Gold collapsing. Bitcoin UP.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
bwahahahahahahaha. from that you infer he's specifically claiming to be a US lawyer? are you kidding me? yes, since he's Aussie and living in London, and if you bothered to read my copy/paste link from my post above, it's highly likely he's completing his Master's in Law in the UK where he is currently residing and where the definition is much more nuanced than here in the US:

United Kingdom:

An LL.M course can therefore sometimes be a choice comparable to an MBA or an accountancy degree, acting as a supplementary discipline intended for career enhancement. So, for example, an engineer working extensively with matters such as intellectual property (patents, etc.) may seek broader knowledge and recognition by pursuing an LL.M.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Back to discussing people again sigh ...

I understand your scepticism, it's healthy, but at a certain point, focusing on one small point and ignoring all else, makes it look like you've not bothered to do any real research, and as for quoting buttcoiner jstolfi hearsay, I don't see how that adds anything to your case?

Just look at the propaganda war that was waged on Bitcoin for the last 5 years. Is it so hard to believe that a massive disinformation campaign has also been targeted on 'bitcoins creator' ?
Maxwell was good at that one, u/contrarian rages on to this day.

Great couple of posts from ZB here, if you're having issues with separating preconceptions and bias. He is or he isn't ? "This is not how provisional reasoning is done. You assume A is true, then suss out all the implications. Then you assume A is false, and suss out all the implications"

A decent curated twitter thread of facts here is a good starting point.
GIAC qualifications, SANS cyberguardian, and relevant to recent posts, LLM international commercial law.
So equivocating over a twitter post where he may or may not have used the term Lawyer to your satisfaction, is pointless. What I find bizzare is your need to even discuss it? If the guy isn't Satoshi you should be over the moon at recent comments to the US CFTC, because clearly he's spent the last 10 years fabricating evidence in some mad long con, only to throw it all away, and purger himself in the most spectacular way possible. (-‸ლ)

If in doubt, I use Occam's razor.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
so yes, the exact details and proof should be forthcoming but CSW has been visiting Oxford and Cambridge. at 12:00:

Back to discussing people again sigh ...

I understand your scepticism, it's healthy, but at a certain point, focusing on one small point and ignoring all else, makes it look like you've not bothered to do any real research, and as for quoting buttcoiner jstolfi hearsay, I don't see how that adds anything to your case?

Just look at the propaganda war that was waged on Bitcoin for the last 5 years. Is it so hard to believe that a massive disinformation campaign has also been targeted on 'bitcoins creator' ?
Maxwell was good at that one, u/contrarian rages on to this day.

Great couple of posts from ZB here, if you're having issues with separating preconceptions and bias. He is or he isn't ? "This is not how provisional reasoning is done. You assume A is true, then suss out all the implications. Then you assume A is false, and suss out all the implications"

A decent curated twitter thread of facts here is a good starting point.
GIAC qualifications, SANS cyberguardian, and relevant to recent posts, LLM international commercial law.
So equivocating over a twitter post where he may or may not have used the term Lawyer to your satisfaction, is pointless. What I find bizzare is your need to even discuss it? If the guy isn't Satoshi you should be over the moon at recent comments to the US CFTC, because clearly he's spent the last 10 years fabricating evidence in some mad long con, only to throw it all away, and purger himself in the most spectacular way possible. (-‸ლ)

If in doubt, I use Occam's razor.
yeah, exactly this, thank you.

I mean the stack of unproven cons is so high now, even i forget the most delicious opportunity for the trolls ; a sworn statement to the CFTC with a balls to the walls bet to testify/con under oath in front a governmental panel.

@freetrader should be shitting his pants.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
1. wormhole rekt
2. jihan rekt
3. BSV diverging?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
this looks terrible:

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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
New thread?

imo it doesn't make much sense to leave the field to lunacy.
Proof of work. Everybody is free to compete with Cypherdoc's thread. It seems you are the last BU-BCH representant who is fighting for his chain, while all your buddies prefer to capitulate/hide/disappear, with an avalanche into nirvana.
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Toomim jumping ship. Funny how so many key BABies have disappeared, gone bankrupt, or just become depressed/angry?


Starting to realise you backed the wrong Satoshi yet? Still 0.5 BCH/BSV, it's not too late to double your coins.
Yeah, this was just like... Fuck you. We wanted ctor so badly that we split big block bitcoin about it, but now, who cares? I lost interest. What is this? Children party? No responsibility for the returns of an action, stamping on the floor until you get what you want, then throwing away. The act to succeed in getting from others what you want is the goal, not having or using it. That's a habit most people get over with five or six years...


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
at least @jtoomim left after considerable doses of well deserved abuse. what's @freetrader's excuse?


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Back to discussing people again sigh ...

I understand your scepticism, it's healthy, but at a certain point, focusing on one small point and ignoring all else, makes it look like you've not bothered to do any real research, and as for quoting buttcoiner jstolfi hearsay, I don't see how that adds anything to your case?

Just look at the propaganda war that was waged on Bitcoin for the last 5 years. Is it so hard to believe that a massive disinformation campaign has also been targeted on 'bitcoins creator' ?
Maxwell was good at that one, u/contrarian rages on to this day.

Great couple of posts from ZB here, if you're having issues with separating preconceptions and bias. He is or he isn't ? "This is not how provisional reasoning is done. You assume A is true, then suss out all the implications. Then you assume A is false, and suss out all the implications"

A decent curated twitter thread of facts here is a good starting point.
GIAC qualifications, SANS cyberguardian, and relevant to recent posts, LLM international commercial law.
So equivocating over a twitter post where he may or may not have used the term Lawyer to your satisfaction, is pointless. What I find bizzare is your need to even discuss it? If the guy isn't Satoshi you should be over the moon at recent comments to the US CFTC, because clearly he's spent the last 10 years fabricating evidence in some mad long con, only to throw it all away, and purger himself in the most spectacular way possible. (-‸ლ)

If in doubt, I use Occam's razor.
damn, @lunar is way ahead of me. he already is a "lawyer" in the UK, since 2008:


Peter R

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015

Website still dead?
The website is working fine for me.

Ledger is still chugging along publishing papers. In fact, we have just now published enough papers to apply for "indexing" by the main academic literature collections: Scopus, and Thomson Reuters' Web of Science. The University of Pittsburgh is currently assisting Ledger in the process of becoming an indexed academic journal. Getting "indexed" is a significant milestone for an academic journal. To read more about indexing, Scopus, and Web of Science, see this article:

Articles in Ledger also receive an impressive number of citations for a small new journal. These are some stats I assembled last spring. The number of citations has no-doubt grown since then:

Ledger hasn't been without disappointment for me either. When @chriswilmer and I had the idea for the journal, I imagined it as a more formal outlet to disseminate the awesome work being done at the forefront of bitcoin development. Rather than notes scattered around github, mailing lists, and forum posts, the important information could be assembled into self-contained and peer-reviewed articles. This would both help the people doing the work to stay organized, and help people new to the field to catch up quickly.

I imagined the journal filled with concise technical papers like the Satoshi white paper. What I found instead it that we mostly get papers from the academic community rather than the people doing (IMO) most of the R&D, and almost never on the topics that I think need papers on the most! The problem that I had hoped to solve -- that the awesome work being done at the forefront of bitcoin development was rarely written up in a peer-reviewed outlet -- has remained unsolved!

Reading N. Taleb, I don't think this is surprising. Discoveries are normally made by the tinkerers and then written up and formalized by the academics, rather than vice versa. The tinkerers are too busy tinkering and making progress to take the time to write polished cohesive articles framed in a scholarly context.

I'm guilty of this myself. In 2015, when I first became heavily involved in bitcoin, I wrote two papers: "A Transaction Fee Market Exists Without a Block Size Limit," and "Subchains." But then I got even busier actually doing work, running experiments, speaking at technical conferences, helping with projects that I never got around to writing complete papers anymore! I would have loved to have written up BU's work on Xthin as a journal article, BU's work on the Gigablock Testnet, my investigation into SPV, and my research on instant transaction double spending. But alas I did not.

I have no idea how to solve the problem of getting all the important stuff in bitcoin development written up.
Last edited:


Staff member
Dec 16, 2015
Exactly the point I was trying to make, @Richy_T , thanks for bringing it home with that great explainer page.

I'm also an "engineer" in the UK, and you can be too (if you aren't already).

So if someone claims to be an engineer in the UK, it carries no special significance.
The titles that do are the professional engineering titles:

However, the professional titles of Engineering Technician (EngTech), Incorporated Engineer IEng), Chartered Engineer (CEng) and ICT Technician (ICTTech) may only be used by those who have been granted these titles through registration with the Engineering Council.

These titles attest to the professional competence of their holders and their commitment to professional ethics and practice. They are only awarded to those who can demonstrate, through a process of peer assessment, that they meet the required standards


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
By putting lawyer in quotes do you mean "Not a Lawyer"? Since I don't think spending 15000UKP and a year of study qualifies you to practice law.
CSW isn't claiming to want to "practice" law in the traditional sense afaict. to my mind that would involve wanting to service clients in legal matters. I'm sure he's using the term exactly in the way of the wiki definition I've provided. in fact, he's legally bound to do so; as an engineer with many patents wanting to have an in depth understanding of obtaining, executing, and protecting those patents. do you disagree?
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Active Member
Aug 31, 2015
the plan is to get bitcoin to pass the legal gauntlet...

I reaffirm my statement that the percieved credibility of craig wright hinges on ones opinion of patents (BCH,BTC) and/or 'centralization'(BTC), and is seldom related to the actual subject matter on hand.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
if I had a dollar for all the times I've gotten annoyed by people around me claiming to be a doctor only to find out they're "just" a philosopher, PA, or some optician sort, I'd be a wreck (but rich) , just like @freetrader, obsessing over trivialities like this. it was a tweet furchrissakes; it's your Twitter duty to be pithy, over the top (the guy actually has an LLM) , and rude. get over it.
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