I have spot checked a few of his patents and have not found novel innovations. For example, I just clicked your link and downloaded the first patent. In it is the following:
[0139] The present disclosure relates to controlling performance of a contract by providing that the contract (e.g. license) remains in effect as long as there is a valid unspent transaction output (UTXO) on the blockchain representing the contract.
The earliest foreign filing (for priority) was Apr 29, 2016 (see the first page).
But the idea of controlling a rental or other contract (called "smart property") was a well known concept back in 2012. A quick google search yields an article from 2013:
One can even design smart property – for example, a car’s electronic key so that when and only when a payment is made by the car buyer to the seller, the seller’s car key stops working and the buyer’s car key (or mobile phone) starts the car. Imagine your self-driving car negotiating traffic, paying fractional bitcoin to neighboring cars in exchange for priority."
The Bitcoin wiki entry claims the idea was invented in 1994:
Therefore, this patent seems to be a rehash of a well known concept.