can someone explain how a 20GB/yr blockchain before any major usage is anything that can be run in a decentralized way? I know, sharding, but if using shards what happens when a dapp intentionally uses data across all shards
also last I checked ripple uses 5 validator nodes, all corporate ripple nodes. This is a feature though, since it allows them to make whatever change to the ledger that is needed. historically it was to patch up problems with consensus, I am sure they would never abuse it (let's not count when they simply froze Jeb's accounts)
The bitcoin core devs might be doing the bidding of their corporate masters, but bitcoin protocol is the only one that can be made lightweight enough for mass market use. And there is at least one independent bitcoin core being developed, specifically for mass market use. I do not see how it is even possible to make a non-SPV version of ETH for mass market use and that path with inevitably lead to KYC and essentially a duplication of the current system, just where cash is replaced by fully trackable tx.
Since getting any bitcoin replacement to be adopted is a practical problem, I will be updating bitcoindark with iguana during this year. Then people can see how it is possible to have a bitcoin protocol for the mass market and that should help sway people away from the corporate bitcoin.
If you like my iguana work and want to support me, just buy 1 BTC of bitcoindark. It is not a very liquid market and has a micro-marketcap as I havent done any marketing for it, yet. Please dont buy crazy amounts, just 1BTC will be enough. It is using PoS and not a PoW coin, but 99% of the PoS/PoW coins are the same. Also I have a proposal to allow any weak chain to inherit some of BTC's security, which will also justify to the world the reason BTC is burning so much electricity, ie it is the heart of all crypto and the security BTC gets from this expenditure is utilized by all the other cryptos.
My plan is to demonstrate things with bitcoindark and then this will make many of the fear and doubt about scalability go away. Instead of debating endlessly of what should be done and how, etc. I will just code something up that demonstrates it. Then if the community likes it, it will get adopted. I am pretty sure I will need to add features in to maximize revenues for miners.
[doublepost=1457705548][/doublepost]centralizing all crypto in the largest and fastest growing blockchain ever is probably not a practical thing. I cant see anyway that ETH blockchain can be delivered to the mass market, so that makes it DOA for mass market decentralized use. However, if a KYC'ed SPV solution is fine, then sure, virtualize everything as it will make it most convenient for the authorities.
Also, can anybody tell me a single Dapp that cannot be created on top of bitcoin? I cannot think of any. using ETH is like using DB for bitcoin. Probably a good way to get a proof of concept implementation, but a general purpose solution rarely if ever outperforms a custom one.
It is like CPU mining vs ASIC mining. If you are not sure what you want to do, use CPU so you can change it. If you know what you want to do, make an ASIC. So ETH is going backwards from a custom solution that bitcoin is to a general. However, I made decentralized poker proof of concept and it builds on top of bitcoin and by optimizing everything, it will be the most efficient decentralized poker implementation possible.
General purpose things are good for early stage things or when performance is not an issue. Custom made things are good when you want mass market.
I claim it is possible to create ANY Dapp on top of bitcoin that ETH can create and the result will be more efficient and lightweight and even mass market possible. So dont let the current chaos with the existing bitcoin devs get you depressed.
There is a new dev in town
Now that Adam Back and his ilk have succeeded in capturing Bitcoin as their personal fiefdom regardless of the caliber of their decision-making,
Can you explain how an open protocol can be captured? With a significantly better tech that has no financial negatives for miners, I would think we can free bitcoin from captivity