Bitcoin Unlimited - Visual Identity


Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2015
@AdrianX: That is a very good idea. The testnet client should have 'testnet' written all over it.
Too easy for some to risk real coins by dev'ving while too tired or something...
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New Member
Aug 23, 2015
Is it too late to offer an alternative set of BU graphics? These graphic head straight down the wrong direction XT did, why change the B symbol so radically by adding in so many colours yellows, flesh tones, drop shadows glare effects? We want the whole branding to look completely familiar to core not this completely unnecessary divergence.
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Peter R

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Is it too late to offer an alternative set of BU graphics? These graphic head straight down the wrong direction XT did, why change the B symbol so radically by adding in so many colours yellows, flesh tones, drop shadows glare effects? We want the whole branding to look completely familiar to core not this completely unnecessary divergence.
When I see them aligned like this, BU just appears as a refined version of the original Bitcoin logo. Do you consider this a radical redesign?

BTW: thank you to Roger Ver for so quickly adding BU to!


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Is it too late to offer an alternative set of BU graphics? These graphic head straight down the wrong direction XT did, why change the B symbol so radically by adding in so many colours yellows, flesh tones, drop shadows glare effects? We want the whole branding to look completely familiar to core not this completely unnecessary divergence.
@Graphics I agree with your sentiment.

My intention was to be the same bitcoin just a little more shiny. I can appreciate my design may not achieve this goal as effectively as it should, but I agree it should be as close the the core identity as is practical.

@Peter R thanks for the screen shot, in that context I tend to agree it looks like Bitcoin, but seeing it next too Core like that, the visual identity of Core appeals to me in that it seems less bloated and more simple, (ironical its the opposite in reality.)


Staff member
Aug 28, 2015
I happen to like the polished ball look of Bitcoin Unlimited and I think that the infinity symbol in the shadow is very clever. The polish makes the Bitcoin Core logo look like it was made in the 80s. Even Bitcore and XT have some shading and fading going on.

WRT to testnet: the choice is to modify more Core code, or leave it as core generated. I decided to leave it... after all its only testnet


New Member
Aug 23, 2015
I feel Bitcoin core gets the generic familiar Bitcoin branding representing it as the de facto full wallet, all others must differentiate by adding elements or in the case of Xt looking completely unrecognisable as Bitcoin,leading to confusion as to whether signage, sales material, website badges etc etc. would all have to change to match should XT take the lead.

I'm putting something together which I'll post later which attempts to make Bitcoin Unlimited look like it should be a straight upgrade from core, cleaner sharper more vibrant (dare I say after my abrupt post including a small measure of shine and gradient effect).

If it looks like absolute garbage I shall be placed within the stocks and purged via a selection of rotten fruit.
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Active Member
Aug 19, 2015
Lol @Graphics

I just thought to let you guys know I spent some time today towards redesigning the website so that it looks professional or at least, you know, ok-ish. Personally I think my re-design looks pretty good, but won't have time to do much more on it today and, as I need to finish some more edges, hopefully I get to pull request tomorrow.

I'm not sure what your plans are now @theZerg with xmas imminent. The redesign will need to be proof read as probable typoos and someone will need to add the javascript for the fingerprint as well as add the urls to the research articles. Otherwise it is pretty much finished.

By the way do you guys use irc? If so join #ubitcoin as it allows for far faster collaboration.

By the further way... what you guys think of calling bitcoin unlimited ubitcoin for short? I think it sounds cool, perhaps better than bitcoinu cus we can have upools and whatever, but bitcoinu is fine too I guess.
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New Member
Aug 23, 2015
Larger 5k desktop image

Might require some tweaking and some elements might be missing such as accepted here badges etc. but this is pretty much as I had in mind. The coin pile render I made can be used solely for this "unlimited" project as it hasn't been used elsewhere and isn't available anywhere online. I've adjusted the Bitcoin logo to be more vibrant with a bit more punch to it but it's not enough of a departure to raise any eyebrows (or cries of altcoin)

Desktop image


Logo, splash screens, icon



Zangelbert Bingledack

Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
I like them both. Certainly @Graphics's version is less likely to produce any cries of "altcoin!" because it's more subtle, but they both feel very polished. I like "release the potential" and how it goes with the upward gradient. Feels exciting and in line with the vision. Well done @AdrianX and @Graphics! What you two do is like black magic to me.

As for the website font, it's definitely a big improvement over the current font, but I feel it might be just a bit "wide" or "puffy" somehow (I don't have the right words for this, hope you get what I mean), which feels a tad unserious perhaps. The Q in FAQ has a bit of attitude, for example.

/just one non-graphics guy's cursory impressions
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Peter R

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Well done, @Graphics!!

I love the desktop image and I love the new fonts on the webpage. I also like how the image now ties in tightly with the proposed icon.

Regarding the icon itself, I actually like both of them a lot and would be happy with either [I was a big fan of the hidden infinity sign].


New Member
Aug 23, 2015
As there already is an altcoin - infinitycoin in circulation it may be flattering to them to include it but I really would consider removing it altogether from below the Bitcoin logo.

Zangelbert Bingledack

Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015

Looks great to me! As you probably know, a lot of the links are broken. Also, missing an "s" in "individuals" in the first sentence of the Members page.

It would be cool to see a version with @Graphics's graphics as well.
[doublepost=1450970332,1450969622][/doublepost]Also, "lebing" was not formatted correctly on the Members page.
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Active Member
Aug 19, 2015
Thanks @Zangelbert Bingledack

The broken links are mainly because I am trying to figure out how to incorporate @theZerg 's javascript with minimal effort. I just wanted to put up something quickly so that the site design doesn't put people off.

Thanks for the typo correction. I'm sure there are some more hidden somewhere haha.

I'll try and quickly put up a version with @Graphics logo as well. Not sure how I can incorporate the other graphics at this stage tho as I'd rather something is put up quickly and then we can improve it further.


Active Member
Aug 19, 2015
@Zangelbert Bingledack - here is the version with @graphic 's logo

I can't easily figure out the linking method used by @theZerg and can't find the software binary downloads. I suppose I can link at itself, but not sure that would work if merged so I guess I'll have to leave that bit up to @theZerg or someone else. It should only take 2 minutes. to add the links as it is only 5 pages. The javascript for the signature would need to be added too.

As for the logos they both seem fine, but which one do you guys prefer?

Zangelbert Bingledack

Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
@Aquent The logo got smooshed horizontally on my screen. Perhaps need to move the divider to the right a little to make room for the wider logo?
[doublepost=1450974026][/doublepost]Also, typo: "Streangth in Numbers" on the homepage.