Gold collapsing. Bitcoin UP.


Active Member
Aug 31, 2015

Ian grigg has an anecdote for his satoshi proof, so theres no chance he was faked a signing

where is the source code for teranode?

nouriel roubini doesnt know what a token is?
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Aug 25, 2015
Yes, Nouriel seemed pretty stubborn about accepting any view other than his own, regardless of what he heard!

I doubt the teranode code is released yet.

My satoshi proof is also anecdotal, I'm pretty comfortable with it.

The weirdest thing is even if he wasn't Satoshi, I don't think I'd be that upset. Baffled yes, and fascinated as to what the real truth might be if that were the case. Sure would have egg on my face :)


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Aug 31, 2015
I'd be bummed out.

Though in terms of speculation; it's an interesting bet imo. Whether he is or isn't satoshi and how the market would revalue bsv (up or down) upon greater clarity.

I think 'csw is not satoshi' is reflected in the present bsv price...

If he's not satoshi he's probably going to get extra sued by bsv speculators if there is any case that would be heard.

if anything market reactions to more information regarding this topic in this current climate will most definitely override and make miniscule any utility value that might form over the next years.

even if it only comes in at $800/coin, bsv has fee rewards in the tens of dollars and around 3-6 tps


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Sep 15, 2015
What's really cool about BSV is that it can wrap every other coin in a smart contract so they no longer need miners/auditors. Think of the electricity miners will save when they don't need to mine for transactions anymore.
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Aug 31, 2015
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What's really cool about BSV is that it can wrap every other coin in a smart contract so they no longer need miners/auditors. Think of the electricity miners will save when they don't need to mine for transactions anymore.
I've always thought it should start with something relatively useless like dogecoin as opposed to digital rocks like ETH and BTC, everyone has wrapped ETH and BTC, its still useless garbage, whereas dogecoin has a better userbase that might even make microtransactions one day if dogecoin didnt suck so hard.
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  • Haha
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Nov 30, 2016
BSV is a no-longer-open source project, any business with a brain can figure that out, if not immediately (hint: the special license), then over time, or when they get hit by copyright or patent trolling lawsuits.
@freetrader I wonder what the actual problem is.

The protocol is known and everyone can implement it.
Anyone could create a competing software that is compatible with the protocol.

The Bitcoin SV node source code is public, you can check it and compile it yourself if you don't trust the binaries.
And as long as you use the software on BSV you are allowed to make changes.

So as a party that is interested to build on BSV why is the license an issue from a practical point of view?
(Not from an idiological one based on the 4 freedoms of free software)

P.S. Patents apply to all chains. Saying you can only get hit with patents on BSV is just wrong.
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where is the source code for teranode?
We don't know if the source code will be released.
I would guess they will eventually but for now it is hardly finished an barely working.
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nouriel roubini doesnt know what a token is?
In the CoinGeek interview with Charles Miller he admitted that he doesn't know anything about BSV.

Most possibly his knowledge is limited to the "BTC store of value and number go up" narrative.
He also bought into the "larger blocks means centralized" narrative without questioning this statement.
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Active Member
Aug 31, 2015
@torusJKL ; im not convinced the issue has much to do with the license, its just a rather convenient point to kind of make, @Griffith likes it too.

You can do anything on bsv in short order with the standard mit
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there was never and will never be a desire to build on bsv


Active Member
Nov 30, 2016
there was never and will never be a desire to build on bsv
There is also not much desire to build on BTC either.
Most desire to build on ETH from what I can tell.

It comes down to the narrative.
The Bitcoin store of value & doesn't scale narrative is extremely strong.
Even outside of the crypto space.

That's why nChain, CoinGeek and the Bitcoin Association now push "BSV Blockchain" instead of "Bitcoin SV".
They have learned that when you mention Bitcoin to businesses the doors close immeditately but if you tell them that you use BSV Blockchain they invite you to present the product.


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Aug 31, 2015
I'm not that bright myself, but im not convinced money skeletor or anarcho necktator aren't blinded by their bias, and outclassed by csw's galaxy brain.

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someone else:

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...does bcash still have a cryptography expert?

I'd take a wild stab and say @deadalnix was the most intelligent person they had, @micropresident the second.
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Sep 22, 2015
well BCHA is still trading above $20, so séchet and his team (if any) are still making over a coupla grand per diem. i would imagine he (they) dump daily, it's not as if they could be under any delusions that BCHA will eventually gain wide adoption and it's worth their while to accumulate.

... so what's smarter, tweaking the protocol to perfection, sitting around waiting for the moon rocket, or raking it in before the party is busted?

p.s. @cypherdoc did you rebalance to fiat?
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Aug 28, 2015
eCash, formally Bitcoin ABC has been added to

- of interest BTC difficulty expected to drop 11% in 9 days after a 25% drop over the last 2 difficulty adjustments (the very last one being about 5%.)

- very interesting is the costly signal to mine BSV, currently, it's 36% more profitable to mine BTC, ouch! So in other words, mining BSV = paying 36% in lost opportunity costs.

One may speculate why, but I would not be surprised if it's speculation on huge overbearing government regulation about to hit the industry.

it could be that if you mine BTC and buy BSV, you're going to have to explain the transaction to the tax office, and if you're in the mining game (that's income tax presumably on sales) but when you convert from one currency to another that's a taxable event followed by accounting for all future income as a digital asset with the resulting capital gains tax rules, if you've tried this, it's practically impossible fo track all assets in one basket using multiple tax rules.

And to further complicate things the government may want all addresses registered and for the digital assets to originate from regulated exchanges to be valid. some miners in this space possibly the ones from 2009 may have already experienced such an audit. Just a thought.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Yes, for sure.
note: Kraken just shook of the XBT name and replaced it with BTC, and also ABC has to shake the BCHA ticker I'm not sure who go the BAB symbol from some ohter exchanges.
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Jun 11, 2021
Gold is not going to collapse... it's been around for thousands of years and it's not going to lose its narrative as a store of value anytime soon. Bitcoin however will eventually overtake gold as a store of value in market capitalization, from here it would need to do a 10x to achieve that which is totally reasonable over a four-year cycle.
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Aug 31, 2015
in 4 years the market may have come to appreciate that BTC is a sham-version of bitcoin that lacks the ability to serve the world in any meaningful way, and at best is like a gold standard on crack.

the market may heed the concerns of cost per transaction, it may question the ideological underpinnings of BTC within 4 years, BSV may officially be bitcoin within 4 years, and see 100x while drawing from BTC's share.
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I'll still buy some BTC its way down.

It looks like will need to remove the whitepaper and post a notice to uk residents that it was infringing on the copyright of the bitcoin whitepaper for 6 months
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