Gold collapsing. Bitcoin UP.


Jan 5, 2016
They certainly have painted themselves into a corner.
From here on it's a lose-lose situation.
[doublepost=1580106052][/doublepost]They can't make it voluntary because then most miners will not pay and those who do are in an economic disadvantage.

They can't retract completely because ABC has already made plans and have smelled the blood.

They can't go forward without rupturing the community.

And even if the community will stick together, this fund will be a constant battle ground for who and which project will get the money.
Okay who here also totally saw this coming, raise their hand! ;) This is how every anarchist society ends, in disarray, chaos, anonymous people pointing fingers at each other, and blaming the other. The end.
The Best Of Intentions: The Dev Tax Is Intended to Benefit Investors But Will Corrupt Us Instead by @Peter R

Good article.

This is most possibly already arranged as the advocates are convinced that they will be able to orphan others no matter their hash power.

They colluded with the exchanges when the BCH/BSV split happened.
The connections are already in place and they can use them as often as they like (I guess there is also money involved for the exchanges).

I don't see how BU matters in this discussion.
The only pool that still used BU is and they clearly are for the dev tax.
BU has become a second class citizen in BCH.
It is only good for financing writing of the BCH specification.

Peter, you are describing exactly what BSV is doing.
Please put your hate towards CSW aside and have an honest and unbiased look at BSV and its technology.
You don't have to like CSW, you don't have to talk or agree with him.
But you will see that you agree with the BSV protocol.
CSW will never let Peter live this one down though, not without a very public apology. ;) He has sued others for less. (Remember, Peter joined up with Emin in the public 'faketoshi' slander tweet storms) -- of course we remember, good BSV citizens are already digging up the screenshots which have been archived on-chain forever. -- see, THAT is intrinsic value of an immutable ledger people ;))


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
> Okay who here also totally saw this coming, raise their hand! ;) This is how every anarchist society ends, in disarray, chaos, anonymous people pointing fingers at each other, and blaming the other. The end.

Unfortunately, that's how all societies end, in the end, in Anomie, not anarchy. Anarchist societies can not end, because they can't even begin. It's an oxymoron. Anarchy is the concept before and beyond the society.
The stateless communities before the neolithic revolution, or still today somewhere in the rain forest. It's a concept that worked for a million years, until the society has been 'invented'.
Stateless communities can exist without foreign rulers. Communities in a society are governed by rulers from outside the communities (with organized violence; church and state).

There is no solidarity that naturally goes beyond one's own blood relationship. It can only be enforced. That is the basis of the society.
Those self-proclaimed anarchists represent many things, but not anarchy. They don't know what they are talking about. If you want anarchy, you have to want to overcome society, and of course these pseudo-anarchists don't want that. They want anarcho capitalism. Greatest bullshit ever.

That's what even CSW could learn from the 'Satoshi' of this discipline:
For a task of such complexity, an interdisciplinary approach is indispensable, including the following academic disciplines: * Sociobiology and sociology * Zoology and evolutionary biology * Social science *Archeology and paleoanthropology, including the evolution of the australopitheci and the several species of homo * Prehistory * Paleolithic toolculture * Paleomedicine * Paleodemography * Neolithic prehistory and the earliest dynastic history * Ethnology and the so called ethnological anthropology.
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Jan 5, 2016
@Zarathustra well I think we can agree there. I use the colloquial "anarchist" because that is how they self identify, call themselves, and the ideology that they profess to follow. I agree that in truth, anarchist society is an oxymoron, but for the purposes of illustrating how these folks are barking up the wrong tree, I'll label them as they want to be labelled, just to avoid confusion. We all know that they are all actually closet collectivists while hiding under an anarchist or libertarian cloak in order to mask their intentions and in order to avail themselves to the appeal of those audiences.


Active Member
Nov 30, 2016
CSW will never let Peter live this one down though, not without a very public apology.
That is between the two of them.
Peter can still use BSV with both holding their grudges.

Of course it would be better for BU if they could come to an agreement.
BU could have been the leading node implementation on BSV if Peter hadn't burned the bridges between BU and nChain.


Staff member
Dec 16, 2015
BU could have been the leading node implementation on BSV if Peter hadn't burned the bridges between BU and nChain.

BU is open source, there's nothing stopping SV from using its code.

I didn't see any of Connelly, Shadders or other SV coders contributing anything significant code wise to BU over the years, esp. preceding BCH creation.
Why is that?
And how does it match up with your sudden dangling carrot?

p.s. if they did, and I just missed their wonderful contributions to anything BCH-related, please, drop some verifiable links in this thread. Until then!


Active Member
Nov 30, 2016

BU is open source, there's nothing stopping SV from using its code.

I didn't see any of Connelly, Shadders or other SV coders contributing anything significant code wise to BU over the years, esp. preceding BCH creation.
Why is that?
And how does it match up with your sudden dangling carrot?

p.s. if they did, and I just missed their wonderful contributions to anything BCH-related, please, drop some verifiable links in this thread. Until then!
So much noise, anger and misinterpretation in these few lines of text.
I'm not even going to bother to answer any of your questions or provide any links.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
BU could have been the leading node implementation on BSV if Peter hadn't burned the bridges between BU and nChain.
On BCH without the splitting too.

nChain after anointing they were going to build on and contribute to BU dropped BU like a hot potato after the PR nightmare created by Peter and Craig. I wouldn't blame them for that. ABC just seemed less political.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
>Peter can still use BSV with both holding their grudges.

yeah, I'll always think @freetrader is an ignorant foul mouthed gvt troll who can't logic his way out of a small box while making unsubstantiated sweeping slanderous allegations against bsv'ers. I'll be happy to accept his groveling ass over to the BSV chain, no problem.

p.s. if they did, and I just missed their wonderful contributions to anything BCH-related, please, drop some verifiable links in this thread. Until then!
yeah, hypocrite:

so so just like you asked torus for examples of what he claimed, why don't you give us some examples of what you are talking about?


Active Member
Aug 25, 2015
The pattern seems clear as day to me. People repeatedly ignore what CSW is saying, because of who he is, and then suffering the consequences.

This is really quite astonishing because supposedly many of these people are smart, and I thought that the ability to be able to separate the message from the messenger was a pretty basic measure of intelligence.

It's gotten to the point where I'm starting to think that the whole thing is a filter designed specifically to cull people that lack basic insight. Especially when you consider some of the reading material concerning the appearance of a thing vs the true nature of a thing. (Plato's Republic)

I really do feel like bitcoin can teach so much about topics that on the face of it one would not dream are connected. If only people would set aside their ego, show some humility and open their mind to what might be out there. They would do a whole lot better doing honest work, than trying to cheat the system somehow.

Now where have I heard that concept before!?


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
i luv brain twisters.
[doublepost=1580235225][/doublepost]>The pattern seems clear as day to me.

yes, the pattern where @freetrader hits up everyone to provide links as proof but when asked to do the same for his vomit, he never answers. yet another proof point for me for the mole/forker theory.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2015
Looking for a developer & partner for a sexy side-project,

Work for company shares (49%), not salary. You will have to invest approx 1 500 EUR for 49% shares of our company. And work for free on top of that!

I will invest slightly more for my 51%. The minimum requirement investment for a new company registered in Norway is approx 3 000 EUR (30 000 NOK).

It's an honest, direct and simple business model to fill an obvious gap in the current global market.

The development work is defined and limited. Less is more. Simple for the user. Simple for the developer. It's nothing complex or fancy.

My #1 candidate would be someone like @kyuupichan , but any developer who understands that BSV is Bitcoin and the future please PM me if you are interested.