Bitcoin Unlimited - Visual Identity


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Hey @Peter R I have been playing with a new rendering tool my trial expires tomorrow :confused: - so no promises.

I rendered my first unlimited block with the intention of recreating the image above, I'll give the full attempt a shot tomorrow.


Peter R

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
@Adrian-X: Thanks for the efforts!

The good news is that @Graphics responded to me by PM and has now rendered the image we wanted at 6k resolution.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
BU visual identity update. regarding Bitcoin Unlimited Cash.

A Brand is the visual identity associated with a product. A corporate identity (CI) is a visual manifestation of a relationship people have have with a Brand. It is important from a subconscious relationship perspective to be consistent with ones identity to avoid brand confusion.

A good CI builds confidences with ones customers.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
First off there is some brand confusion in Bitcoin after the August 1st Fork. We now have Bitcoin BCH and Bitcoin BTC - the brand strategy for visual differentiation of those two identity is a separate discussion and unrelated to the Bitcoin Unlimited corporate Identity. I'll talk about that separately.

Here I'd like to address the inconsistencies with the BU brand.

I have made some note below and have updated the necessary files, if this is someones responsibility please add this to the GitHub, I have no idea how git hub works, but would be happy to upload files should they be required.

First off BU's Corporate colour is orange it is uses consistently on the BU website the orange also appear in the BU logo. it should be used in a coherent meaner to relate to our product the BU client.

re BUIP071 Bitcoin Cash is now the "Release" Version of Bitcoin Unlimited so I think we should Change the official Bitcoin Unlimited logo as follow to reflect this change. (rotate the B to be consistent with many other BCH implementations. )

its a small change but consistent with the existing Corporate Identity (CID) (download the logo files here)

BU 1.2 Icon consistency with the rest of the BU identity. when BU launched I made an Icon pack (it was issued at the binging of this thread) I felt it was important to have a consistent Bitcoin Unlimited identity.

It was partial adopted, I feel its now time to make the BU identity more consistent as it is binging to fracture and look very was effectively use on the website, social media accounts and the BU client.

The design is due for an update 1. its not consistent with he exquisite CID, 2. its not high enough contrast, 3. our official "Release" Version of Bitcoin BCH, 4. it was not visually balanced for all formats.

I have optimized the BU icon for use in Windows, Linux, Mac, and as a Favicon on the web page. Here is what it looks like at scale (download the full Icon pack here)

Application load screen should also reflect the Bitcoin Unlimited corporate identity, the latest release has moved to green. Green is not a colour in the Bitcoin Unlimited CID. changing BU client to green is like Coke changing its corporate colour to blue. here is a mock up of a load screen I'd like to propose. (download the loading image here without text.)

Note the image should be presented at 96DPI or 800 x 480 to avoid artifacts from scaling.

Some inconsistencies with the Brand icon application.

I have also updated the old graphics for comparison.

Here are some old images updated with editing artifacts removed.

I've included the green Bitcoin logo because some people are using one below which has a odd rotation in the highlight and a missing bits from the unlimited shadow.

We shouldn't be using Green for BU CID and I don't think Bitcoin cash should be green either.

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Staff member
Aug 28, 2015
WRT orange vs green. I hear your arguments in terms of corporate identity but to me the B logo always strongly associated with Bitcoin and of course the words "BitcoinUnlimited" is our CI. So I don't feel like there is any brand issue with changing the color to reflect that this is the Cash version. Companies DO make tweaks to their brand to activate the similarity but at the same time reflect on changes.

It would be cool to incorporate your "release the potential" graphic as part of the splash screen. Any chance I could get that without the B symbol. I could put it above the big B drawing where currently there is ugly text...


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
@theZerg is there a "release the potential graphic" or are you referring to the load screen I created? (cool name lets call it that if you are)

You can download it here without the text the image above is suggesting where the text goes. note the code should display the image at 800 x 480 to avoid OS scaling visual artifacts.

I strongly believe our splash screen needs to reflect the overall BU identity, the green cash logo on the load screen is not working effectively, and it does not project the identity that we are Bitcoin Unlimited.

If there are any image requirements I'd like to update that image to fit your aplication.

Re BU CID, we should try to make all touch points consistent.

eg. The faveicon on the web page should identify with BU implementation as well as the icons to launch the app. It builds a coherent visual language. We had somewhat of a visual identity with the last icon pack and the BUcash update but when I installed v 1.2 it struck me as depreciated.

I don't think we should think of this aa part of the BCH green v orange debate it's a BU ID discussion. Bitcoin Unlimited is not Bitcoin Cash.

This is a 100% subjective decision, any outcome can be justified. But if you want the opinion of a branding professional use this Icon pack it is a good foundation for projecting BU as professional.


Staff member
Aug 28, 2015
Orange is so strongly associated with bitcoin, and green is becoming associated with Bitcoin Cash. I feel like that association overrules any CI BU may have with orange especially since we mostly use the orange in the parts of our CI that reference Bitcoin. Note that the infinity symbol and the bitcoin unlimited words are gray.

Additionally I think we need some strong visual difference when BU cash starts up verses BU to help avoid people making errors since after startup the clients look almost exactly the same.

I was referring to the banner with the small bitcoin symbol on the left and the "bitcoinunlimited" words in large gray
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Orange is strongly associated with Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash.

Regardless of public opinion, Bitcoin BCH is an upgrade of the Bitcoin protocol. Bitcoin BTC is a fork that refused to upgrade and has introduced new consensus rules.

Bitcoin BTC has persisted because they refused to remove the 1MB limit, they are in my opinion less bitcoin than Bitcoin cash as they have changed the original consensus rules, removing signatures from the blockchain, the result is only implementations following Core's definition of Consensus Rules can see the bitcoin transaction signatures.

Our job as BU is to communicate our intentions, and have a visual identity that makes it easy to recognize the reputation we create as an organization.

There are technical reasons to differentiate to prevent accidental sending has been addressed with the cashaddr, I included the link to refer to Bitcoin' Cash's Corporate identity colour Orange. One aptly chosen to lead and maintain consistency with the history while still being distinct and true to the original brand identity. It is a good design and should not be overridden by ignorance or the will to brand BCH as an altcoin.

Bitcoin Unlimited has a Brand too, our brand should not change with the whim of developers who thinks it's cool, or some random proclamation that green is better than orange or the unquantifiable notion that there is "overwhelming consensus" for green or heaven forbid it's too much work. Brand identity is not dictated by public opinion, and it should not be changed unless you are averting a public relations nightmare. e.g. Monsanto

A Brand Identity is about consistent visual communication. BU's Brand has nothing to do with the Bitcoin Cash's bikeshedding green or orange debate.

We have or should have a consistent visual identity across all projects and visual identifiers undertaken by the BU organization.


Active Member
Nov 30, 2016
I agree that BU has a brand.
But is it defined by the color?

Orange was originally chosen because Bitcoin was orange.
Couldn't it be that what made the BU brand were the additions like the infinity symbol and the "unlimited" text?

Whether Bitcoin Cash is the real Bitcoin and thus should continue with orange or if it should continue with green to show that it has moved on (despite being the real Bitcoin) is a different question.

What if we disconnect BU's color from either?
E.g. Electrum and Electron Cash have always been blue.

P.S. the wings indeed are a problem for icons and would prefer we would not use them.
P.P.S. great graphics @AdrianX


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
A brand is a feeling you have, the things that create those feelings are varied. If you want, you can justify anything.

Coke, is red for whatever reason you want, the colour does not define Coke it is defined by whatever feature you want to use to justify what coke is.

The important thing with visual brand identity is to keep all elements visually consistent. Visual consistency trumps nice, good, awesome, better or whatever you want to justify the change.

When building or maintaining a brand image you want the visual identity to be consistent and show a smooth visual transition over time.

I honestly was not fussed what brand identity BU used when I created this thread, Just that we have one and maintain it. Something that I see degrading because of a lack of branding experience.
[doublepost=1516823892][/doublepost]Also just paging back to the beginning of this thread, BU's visual communication has green as test net, it's bad communication to just switch to green for the main net with arbitrary justifications like the community likes green. If we just did whatever the community likes we'd never have or need BU.