Gold collapsing. Bitcoin UP.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
the prospects/possibilities/implications are truly intriguing when you stop to think about it. the coming of the Messiah or a Trojan horse, given what we know of the history? minus the IFD, we are still dealing with a half breed of a coin that relies on replay protection, the DAA, checkpoints, and collusion (the last of which is debatable you might argue) along with q6mo hard forks . you do realize that a coin that is going to scale IRL to worldwide adoption cannot ever hope to be coordinated by an anonymous account? there's just too much work and communication to be done with too many people and highly interested and invested parties. @freetrader, will this be another quick hit and run situation or will you reveal yourself?
[doublepost=1582195720,1582195036][/doublepost]I'm also interested in where this new code will be housed? are you going to continue with the semi closed Phabricator that @deadalnix used or are you going to keep it totally closed on this "private server" you'd been talking about here, the code of which you'd only reveal the hash of?
Good on you @freetrader and best of luck. I'm starting to feel hopeful / engaged again with BCH's future.
or maybe the application of non ending, relentless, grinding life support to a half breed dead corpse in the hope of maintaining a never ending blooming of altcoin chain splits from a chain splitter? we'll see.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
hey @freetrader, although I have absolutely zero connection with any of the major coin conferences around the world, maybe I could be your liason to setting up a talk on your vision for the half dead half breed of a coin in front of hundreds of highly interested people? I'm sure I can setup a blank screen and filter/garble your voice over Tor? or you could just wear a mask.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
With BCH we are dealing with a community that believed for more than a year that their multi-billion dollar project can be lead by a self-declared shitlord, and now, when they finally realise that that's not possible, they believe that world wide adoption can be lead by an anonymous account and are excited once again.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
it's called grasping at straws. the underling problems are still there.
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Active Member
Aug 25, 2015
After watching a whole day of talks at Coingeek based on the presumption that the protocol is set in stone, and the use cases that massive on chain scaling has opened up, coming in here and catching up on the squabbling still happening amongst BCH folks is just incredible.

How can anyone still be so blind as to not yet see what is coming. It beggars belief.

Meanwhile in BTC the state of the art appears to be influencers hanging out in a VR chatroom to talk about how important they still are.

Oh me, oh my. Is this even real life anymore!?

Aussie man bad indeed! rofl.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015

and then it changed minutes later:
I edited my post a bit to clarify while you were writing your response.

I do indeed view "Bitcoin" as a tree with many branches, some of which give up fundamental aspects of monetary soundness and will imo be pruned / fall away by the action of the market, as most will.

Some may deliver good and necessary improvements or vital course corrections (like massive on chain scaling pursued in the Bitcoin Cash branch). Such branches may come to replace the main branch over time by gaining the value and most-proof-of-work-put-in over time.
This is where the branch analogy probably breaks down and these so-called "altcoins" can be like seeds that can carry and sprout to bring peer to peer electronic cash to people, even if what the masses know as "Bitcoin" dies. Which is not to say it will -- it might linger around longer than any of us will ever experience.

Sorry to say this, but this pre-supposes a world with power structures like we have them today. Around us the old order is crumbling like a dam with holes, about to break.
I believe with sound money as introduced by the Bitcoin idea our human civilization has a chance to take a very different trajectory, one that might not require such a "world reserve currency". But perhaps one will arise naturally in the form of the dominant cryptocurrency of the day.
and Now:
Announcement regarding Bitcoin Cash Node
The primary goal of this initiative is to provide a safe and professional node implementation that will neutrally follow the longest chain without contributing to the risk of a chain split.
@freetrader will you follow the longest chain and pay the ABC tax, or fork and make a new coin if there is support for your new project?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
It looks like he's committed to copying ABC's updates, who get a lot of their updates from BTC Core, for 1 year.

I'm still confused about how this would prevent the ABC "Infrastructure Funding Plan" from being activated by following the "longest chain". Is it like when CSW said there will be no split?
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