Gold collapsing. Bitcoin UP.


Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2015
@lunar i would think that all the economically interesting transaction capabilities can be expressed in extended script whether or not the result in that pre-print is made sharp. the danger is that the system may not survive long enough for those capabilities to be developed. the question is whether the academic posturing helps to move the system forward.

i thought it did not but i found some non-obvious thoughts to the contrary in daniel krawisz's last video.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Buying HP to cast your vote.. I do not see a problem with that. Time for the honest pools to step up and mine for a loss for a while if they want to defend BCH against a 51 % attack :)
Yes, those super honest miners who mine the chain of that censored North Corean project should step up for a short while to defeat those dishonest miners who mine Bitcoin Cash exclusively. #orwell
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
i thought it did not but i found some non-obvious thoughts to the contrary in daniel krawisz's
Thanks for that DK link.

Going to post it again, so it shows up here properly, it's far too good to miss. Daniel has an exceptionally eloquent way of playing with, and describing human psychology.

I still find it baffling that people don't get this tactic he's using. It was punch in the face, blatantly obvious to me from the moment he stepped on the stage at Arnhem, and there have been more and more breadcrumbs ever since. There was even a Danneskjöld avatar at one point.

"If you don’t believe me or don’t get it, I don’t have time to try to convince you, sorry."

...but you could do worse than reading Atlas Shrugged, to learn more about rational selfishness and objectivism.
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Active Member
Sep 21, 2015
I haven't had much time to post over the past year, and for that I apologize.

I am shocked and appalled by people defending Craig and nChain in this forum. Even the plagiarism issue (which, is blatant plagiarism by the way) is a distraction... if you read anything that Craig writes it's painfully obvious he has no idea how Bitcoin works. It's nonsensical technobabble. He's lying. We don't know what his agenda is, but everybody should stay far away from anything he or nChain does.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I am shocked and appalled by people defending Musk and Tesla in those forums. It's nonsensical technobabble. He's lying. We don't know what his agenda is, but everybody should stay far away from anything he or Tesla does. Or Jobs and Apple.

Until recently, all of us have been in love with Daniel Krawisz. He bamboozled all of us. Now we are shocked. We the people are shocked how the real capitalist reality works, lol.

Nakamoto consensus perverted. A majority of the Bitcoin Cash 'community' supports the miners of the censored North Corean non-cash chain while vilifying the Bitcoin Cash miners. At the same time they are giving lessons in ethics.
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Active Member
Feb 22, 2016
Yes, those super honest miners who mine the chain of that censored North Corean project should step up for a short while to defeat those dishonest miners who mine Bitcoin Cash exclusively. #orwell
What is dishonest about mining Bitcoin Core? (Making a profit)

"If you don’t believe me or don’t get it, I don’t have time to try to convince you, sorry."
People got Bitcoin, people understand the whitepaper. Nobody understands the insane bullshit of CSW because it is nonsense. Honestly, it is shocking to see that people use a "we all are too stupid for his genius" defense for him.. /r/bitcoin levels of servility and ignorance.

I am shocked and appalled by people defending Musk and Tesla in those forums.
Musk and his companies built and are building multiple successful products and created new and interesting technologies. Musk isn't releasing bullshit (!!!) papers where he is even too stupid to cover the tracks of his plagiarism.

Nakamoto consensus perverted. A majority of the Bitcoin Cash 'community' supports the miners of the censored North Corean non-cash chain while vilifying the Bitcoin Cash miners. At the same time they are giving lessons in ethics.
Miners are mining for a profit. I don't know what coingeek/nchains long term plan is, but patenting everything left and right around "blockchain" should be a huge red flag even for you.

When the "evil" miners show up around the 15th and defend BCH against a 51 % attack from coingeek, are they good miners from your PoV then or not? :)


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
> What is dishonest about mining Bitcoin Core? (Making a profit)

Nothing. It's super honest to deal with the North Coreans and the Saudis. (Making a profit)

> Musk and his companies built and are building multiple successful products and created new and interesting technologies.

CSW and his companies are building multiple successful products and funded new and interesting technologies.

> Miners are mining for a profit. I don't know what coingeek/nchains long term plan is, but patenting everything left and right around "blockchain" should be a huge red flag even for you.

Leaving all potential patents to the banking industry is also a red flag 'even for me'.
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Active Member
Sep 21, 2015
I am shocked and appalled by people defending Musk and Tesla in those forums. It's nonsensical technobabble. He's lying. We don't know what his agenda is, but everybody should stay far away from anything he or Tesla does. Or Jobs and Apple.
That comparison makes no sense. Steve Jobs and Elon Musk are coherent. Their ideas were always technically sound and they had a lot to show for their work, and they were honest. Totally the opposite of Craig and nChain.


Active Member
Sep 21, 2015
@Norway: I agree that there probably shouldn't be a blocksize limit at all, and although CTOR makes sense it's odd to enforce it at the protocol level. That being said, I thought the arguments in favor of enforcing CTOR were reasonable (there are many aspects of Bitcoin that are just baked into the protocol and not market driven, like the SHA256 hash function and other data structures). I'd probably prefer a default blocksize of 128 MB to 32 MB.

That being said, I still think everyone should stay FAR away from nChain. Just because they proposed something reasonable (a 128 MB blocksize limit) doesn't mean anybody should use a client they created. The folks at nChain know what we want to hear. Just like Blockstream, they are good at social engineering and collecting followers, but their end game is just to stall progress and push out the good people.

For a larger block size limit, we should focus our efforts on convincing miners + developers that raising the blocksize limit much higher should be a priority. Even a 32 MB limit will be a crippling handicap someday, and we need to remove that limit as soon as possible.


Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2015


Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2015
Should be ok if they just make the protocol rock solid. Nobody controls bitcoin. I'm not terrified.
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Active Member
Sep 21, 2015
@Norway: You weren't bothered by Blockstream getting the miners to promise not to increase the blocksize in the infamous Hong Kong agreement? nChain is going to try to do the same thing (in some other form).
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Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2015
Yes, I was bothered by Blockstream getting the miners to promise not to increase the blocksize in the infamous Hong Kong agreement.

But nChain has a good strategy for BCH in my opinion. I was positive to OP_CHECKDATASIG until I started to investigate the need for this OP-code myself and discovered that the new features advertised can be done with the current script protocol. I'd like to get some feedback from BU devs on this, but so far it's just crickets gallore on that front.

nChain is proposing a more conservative approach to the protocol (not the scaling) and I can't see how this is negative the way Blockstream choked the tx capacity.


Active Member
Sep 21, 2015
"But nChain has a good strategy for BCH in my opinion."

@Norway : No no no... nChain has a good *stated* strategy. The *publicly stated* strategy is perfectly fine. But if you have caught Craig et al. repeatedly lying, you cannot possibly be so naive as to assume that this time they are telling the truth.

Recall that Blockstream did not arrive on the scene in 2013/2014 saying "hey we want to choke the Bitcoin tx capacity"... they announced lots of initiatives and we were all cheering them on. But they were lying. They were being manipulative.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
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