Gold collapsing. Bitcoin UP.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
> One point raised by the Judge was if the Court could rule if the Satoshi White Paper, which initially defined Bitcoin, could be considered a binding contract or rules among users in the Bitcoin industry
Well, if you want to be called Bitcoin but this is a long game, and it won't be tested until we all know who is the author behind the pseudonym.

BSV wanted neither the ticker, nor the short term victory, nor the rotten company. this is alt mentality. BSV is also not primarily seeking to be listed on exchanges of digital assets, but to offer a product suited for massive use. the product is delivered -- if use follows, the rest will seem quaint lore.
This is called making lemonade when life gives you lemons. BSV didn't even want a split if I recall.


Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2015
It is required. You don't transform society with a digital currency if it is hard to buy and if price finding is broken because the major spots for arbitrage trading don't list it.
BSV is #5 by market cap, #7 by volume, without being listed. if its growth trend continues, exchanges that wish to generate revenue will list it.

i am not so worried about bad reputation. conventional wisdom has a way of changing swiftly when making money is involved.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
i am not so worried about bad reputation.
Ultimately Bitcoin needs to be quantifiably useful for something other than a Ponzi investment scheme if it's going to catch on. It just so happens that many "thought leaders" in this space are pedalling a Ponzi investment scheme and trying to convince you it's valuable as a "store of value". so Yes I agree with @79b79aa8 but maybe for different reasons.

Among the target market, there is no bad reputation, in this crypto carnival the snake oil salesmen even though they are selling BSV's reputation as bad. What we've seen with may "intellectual heavyweights" testify in public hearings and so forth is inevitably they burn their credibility.

My first benchmark in my empirical data set was Finance Professor: Mark T. Williams a former commodities trading floor senior executive and Federal Reserve bank examiner, who teaches finance at Boston University School of Management, making a prediction based on a total lack of understanding. "I predict that Bitcoin will trade for under $10"

And on of my favourites, Emin Gün Sirer's subconsciously admitting why selfish mining does not work and explaining how he built his academic crypto career after claiming and I paraphrase he'd "proved bitcoin was broken and going to collapse".
"I predict that Bitcoin will trade for under $10" and "BSV is a scam" or "BSV was an attack on BSH" who inevitably vanish into the void and stop spouting nonsense about things they don't understand when it becomes obvious they are wrong.
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Active Member
Jun 13, 2019
I think "the community" can shove it. I'm fed up of wanna be do gooders telling everyone else how they should act. Maybe I've drunk to much Kraig-Aid. (or vodka ;) )
It's a good thing that in the BSV community we are very free to discuss novel and unconventional ideas. The BSV space is very productive.

This does not mean that basic human decency must be violated. In my opinion, this should always be upheld. But from a strategic perspective, we are now seeing the damage that not upholding decency causes.

It *does* matter what other people think of BSV. I am listening to a lot of BSV podcast (I recommend CoinGeek conversations). Multiple businesspeople have stated that they are facing a strong headwind because businesses consider BSV to be a scam. I'm sure nChain had many doors shut in front of them because of this perception.


Active Member
Jun 13, 2019
In the end, none of this can prevent BSV from becoming a raging success. It's just a matter of quickly it will happen.

Not sure I understand your statement, Christoph. Businesses are facing a disadvantage but it's not fatal.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2015
from the point of view of a fourth-gen BTC hodler, BSV had better be a scam. that does not make it so.

from the perspective of @freetrader, BSV supporters are 'BSVtards'. but name-calling is not an argument, and the ones offered ITT have been remarkably lame. the argument-subversion techniques deployed, on the other hand, have been interesting to observe.

a business that cannot get past the perception of BSV being a scam is not doing its research. the BSV chain is among other things about to allow for advanced contracting and impinge on ethereum's ground. it is also obviously delivering transactional scale. is that not enough to merit attention? and what is the business plan of these businesses anyway? BTC holding counts not.


Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2015
I think "the community" can shove it. I'm fed up of wanna be do gooders telling everyone else how they should act. Maybe I've drunk to much Kraig-Aid. (or vodka ;) )
I agree, even when I'm sober.
[doublepost=1580772840][/doublepost]The browser Maxthon with over 670 million users is integrating BSV for metanet browsing and posting and a built-in wallet. This shit is taking off!
So, when business face a strong wind because bsv is considered a scam, it can only go up?
It's more like a small fart than a strong wind.
[doublepost=1580773304,1580772635][/doublepost]Bitcoin will finally be liberated in just 16 blocks:


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
haha, I think you may be right, I assumed it was the regular old cypherdoc cynicism ;p
i'm really not that clever. i really was wondering if those were 7 "legit" tx's being all non-standard. or maybe since there is no such thing as non-standard anymore, someone was legitimately testing it out.:)
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Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2015
Happy Genesis GCBU!!!
[doublepost=1580780055][/doublepost]Satoshi Nakamoto:
My thanks to all the team at nChain and the Bitcoin association and the support from CoinGeek and Mempool to get here
Once a predetermined number of coins have entered circulation, the incentive can transition entirely to transaction fees and be completely inflation free
ALL 21 million x 10^8 tokens are already created.
This is not that we issue new tokens. Ever single BitCoin that will ever exist, already exists.
The coins enter circulation, they are not created.
The coins where created when the software was released in Jan 2009.
EVERY Single one.
_provides a way to initially distribute coins into circulation_
Note, the issue is 2009. When I created BitCoin, I created every Bitcoin token that will ever exist
What the subsidy is about, is distributing the tokens to nodes that are incentivised to grow the network
In the end, none of this can prevent BSV from becoming a raging success. It's just a matter of quickly it will happen.

Not sure I understand your statement, Christoph. Businesses are facing a disadvantage but it's not fatal.
It was badly worded. I meant, if so many businessmen think it is a scam, price, adoption and all of this are surpressed by propaganda. This can't last forever, we just do and build and educate, and the scam theory will be the one facing an hard wind over time.

Happy genesis day everyone. Finally the idea for which I joined bitcoin unlimited has materialized.

Thank you @theZerg and @solex and @Peter R for paving the way. I am still very sad that you decided to not follow this path to its destination.