Gold collapsing. Bitcoin UP.


Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2015
I wonder what the best brains in Bitcoin Unlimited think about BUIP 101.

We are days away from the voting.

The BUIP is outrageous. 10 terabyte blocks? ARE YOU INSANE???

Please step back. Cool down. Get a perspective of what's at stake and what humans can achieve.

This thread is epic. It's the place where people think for themselves.

So, I want to hear what @sickpig, @Peter Tschipper , @theZerg @Peter R @solex and the rest of you think about setting the default value to 10 terabyte.

It's been very quiet after i put the issue up for vote.

Raise your voice.

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Nov 26, 2017
Better yet, let's not bother making any progress at all. That way, we will never have to worry about annoying anybody by changing rules or code. /s
This statement of yours sums up the spirit of your argument from my perspective.

It makes sense to exhaust all non-consensus altering optimizations BEFORE changing the consensus rules for a singular optimization.
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Sep 17, 2017
I wonder what the best brains in Bitcoin Unlimited think about BUIP 101.

We are days away from the voting.

The BUIP is outrageous. 10 terabyte blocks? ARE YOU INSANE???

Please step back. Cool down. Get a perspective of what's at stake and what humans can achieve.

This thread is epic. It's the place where people think for themselves.

So, I want to hear what @sickpig, @Peter Tschipper , @theZerg @Peter R @solex and the rest of you think about setting the default value to 10 terabyte.

It's been very quiet after i put the issue up for vote.

Raise your voice.

Cool, but gold is still in BEAR MARKET along with Bitcoin. Only thing in bull is Stock Market right now.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015

really? i had no idea. censorship on r/btc?

maybe it was b/c i called out /u/Anoniminer:

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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
@AdrianX ok, i checked with BitcoinXio as to the reason why it got censored; i probably deserved it. i got a bit upset when /u/Anoniminer disappeared after promising to admit he was wrong if i went to the trouble of digging up proof. during the heat of composing that thread to call him out, i called all the core trolls a bunch of "faggots" for pulling that kinda stuff when proven wrong. hey, i'm passionate, not to mention honest, about this stuff; they ARE faggots, lol :p

note: he only showed up to respond in the thread that i posted above after i called him out in my censored thread. IOW, he would have disappeared w/o an admission.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2015
Developers of BCH never got rid of the bueraucratic/tech power Core had telling miners what is safe and what is not safe.

Let the pools compete. Don't let laggards hold bitcoin back.

BUIP 101 is giving the people investing the responsibility of their own business.

I hope BCH devs can let go of this definition power and leave it to the market.

Let it go.



Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015

Developers of BCH never got rid of the bueraucratic/tech power Core had telling miners what is safe and what is not safe.

Let the pools compete. Don't let laggards hold bitcoin back.


Interesting comments by Steve @shadders on that thread:

Bitcoin cash needs to scale fast and the paternal approach of saving people from their own mistakes removes the urgency of this development imperative. One important thing to remember is that no one can mine a block that they can't mine. And if they do mine it it means everyone else could have mined it and should be able to validate it. Creating a block is a harder problem that validating one.

Another explosive comment: :sneaky:

ABC have made it clear that they do not believe miner's have the governance role explained in the whitepaper. They are calling on the argument that it is users that decide, the very same arguments used to justify UASF which ironically was the trigger for Bitcoin Cash's birth in the first place.

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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
In this article we show how arbitrary messages can be signed and verified directly in Bitcoin Cash script without introducing new opcodes (such as the proposed OP_CHECKDATASIG (also known as OP_DATASIGVERIFY)). By utilising the simple algebraic structure of Rabin signatures, any piece of data placed in a transaction can be signed – even if it originates from outside the Bitcoin Cash blockchain.

The existentially unforgeable property of the solution allows extra functionality to be added
to the Bitcoin Cash platform without compromising the security of the network, nor changing
the core protocol itself


Active Member
Aug 31, 2015
In this article we show how arbitrary messages can be signed and verified directly in Bitcoin Cash script without introducing new opcodes (such as the proposed OP_CHECKDATASIG (also known as OP_DATASIGVERIFY)). By utilising the simple algebraic structure of Rabin signatures, any piece of data placed in a transaction can be signed – even if it originates from outside the Bitcoin Cash blockchain.
ok wait... are you saying craig wants to cash in on those rabin sigs (has patents on it?) and that's why he so fiercly fights introduction of those opcodes making his invention obsolete?


Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2015
nope. from the article (p. 2): "We will continue to develop this solution using Rabin signatures, and will seek to collaborate with others on this work. nChain does not intend to seek patent protection for its work on this solution; instead, nChain will publish its work in this area for public review and usage."


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I'd like to know why you persist pushing your "runaway centralization" theory to the community as fact when 1) we've never seen bloat blocks executed in practice in BTC OR BCH 2) empirical data shows creeping increases from 2009-2015 and even today 3) I've given you a perfectly rational game theoretic explanation as to why it hasn't happened. perhaps you could have not started off the article with the "large miner vs small miner" politics i think some of us have already rejected?

Btw, I'm very appreciative of the great data collection and analysis work you do. it's epic. but like many quants I've observed from afar in the past, i think your interpretations and reasoning about what it means is lacking.
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