You may choose to reject constructive criticism if you want. No one is suggesting you change your style for them. Presumably, if you are writing, you are doing so because your aim is to communicate. People are offering you suggestions on how you might communicate more effectively. Personally, I ignore *nobody* but I do skim your posts sometimes as there's often a lot of unnecessary fluff. Am I missing salient points? Possibly.
So accept some constructive criticism on how to be a more effective and efficient communicator or not. No one else really cares. I suspect you will not.
Note that I am not criticizing you directly, I just noted that you may be misinterpreting the intentions of others in their statements.
I wonder why I am getting a bit repetitive in this topic... ?
Oh? it's because you, Richy-T, want to add to this particular additional counsel into the mix?
Let me suggest, I have few aspirations to win any kind of popularity contest in respect to my bitcoin related postings. I got over this popularity idea many years ago, and accordingly, could be part of the reason why there is a stereotype of people becoming more stubborn with the advancing of age... but in any event, I have found myself a lot better for it in the past 10 years or so, after I stopped attempting to appease others and honed in on a variety of my own, goals, inclinations and/or preferences.
Accordingly, substantively, you, Richy_T, seem to be presuming too much about my posting goals... and therefore, you are not really in any position to answer any question that I may have, because I have not asked any such question. hm? go figure.