after a very high profile investment scam was blowing up in Brazil. Personally I think his overzealousness to engage is offputting, and it's pretty much impossible to chip away at any of his beliefs about Bitcoin the currency (my take on it is that he's so obsessed with the greater fool / investment scam narrative that he's myopic to what something bootstrapping from nothing that the world has never seen just emerge from 0 might look like, although if one thinks of Bitcoin utility/valuation growth as more like startup equity, it all starts to make sense). But other than that he's pretty sharp about alot of things, he would probably be very likable if he chilled out a little bit on the self-appointed consumer advocate stuff.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
back under 1200. you never had a chance:



Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Couple of interesting articles here from ZH.

The war on cash. ECB looks set to abolish the 500€ note, and now calls for 100$ notes to be removed.

This has major implications for Bitcoin as it massively restricts the System D economy. (upto 307€ Billion in eurpoe alone - or 30% of all physical currency)


Staff member
Aug 28, 2015
@Mengerian: it is also a deliberate ploy

If anyone is interested my latest project involves playing with QR codes i am making from scratch (surprisingly complicated little things) in python. My idea is to create a digitally created 'mask' composing dots and the components of a QR code randomly arranged over the top of a digital image with actual QR codes within the image (perhaps rotated).

Something like this ^ but on a much larger scale with the aim being to create a wall canvas sized image i can print out onto aluminium and hang on the wall. The idea is to hide one or more QR codes in the image of which one for example could be a BIP38 private key..


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Yeah, he means segwit. I've noticed him doing this for a while. Adam Back repeatedly just refers to it as "2MB soft-fork", glossing over that he's referring to segwit. It's annoying because it confuses people and its not clear what he's talking about.
He's STILL doing that? Remember my tweet convo with Technomage about this about a month ago?

Can Adam get any more disingenuous? Cypherpunk my ass.