Gold collapsing. Bitcoin UP.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Kill Kassandra! Kid can spell 'fucking' already.
All those listed certificates can't exist, because BCH experts say he's techno babble man and techno babble man can't get such certificates; more than anyone else.


Mar 28, 2019
if the coins haven't moved, which i don't think they have, then the raw pubkeys couldn't be derived from the addresses. if CSW provided the pubkeys that upon inspection hashed to the addresses via SHA256(RIPEMD160), that should be proof he owns the coins. somehow, i don't think this is the case though.
The first coins are protected by P2PK instead of P2PKH. Anybody could look up the public keys for the first 70 addresses.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
forgot about that. so were the addresses for those payouts calculated ex post facto for block explorer purposes?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Chapter XVII / XVIII
Candide and his Valet arrive in the Country of El Dorado and what they saw there

beautiful damsels of the King’s guard received Candide and Cacambo as they alighted from the coach, conducted them to the bath, and dressed them in robes woven of the down of humming-birds; after which the great crown officers, of both sexes, led them to the King’s apartment, between two files of musicians, a thousand on each side. When they drew near to the audience chamber Cacambo asked one of the great officers in what way he should pay his obeisance to his Majesty; whether they should throw themselves upon their knees or on their stomachs; whether they should put their hands upon their heads or behind their backs; whether they should lick the dust off the floor; in a word, what was the ceremony?

“The custom,” said the great officer, “is to embrace the King, and to kiss him on each cheek.”

Candide and Cacambo threw themselves round his Majesty’s neck. He received them with all the goodness imaginable, and politely invited them to supper.

While waiting they were shown the city, and saw the public edifices raised as high as the clouds, the market places ornamented with a thousand columns, the fountains of spring water, those of rose water, those of liqueurs drawn from sugar-cane, incessantly flowing into the great squares, which were paved with a kind of precious stone, which gave off a delicious fragrancy like that of cloves and cinnamon. Candide asked to see the court of justice, the parliament. They told him they had none, and that they were strangers to lawsuits. He asked if they had any prisons, and they answered no. But what surprised him most and gave him the greatest pleasure was the palace of sciences, where he saw a gallery two thousand feet long, and filled with instruments employed in mathematics and physics.

After rambling about the city the whole afternoon, and seeing but a thousandth part of it, they were reconducted to the royal palace, where Candide sat down to table with his Majesty, his valet Cacambo, and several ladies. Never was there a better entertainment, and never was more wit shown at a table than that which fell from his Majesty. Cacambo explained the King’s bon-mots to Candide, and notwithstanding they were translated they still appeared to be bon-mots. Of all the things that surprised Candide this was not the least.


Staff member
Dec 16, 2015
you have no idea where i am coming from. it makes you look foolish.
the observation i made is true.
The comment is addressed at the guy whose certificate you're holding up here, not at you.
Thinking it's about you makes you look foolish.


Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2015
I don't believe in deleting historic blog posts. I hate the idea of altering the records of the past.

This is my post that upset you. (And you had good reason to be upset.)

@solex have gone too far. He can burn in hell, I don't care.

Reason and logic doesn't work anymore when talking to him.

But, it still works here, in Gold Collapsing, Bitcoin UP!

Kudos to to the guy starting this thread, wherever he is.
--- Double Post Merged, May 22, 2019, Original Post Date: May 22, 2019 --- The last vote showed how much many of the BU members love me. A few anonymous accounts voted to kick me out.But they were few.

Now, it's a new attempt. These loosers don't know when to quit.

@solex and the rest of the idiots will get rekt.

And I will dance on their graves! They deserve it!
I don't believe in hell, but if it existed, I would not want you to burn in hell.

I will not dance on your grave (unless you want me to).

I still think you will get rekt if you don't save money in BSV.

@theZerg also reacted to my attitude/words.

I admit it, I have been hostile to you @solex, @Peter R, @theZerg and maybe even to @sickpig after the BCH/BSV split. I have also been disappointed in the more anonymous and great developer @Peter Tschipper after you all voted to not develop BSV. (Peter Tschipper tought me about INV messages when I suggested bloomfilters should also be done on single transactions).

I still respect you as people. But you all fucked up in the bitcoin game. You failed to recognize the power of IBS. You did not nod heads/pat backs when I showed that external oracles was possible with existing bitcoin script. I provided example scripts making the new OP_CODE redundant. You may still be in love with Awemany's Rube Goldberg Contraption for doublespend prevention where you lock up funds Lightning Network-style, but nobody is working on it. It's a dead end.

Not sure where this post is going. Time to sum it up.

- No Solex, I'm not going to delete my previous post. If anything, it reflects bad on me, not you.
- I'd like you all to come back to this thread. Losen up, join the party!


Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2015
Let's stay away from PM's. Let's not build secret networks of trust. Let's just talk in public.

It's not about the relations, it's about the argument.

And it's about showing respect to this thread, "Gold Collapsing, Bitcoin Up".

Put it in public, or shove it up where the sun doesn't shine.
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Staff member
Aug 22, 2015
@Norway. Nope, no 'secret network of trust".
If you ping me with a question I am just asking for a reduced level of ad-hominem. That's it.

I did not ask for deletion, I asked for moderation.

About IBS. I wish you had raised a BUIP for that instead of a 10TB default block limit. We would have gained credibility by progressing IBS, but instead we lost credibility on continued block limit debate, when BU's block limit has been 2.1GB since the start.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2015
I'm very happy to see you back on the battlefield! This is good for BU.
I totally reject the two options you give me. 10TB default limit VS IBS. You must be joking!

I'm not going to rant about how 10TB is a lot smaller than the unbounded rule the Bitcoin SV client will have february 4 next year. Oh, I just did.

But more than anything, I welcome you back to public debate, @solex. Our strength comes from understanding this field.

Please, do me a favour and bring the other boys back here. I'm at a point where it would be very hard to take Peter Rizun serious.

But dialog is good. Let's just talk more.

Zangelbert Bingledack

Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
@Christoph Bergmann Yours is the first article I've seen that fills in a lot of missing pieces about the unwriter's work in plain language.
I don't understand how public addresses of the first 70 blocks are a proof.
Maybe I am missing something, isn't the public adresse of a block public information?
It's just that he has sworn under penalty of perjury that he mined those blocks. This forces the deniers into a tight position: they must either accept he is Satoshi or be wedged into the permanent conclusion that he is a complete and utter fool. The position that he is that much of an idiot as to walk into a prison sentence may be comfortable for true believers in the anti-Wright narrative, but it's a very poor fit with the rest of the known story.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
con artist.

that's an unacceptable risk for CSW, even if he was the biggest fraud on earth. especially considering the degree to which he's taken this. the only explanation here is that either he is Satoshi, or he knows the real Satoshi is dead. how would he know that? well, if we look at CSW's Dunbar circle, the ONLY one who could possibly be Satoshi is Dave. thus , our focus should shift to the possibility that Dave was Satoshi. imo, that's highly unlikely. first, if you look at the emails between the two, CSW was always the dictator of events. Dave showed plenty of deference and some would say tolerance towards not only the technicals of what CSW said but also his ramblings /whining. CSW was clearly the leader in that relationship. second, look at the lifestyle and accomplishment differences between the two. Dave was basically destitute. a poor vet stuck in a wheelchair with poor health regularly going to his local VA hospital. I can tell you from experience that vets attending those types of hospitals are not wealthy. you almost feel sorry for them. he seemed to have addictions, probably alcohol, maybe drugs. certainly, though, an accomplished computer scientist with a keen mind, but not at CSW's level. the poor guy ends up dying at his bedside in his own vomit (and likely feces), in a wheelchair, with a gun on his bedside, in a small house, which apparently his own brother would never visit. otoh, you have CSW living The Life comparatively. wealthy, married, engaged in multiple entrepreneurial activities, lecturing, going to school, educating himself, moving plenty of fiat money around the world (maybe btc), wearing suits all the time, filing patents, etc etc. maybe not your anarchistic description of what you want Satoshi to be but undeniably a much more prosperous lifestyle than Dave. which I argue you'd expect the real Satoshi to have, given all that btc he owns . why would he put all that at risk by losing it all to go to prison if the real Satoshi were lurking out there ready to drop the Damocle's sword? doesn't make much sense to me unless Dave was the real Satoshi. thus, our attention should shift to Dave being Satoshi. highly unlikely.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2015
So the position is that if he's a liar, that would make him a liar so he can't be a liar?

Look, if you believe he's come this far, (as many of us do), then risking perjury (for which the risk is much less than people are claiming and which people definitely do) is not a huge step further. I mean, If you believe CSW is Satoshi, this stuff isn't going to convince you otherwise but don't act like this stuff is something that should immediately swing those of us who don't.

I again invite people to view this video


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