Hell, I'll chip in with 1 BCH myself, taking the same side as Lunar if anybody wants to do a counter bet. Not because I know what will happen, but because I want to double my happiness if the conservative and protocol freeze side wins. Making it a 2 X win or 2 X lose bet for me. (My spiritual guru adviced against this and said I should seek balance in my life.)
Funny bets aside, I see the problems with an evolving protocol on my current project Ka-ching (inspired by
@Peter R 's awesome SigSafe).
We are working on the Java Card platform, and every expert tells us that this doesn't work. Many have tried and failed at this. Among others, the french company Ledger tried and failed. But their failed code have given us much. We stand on the shoulders of giants. We have basically cracked it. Canonical transaction signatures that was introduced by ABC simultanously as the difficulty adjustment algorithm gave us problems (high vs low S value), but we solved them with work and dirty hacks.
And when I finally started to verify myself, I discovered that OP_CHECKDATASIG is not necessary for the oracle services that
@theZerg envisioned at all.
ABC, who "accepted"
@theZerg 's proposal had to change it, because it was Not Invented Here. But they accepted it after redesign with their fingerprint on it and maybe some other tradeoffs, not sure what they would be. Hopefully related to canonical tx ordering and not a limit to the max blocksize.
ABC give 2 reasons for OP_CHECKDATASIG in their roadmap. One is
@theZerg 's initial reason, oracle bets. My company has proven that this can be done without OP_CHECKDATASIG.
The other reason is cross chain atomic swaps. This is very interesting, because cross chain atomic swaps can be done with hash locks and time locks. We can do it today. OP_CHECKDATASIG is not needed at all.
Unless the other chain demands it. I have not checked, but I think ETH can do both hashlocks and time locks. I don't know if Monero/Zcash can do it. Or if Wormhole depends on OP_CHECKDATASIG to do atomic swaps against BCH.
To be honest, I think OP_CHECKDATASIG was a bad but well intended idea from
@theZerg, and it became a political trade item.
I think the devs on most clients underestimate people's ability to build creative solutions around a rock solid protocol and create new problems when they try to change it. (0-conf is not a problem for ATM operators!)
This is why I think nChain has the best approach.
I'm embarrassed to admit I've never made a 2 of 3 transaction. Is it appropriate to talk about it in public
LOL, I never did it myself! But I think the Copay mobile app makes it simple