You can choose to selectively disclose (for example to government agencies) with Monero
But anyway I think very few people on the market understand the distinction between privacy and anonymity currently. It is something that is known only since CSW started to push this point of view.
Most of humanity is just starting to understand that BTC is totally transparent, they are leveling up from their previous false belief "BTC is anonymous".
They will get to know Monero, and it will take them several years before they understand Monero and judge whether it's good or not. Once they correctly assess Monero, their next level of understanding will be about the distinction between privacy and anonymity which will allow them to understand that you can get privacy on a transparent ledger with BSV.
They cannot go straight from "BTC is anonymous" (false) to "BSV is private and transparent" (correct) without passing through the intermediate stage "this XMR thing is opaque and that might be better than the transparent BTC".
What we tend to forget is that we are far ahead of the learning curve of the market. What we understand today, the market takes years to process it. And the distinction "anonymity/privacy", courtesy of CSW, is still too young to be a prevalent understanding of the market.