Gold collapsing. Bitcoin UP.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
wow touched on 50% BTC price.

I had a big ask in at 0.2 but Fuck me I missed it at 0.2008 and then the train left the station. I'll save it for the correction tomorrow or before difficulty adjusts.

I'm sorry this is such a shitpost but what can you even say to that candle.

That's not a candle, he said to the girl blushing next to him.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Oh well off to bed way too much to drink it was a wild night, I'm going to wake up in the morning with a hangover and Fuck I hope I don't wake up embarrassed about what just happened.

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Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2015
@Justus Ranvier : Agreed. Just poking fun at the abysmal ghetto Lambo memes. I am quite sure now that if I ever become a really 'rich BCH', I'll skip the Lambo and stuff and live a simple but free life. I am not a true minimalist, but certainly also not too much into luxuries.

I also think this is an aspect here: People who've been through the past years have grown a high frustration and pain tolerance. But exactly those folks are moving to BCH now. They're the ones keeping the price up. Of the coin that they own.


Active Member
Feb 22, 2016
So, slush really is retarded.

I mean, come on, wtf? Either he is trolling for core or he is so entangled in core propaganda that he actually believes the "centralized shitcoin" bullshit.

And if you sold all your Bitcoin cash for a few bucks you are rightfully angry... But this is so disgusting and low..

If anybody is a scumbag it's you George. You can disagree with Falkvinge on his political ideas (btw, he makes very good points about this sensitive issue) but this is just ugly. On the good side, shows his fear...

Justus Ranvier

Active Member
Aug 28, 2015
he makes very good points about this sensitive issue
He does, but those points are esoteric and easy to misconstrue.

I would have made that case as a two part plan:

* Decriminalization mere possession of child abuse images for the reasons he outlined
* Enact the death penalty for the production of those images (or for that matter any form of sexual molestation of children)

It's always better to go after the source of problems rather than attack the symptoms anyway.

Justus Ranvier

Active Member
Aug 28, 2015
Right now in Venezuela theft on the street (burglary, pick-pocketing, shoplifting, etc) has become a de-facto capital crime because thieves who get caught are spontaneously set upon by bystanders and killed on the spot.

This societal change was not centrally ordered or organized - it arose spontaneously and instinctively once the resource situation became sufficiently dire that shoplifting became tantamount to attempted murder. It also used to be a capital crime to steal horses in the American West, for the same reason (survival without your horse was unlikely).

So it seems to me that capital punishment is an instinct produced by natural selection that acts as a societal immune system. A society that abandons it completely is immunocompromised and won't survive very long.

Absolutely the decision making process for enacting it should be as error-free as possible, which is the traditional argument for leaving it to the government (a theoretically neutral, objective third party).

Of course the government can also be corrupted and introduce error in the process in the form of false positives and false negatives, but that process can only continue until the situation becomes intolerable to the point that the population spontaneously reclaims that authority as they have in Venezuela.

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