looks like my long term assumption regarding pooling based on experience is still correct. my characterization of BCH will also be considered correct long term; shitshow:
"Mining pools are not miners. Some mining pool happen to also own hashrate that they use on their own pool, we call that "self-mining". It usually amount to a fairly low percentage of the actual pool. A mining pool is a service offered to real miners, in exchange for a small fee. At no point in time are they free to act with this hashrate as if it was their own. The history of Bitcoin is littered with dead mining pool that tried to do exactly just that."
"It is even more unfair that these mining pools are not going to contribute at all. Beside BTC.TOP that has a large amount of self-mining, the other pools are NOT self-mining BCH, they will therefore NOT be affected by the tax and will not be contributing to the fund themselves."
" but it's for your own good, schleps"-Deng Xiao Ping
it's the right thing to do even if it does destroy BU and BCH. one has to remember that the ground zero problem/origin comes from
@deadalnix and his whining for money and refusal to truly scale BCH via a blocksize limit removal. it's not fixable. the fundamentals of BCH and the fundamentals of ABC philosophy have been broken ever since ABC intervened with the EDA/POW (essentially day 1) and the institution of q6mo hard forks. everything since has merely been stacking further false assumptions and mistakes upon further false assumptions and mistakes. what we're witnessing is the ultimate destruction of BCH. the non cartel big block miners have no choice but to move to the only true BitCoin (one that does not depend on or is beholden to CSW); that is, a self driven unlimited BSV with it's original design principles circa 2009 that provides a solid stable protocol for all entrepreneurs, large and small, to freely develop upon w/o fear of being forked off technically and especially economically.

[doublepost=1580144000][/doublepost]the whining to be paid is the exact whining i heard from Lukey, Greg, & Toddler starting back in 2012 and resulting/culminating in Blockstream. this is the EXACT same thing and has already had similar results, slightly different mechanism, in stalling BCH at 32MB. ossification has already set in yet the ignorant BCH fools, like
@freetrader, still somehow believe that "oh yeah, come the day when we get close to 32mb worth of tx's, we'll just lift the limit then". sure dudes, right: