Gold collapsing. Bitcoin UP.

@Christoph Bergmann Yours is the first article I've seen that fills in a lot of missing pieces about the unwriter's work in plain language.

It's just that he has sworn under penalty of perjury that he mined those blocks. This forces the deniers into a tight position: they must either accept he is Satoshi or be wedged into the permanent conclusion that he is a complete and utter fool. The position that he is that much of an idiot as to walk into a prison sentence may be comfortable for true believers in the anti-Wright narrative, but it's a very poor fit with the rest of the known story.
Thanks, I somehow tried to understand this for myself. Its very interesting imho that bsv is the only coin which takes another Paradigma for blockchain computing.

What's also interesting is how csw and unwriter silently cooperate, with seemingly identical goals. I never seen them interact in social media. Csw doesn't participate in unwriters slack and the other way round. Given the 'dumb and incompetent' part of the faketoshi thesis, which fills half of the arguments of the lopp article, this seems odd.

About the oath: the event definitely tightens the faketoshi thesis. After all what happened and how the pieces come together, csw must be a master strategist (much more when you assume faketoshi than Satoshi btw, which is funny, as the work of csw as faketoshi becomes more admirable than that of as Satoshi). The oath can't be a dumb mistake. So there must be a plan. The only option I see is that csw thinks he is more secure from Calvin's revenge in a US prison than in free. But this is hardly believable.

Dubby the Goldfish

New Member
Jun 25, 2019
Dubby's Fishbowl
Forgive me, for I am just a fish (glub glub), but I have a simple question;

I wanted to make an account to follow this thread, but two of my email addresses were, "banned by the administrator." I've never been here before, and if it isn't too far off, "topic," am I on some sort of list or something? These emails have never been hacked, at least to my knowledge, but I am just a fish, after all. (glub glub)

I'm a bit confused.. what was I talking about again? Any ideas? (glub glub)

Dubby the Goldfish

New Member
Jun 25, 2019
Dubby's Fishbowl
The first was @yahoo, the second was @hotmail and the one accepted was @gmail.

I've tried combing the forums for FAQs or information or anything as to what's happening. I'm usually not very comfortable on forums [fish anxiety] and was just going to swim away since I can usually assume I don't have anything valuable to offer anyway, so I apologize for the trouble, but I like the thread enough that I ignored my fishy instincts and asked anyway. (glub glub)

<3 TY
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Zangelbert Bingledack

Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
More pieces fill in. I'm thinking the unwriter might be some internal team at nChain that is given a lot of autonomy. It is true that I have never once seen Craig comment directly on any of the unwriter's apps or its general orientation (despite the fact that he comments on all sorts of things on a daily basis), yet the unwriter seems to be utilizing some nChain patents while also not usually talking about nChain patents. I'd wondered if a user-friendly explanation of the patents would come out. Maybe they skipped right to implementing.
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Active Member
Nov 18, 2015
It's just that he has sworn under penalty of perjury that he mined those blocks. This forces the deniers into a tight position: they must either accept he is Satoshi or be wedged into the permanent conclusion that he is a complete and utter fool. The position that he is that much of an idiot as to walk into a prison sentence may be comfortable for true believers in the anti-Wright narrative, but it's a very poor fit with the rest of the known story.
So he hasn't revealed any public keys? or any information that a person looking at the blockchain doesn't have? Is that right? They asked him to produce addresses which are plainly visible in the blockchain? Just checking here, as I'm not following the case that closely.


Active Member
Sep 15, 2015
For obvious reasons he has not yet signed any of those 1.1 M bitcoins he threatens to dump on the market like B52 carpet bombs.
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Active Member
Sep 15, 2015
You never know. We've seen dumps like "bearwhale" and massive hacks from unregulated exchanges cause capitulation. I'm not sure what a person with a good motive to kill BTC would do with over a million at-hand, but I suspect the market has already decided to form this one-last pump before even one of them is signed. Maybe they will happily buy them at market value instead of lowering buy orders over a period of many years.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2015
You may still be in love with Awemany's Rube Goldberg Contraption for doublespend prevention where you lock up funds Lightning Network-style, but nobody is working on it. It's a dead end.
this is the way to deal with double-spends in exchanges and gambling - courtesy of @Daniel Lipshitz

double-spends in block-and-mortar txns is dealt by merchant control of txns and invoicing, as explained by @Norway

there can't be double spending on most or all (legal) e-commerce

whereas dealing with double-spending by altering the protocol has the disadvantage of requiring a dictator.

@Otaci will teranode be open source?


Active Member
Aug 31, 2015
If there exists a satoshi nakamoto trust, it should not be feared. It exists solely for the benefit of bitcoin. In avoiding the black swan risk of the coins moving to sell, all one would need to do is make sure they are either equally vested or have chosen the correct bitcoin.


Staff member
Dec 16, 2015
@bitsko BTC/BCH are not anything like what the Bitcoin white paper describes. If there is a "black tulip" it will be for them.
That must be why BSV forked straight off BCH, copying the ABC code and hardly changing things.

Makes sense only if your critical faculties are impaired.


Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2015
The Bitcoin SV client has done over 14,000 transactions per second on testnet. ABC/BU can't do that.
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Staff member
Dec 16, 2015
Transactions per second on a testnet means little unless the transaction load and its propagation, and the topology of the test network in some way reflect real world conditions.

Constructing huge artificial blocks and mining them without realistic tx propagation certainly doesn't count as meaningful here.

So, a lot more test evidence is required to make me believe that Bitcoin SV (the client) can perform better in the real world than e.g. the BUcash client.