>To be completely fair to any other people who want to run for secretary, I do not think I should give anyone commit or website access yet.
That's definitely fair. I might choose to run for a position.
>However, the hard part here was installing and configuring the web server, reviewing your site, and giving up on the idea of separating content from display

(an issue that I think will plague us until we fix it -- but more important to "get it done" right now).
Are you open to using Node.js /
Express.js to serve the site content? If so, I could refactor the project a bit to use a simpler template language such as
Jade. Then, I can also start to separate the content out from the display. I could put the data into separate JSON files for very easy modification, and the server would pull data from these JSON files to populate the templates.
Using Node.js has some other benefits, too. Tests for a website are probably low priority right now, but it would be very easy to add functional and unit tests to a Node.js project. We could also use
Bower to manage front end dependencies such as Bootstrap. Right now, Bootstrap is actually committed into the project. With Bower, we could add it as a dependency in a bower.json file and install/update it locally without needing to commit dependencies to the project on GitHub.
>At this point it takes me literally 30 seconds to update the site. I just log in and run "git pull". So you'll get web updates a lot sooner.
Once again, a Node.js project would make this even simpler yet

- I could put together a script with a webhook from GitHub to automatically pull merged changes to the project, reinstall dependencies, and restart the server.
Another side note, have you considered adding SSL to the site? It's really easy and fairly cheap to do. We could set the Node.js server to serve on a port such as 8080, and have
nginx serve redirects on port 80 and proxy/encrypt from port 8080 on port 443.