Gold collapsing. Bitcoin UP.


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2015
I'm not a lawyer but I would give much more importance to a hash (000000000000000001d956714215d96ffc00e0afda4cd0a96c96f8d802b1662b) than to an article (the).
Well, that's the issue. We're not lawyers. So if this gets challenged, it ends up in court and they get to decide how it's interpreted. That's really not what you want when you're writing a license, you want clear, unambiguous language. They could easily have written "A BSV blockchain...defined as any blockchain..." but they didn't so it implies they are not intending to allow for forks. How would a court rule? I'm not going to guess.


Active Member
Feb 22, 2016
Just a question: why in 10 years there haven't been other fools claiming Bitcoin copyright if it's so easy?
There are a lot of fools in this world..
AFAIR there already has been a copyright claim for the bitcoin whitepaper in the US for years now.

Filing with false evidence is a pretty serious crime. So while it doesn't prove anything by itself, it seriously ups the ante.
What evidence?

@Norway Yep, proper research.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2015
Can I restrict how people use an Open Source licensed program?
No. The freedom to use the program for any purpose is part of the Open Source Definition. Open source licenses do not discriminate against fields of endeavor.

Can I stop "evil people" from using my program?
No. The Open Source Definition specifies that Open Source licenses may not discriminate against persons or groups. Giving everyone freedom means giving evil people freedom, too.


Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2015
This goes to @cypherdoc too:
You can whine all day about the Open SV License. It's there for a reason. To kill the copycats. All the shitcoins.

If you have a problem with it, do what you have to do. If that means whining on social media, stiff.
No I would say that he tried to confuse people with crypto bullshit.

Like he did every time he published anything since then.
I bet you never spoke against people who claimed he tried to fake a signature in this blog post. Not one single time. I did that many times.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2015
I challenge anybody claiming that this latest BSV pump was based on fake news to short BSV.

Do it!
[doublepost=1558452093][/doublepost]This Bollinger taste brilliant!
This appears to be Craig's MO. Do anything and everything possible to bolster his credibility (buckets of correspondence course degrees, plagiarizing the works of others etc) while refusing to address the core actions that would prove his claims (because he can't).
You just went full retard, @Richy_T.


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2015
This goes to @cypherdoc too:
You can whine all day about the Open SV License. It's there for a reason. To kill the copycats. All the shitcoins.
I don't care what they do. I don't care why it's there. They can do what they want. I just want people to realize that they may be participating in a project that's no longer open source.
I kinda wonder if he will short BTC then sign or just dump all 1.1M BTC/BAB.
He won't because he can't because he's not.


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2015
Filing with false evidence is a pretty serious crime. So while it doesn't prove anything by itself, it seriously ups the ante.
Hard to prove though. If the real Satoshi hasn't come forward so far, it's likely he never will. If CSW never asserts this Copyright, it's unlikely it will come to lawsuits.
You just went full retard, @Richy_T.
Stay classy, Norway.
I don't think you tell the truth. I think you care.
I mean, I guess I care a little bit. But more in the way that a man with a microscope might scrutinise the transient creatures that swarm and multiply in a drop of water.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2015
I have envisioned that miners will use closed source software in the future for a long time.

I think most of them do today. Tweaked versions of software from the open source teams.

The miners will build their node software from scratch in the future. Unless @shadders and @Otaci make software that will last for centuries (not unlikely, actually).

The important part is the Bitcoin © protocol. Bitcoin © is an economic game where honest, hardworking people (miners) are rewarded. It's not a god damn program!
Stay classy, Norway.
You did. And it's not "classy" to go full retard. It's just ignorant.
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