Gold collapsing. Bitcoin UP.


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2015
I'm surprised people are fighting and not celebrating that BSV mooned past $1000 USD the last three hours.
Given its current price level, that it's so thinly traded that the price can jump that much is hardly cause for celebration.


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2015
>Patents are a monopoly granted by the state backed by force.

and so is fiat.

bitcoin has to fight for itself in the world of fiat, patents, and lawsuits, or fizzle out.
Sure. But that's orthogonal. We can see who falls in which camp based on their actions.


Staff member
Dec 16, 2015
For a journalist you're surprisingly bad at detecting blatant spin, @Christoph Bergmann .

"Already this month, three Bitcoin Cash leaders have decided to give up on Bitcoin Unlimited"
Then they cite Tomislav. He isn't even very active in Bitcoin Cash according to his own statements, being more an investor / trader.

"A fourth BU member [Shammah] has now exited, arguing that he believes BU's Articles of Federation are not being followed the way they were intended.
I'd say that's highly inaccurate when @micropresident's argument basically is that BU's Articles are just by construction not going to lead to the outcome he wants. Side Note: @micropresident didn't attempt to change the Articles, which he could have done had he seen a divergence between how they are being followed and what they contain.

I'll let others judge the Coingeek piece on its merits. To me it's a crude hit piece against BU.


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2015
> Patents are a monopoly granted by the state backed by force.

Yes, capitalism. Backed by force. Your property is also granted by the state backed by force.
Even if ideas were property, Patents "protect" ideas which were independently derived so can actually deprive someone of their "property". That's especially likely to happen in hotbeds of development like crypto is currently experiencing.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I don't believe in corporate welfare.

Charge those aholes for your time, BU devs.
If I'd like to compete with your language level, I would write: "Your language is the language of a socialist, pseudoanarchist fulltime idiot. I hope you feel great having been leeched off by the and Bitmain aholes." But I don't.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I'll let others judge the Coingeek piece on its merits. To me it's a crude hit piece against BU.
there you go again, being highly divisive. what's funny is how you ignore all the "hit" pieces against BU prior to the Coingeek article: all 3 highly publicized resignations as well as your own support of a total membership reset to devs only (minus officers) and your re-emergence into r/btc as u/ftrader to fan the anti-BU flames.

none of your actions add up and your persistent and widespread presence in this thread since 2015 indicates that you have plenty of time to have stayed with ABC dev if you had really wanted to.

let me add all your recent action, opinions, non-sequiturs to the list here:
I know you think I've gone off the rails of conspiracy theory with @freetrader. and of course I can't be sure. but let's look at my reasoning:

he joins this thread Dec 2015. I remember it clearly. new, inexperienced coder just learning Bitcoin. he becomes mod here. hey Carl Force did it. as OP of this thread, I've always been on high alert for a TPTB conspirator infesting himself into the thread. why not? this is the longest active thread that I'm aware of in Bitcoin, except for maybe some mining threads on BCT, and maybe not even those. this IS the epicenter of the big block movement with highly intelligent contributors with experience in real business. we started BU and were promptly banned from BCT. that act made me sure that TPTB had infiltrated that forum. it makes perfect sense that an attacker, ala silk road, might try to divide Bitcoin using here as a focal point. hey, you're a threat. he sees that a big block hard fork would play well with everyone here, so he leads one Aug 2017. with replay protection which ensures a split. then he inexplicably stops contributing Dec 2017 after making a minor commit. split accomplished and dilution achieved. he said he left for other interests. really? for all the time he spends here, what could be more important than maintaining ABC? everything is going well and all big blockers are onboard at that point. furthermore, I'm not aware of a single ABC, BU, XT or major BTC core dev that has bothered to retain their anonymity despite early day attempts to vigorously defend it. why should they feel a need to? Bitcoin's legal, devving's legal, famous people own it . the problem with revealing your identity as a Bitcoin dev is that certainly people will look into your past. maybe he left early because he didn't want that to happen and the split was well underway? and then his rather vicious attacks started on CSW last summer fall who had decided to "really" return Bitcoin to its original vision with no limit in the future. I'm sure that's made alot of TPTB very unhappy. btw, there's no way I believe @freetrader is only now beginning to post on r/btc again as u/ftrader given how frequently he posts here and how vocally against CSW he has been. u/Zectro anyone? also, look at the way he responds to questions. evasive as hell as well as arrogant and pedantic which in my experience I get when people are trying to hide something. if someone asks you when was the last time you made a "commit", would you give them a date for something you just stored on your private server? no. clearly I was asking about a public commit to either the ABC or BU repo. and I stand by the fact that he knew I was inquiring about ABC since I've brought up questions about his early ABC termination in the past with him and the context of the reddit thread discussion. so, imo, he lies to me with March 22 to get me off his back not thinking I'd look into it. so instead of clarifying what still could be my mistake with an immediate concise explanation, he decides to play with me with hashes and words like "infrastructure" and send me digging into both the ABC and BU repos looking for his commits. I have to call him a liar before he admits its a private repo. who does that? one of the strengths of this thread that I've always pushed in my own way is for everyone to be frank, honest, helpful, and to the point. we pretty much live up to that. he is none of these, at least with me. so yeah, just like many of the other trolls/infiltrators into this thread of the past, I will continue to get in his face because of his behavior and past suspicious actions.
and as for the rest of you, be honest with yourselves, this is the kind of truth/drama that keeps bringing you back here so stayed tuned! I laugh at the @imaginary_username's of the world who will be right back here with you. you can't help yourselves :)

finally if I'm wrong, I apologize. but now you know the reasons why I'm suspicious, valid or not. but of everyone in here, he's the guy.


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2015
That's the most ridiculous thing you've written so far I think. Where was the state when Ug wanted Og's rock and Og told him to go pound regolith?


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
At least the BSV lead devs are still here with us in the BU thread, while your ABC dev buddies are shitting on us.
you and i both see @deadalnix check in here from time to time to monitor what's happening :)


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2015
the raw tx data that comprises/backs the txid's has no timestamp of its own?
It absolutely does not. The only timestamp in a block is on the block itself. Other than that dependent transactions are required to be in order of fulfilment, there is no requirement on the order with TTOR either (as implemented in BTC).
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Aug 28, 2015


Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2015
I don't see how that's "twisted" given your appeal:

Those things are not in alignment with the current Articles. Which is why I suggest you should open a BUIP if you want BU to function other than it does.
Everyone can see that I didn't suggest to exlude existing members like you said. You're making a fool of yourself with your lies.
For a journalist you're surprisingly bad at detecting blatant spin, @Christoph Bergmann .
I have a very good sense for spins. It is on high alarms with your posts.

Then they cite Tomislav. He isn't even very active in Bitcoin Cash according to his own statements, being more an investor / trader.
Hei, Todu is one the most active and toxic propagandist right now on r/btc. I excuse CoinGeek for not having asked you about his role but going for public publicity.

I'd say that's highly inaccurate when @micropresident's argument basically is that BU's Articles are just by construction not going to lead to the outcome he wants. Side Note: @micropresident didn't attempt to change the Articles, which he could have done had he seen a divergence between how they are being followed and what they contain.
Oh, wow, a semantic difference makes a slander for you. How easy the world is when you know your enemy.

I'll let others judge the Coingeek piece on its merits. To me it's a crude hit piece against BU.
BU is under attack, but not by Coingeek. Given that Coingeek is obviously for PR and not journalism, this article is surprisingly accurate.
Everyone can see that I didn't suggest to exlude existing members like you said. You're making a fool of yourself with your lies.
The really suspicous thing with freetrader is that he acts completely calm. He is not angry, he does not doubt, he does not reason to arguments, he has zero gray zone, and is absolutely consequent in his manoevres. From a user which spreads so much hate and disgust against a certain project, you would expect him to be full of anger and bitterness, like todu on reddit or the gallore of (volontary) core trolls. But he just seems to straightly do his duty.

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