Gold collapsing. Bitcoin UP.


Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2015
@cliff, you mean clowning with his idea of asking 'who are the core devs?'?

Further down today's IRC conversation, from zookolaptop:

> rusty: an example of someone pivoting away from Bitcoin due to insufficient users is ChangeTip. I understand, as you said, that it's hard to reason from these scalability and cost factors to "number of users".

A very nice way of saying, HELLO DUDES, all wake the fuck up NOW! You are actively destroying Bitcoin by crippling it!

But if you continue reading it, it is instead it is the usual going-in-circles including Luke-Jr going bananas bringing his spam argument.

Eww, it hurts, it hurts soo much to read this the thousandth time.

Devs, wake the fuck up! Miners wake the fuck up! Users, wake the fuck up!


Active Member
Dec 15, 2015
Clowning was maybe not the right word, but I was on my first cup of coffee and was amused nonetheless.
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Staff member
Aug 28, 2015
Apart from the 'Core Problem' I see this as the biggest current threat to bitcoin dominance.

They essentially have unlimited funds, powerful government connections and an acute understanding of what's at stake. I know the old arguments of 'permissioned blockchains' but what if they developed a system where bank branches ran nodes, central banks ran mining farms (copyrighted hashing algorithm) and users were given free range to interact with the blockchain on a SPV level?

Admittedly it would probably take years to get up and running and face jurisdictional hurdles, but there's nothing like facing extinction to sharpen the mind. (quick amendments to TPP and TTIP anyone?)
This is going to make Hearn (more) rich and I agree could be a threat to bitcoin dominance. But it is likely to be a private blockchain. Very important distinction and for that reason I think it isn't an existential threat to bitcoin.

An open protocol like bitcoin can still emerge dominant as a global payment and value protocol/rail. Bitcoin can ignore borders and if it gets past development coup d'etats like it is currently experiencing then it will be the ultimate anti fragile currency which is uniquely given value by users and not the end of a state-tipped spear.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
We're starting to put up those same serious view numbers here, just like the old gold thread.

Be on your best behavior boys. I'm sure it's because of all the drama on the other forums and not the content of your posts. ;)

Sorry it's so boring around here. ;)

Edit : and you thought we needed all my old buddies brg44, MOA, iCE, tvbcof, Odalv, kazukiPimp, et al.


Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2015
@cliff: Reading that IRC channel for a while is the surest way to end up selling all coins and become a total Buttcoiner.

After reading more, I am still cautiously optimistic that long-term there will be successful Bitcoin in 10 years, I am not at all optimistic that we'll have a 3 digit price anymore in a couple of months. The more I read bitcoin-dev and other places that have been effectively consensified, the more I feel we have too many stupid fat-ass lazy non-thinking users, miners and devs just needing the brutal treatment of a steeply dropping price to wake up.

Like a "yes, Bitcoin is finally dead" stance from pretty much all of the ecosystem. Bitcoin reduced to a wasteland.

Before anything sensible happens.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2015
@cypherdoc: Trolls thrive on - well - trolling. Blockstream sent a wave of paid trolls out, censored and kick-banned everywhere, followed by Greg wringing every weaker voice left through his consensifier.

[From the looks of it, he has likely spent a lot more time being on reddit than writing code (or other work for his company). ]

The saner people fled. But all we can do now is to sit on this island and watch the whole thing burn. We simply seem to lack the right levers to effect change. I am pretty sure that the only thing we have on our side is the truth. But it will take a long time before truth will appear again on the stage.

As @chriswilmer said, it looks like the wrong party is winning.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
gold making a break for it to the downside. i think we're close to sub 1000:

silver totally in the shitter:

ZSL, my precious, my precious (weeping).
[doublepost=1450366954][/doublepost]ok, ok, i didn't want to put up the chart b/c of the pain, but:

[From the looks of it, he has likely spent a lot more time being on reddit than writing code (or other work for his company). ]
there is a pt in this video where Cory Fields actually says that Greg doesn't do much coding.

[doublepost=1450367167][/doublepost]ok, after 3d this week of straight up short squeeze, it's time to get back to work:

[doublepost=1450367428][/doublepost]btw, i'm already on record stating that when gold goes sub 1000, we hear another Thunderclap (there's a meme of mine from the old thread when we touched gold the last time) which takes Bitcoin over 500 for good:

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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
who needs mining?

who needs copper?

who needs oil?

who needs shipping?

fuck that shit! we don't need nothin! we're American!
[doublepost=1450368119][/doublepost]when gold goes sub 1000 we could invoke another meme of mine which i remember so clearly when Bitcoin passed silver parity around 30-31; the Slingshot Effect that takes us up over 500 for good:


Zangelbert Bingledack

Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
Jeff Garzik is getting it:
I do wonder if Meni's right that permanent forks are inevitable and wallets should just be updated for that
I assume here he means fork arbitrage situations. It's the inevitable conclusion when you realize that Bitcoin is way too big for consensus and probably already too big for compromise. The logical next step is market decision-making. No one person, group, or governance structure can calculate the ideal blocksize from the preferences and life circumstances of millions of stakeholders.
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Active Member
Aug 28, 2015
As @chriswilmer said, it looks like the wrong party is winning.
you sure turned pessimist in the last two posts of yours. I share some of your concerns but I, somewhat irrationally, think that "tide is turning" :)p @Zarathustra).

Do you know that gmax has dropped is commit bit?



Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2015
@sickpig: I think it is easy to become bipolar in this whole discussion. I am optimistic long-term. I am not so sure short term, and yes, reading (#)bitcoin-dev pulls me down.

@cypherdoc: Totally off-topic but maybe to make this thread a little bit broader again: How would you explain these extremely low oil prices? I mean, there's a major war going on in the middle east, an islamic state formed, general upheaval...

Is it the economy that slowed down enough? Saudi Arabia still pumping? The U.S.?

I think I usually - as pretty much an economic layman - understand to a first approximation what is going on with these large scale things, but oil does baffle me lately.
[doublepost=1450368894][/doublepost]About Greg dropping his commit privileges:

A history buff close to me just told me about this.

Lets just hope Greg doesn't have the clout to pull this off.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015

not enough demand. economies worldwide, esp China, have been rolling over since the beginning of the year.
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Active Member
Aug 28, 2015

whoa, so he's not just hiding it?

that's a big signal.
laanwj is Wladimir's nick on reddit. So I tend to belive him when he said gmax drop the commit bit.
@sickpig: I think it is easy to become bipolar in this whole discussion. I am optimistic long-term. I am not so sure short term, and yes, reading (#)bitcoin-dev pulls me down.
you should stop reading #bitcoin-dev IRC channel, then. And ofc don't event think about reading #bitcoin-wizards o_O.

it is detrimental to your health.


Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2015
@sickpig: Well it is probably a sign to become more detached from this whole thing :)

I guess the right approach is: Work more (on BU etc.) & talk less (yes, that applies to me) and wait for others ) to come and join. Tthey will come eventually, but probably only when all hell breaks loose.