Gold collapsing. Bitcoin UP.


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2016

you think maybe the minning pools starting minning ontop of the block before it was validated...

The truth is that most pools either spy mine (listen directly on the other pools using Stratum), or do headers only mining (some people call this by the incorrect term "spv mining") that only validates headers before starting mining. Even Core/Segwit supporting pools like BTCC (Samson Mow) and Bitclub Network (run by Core supporter James Hilliard) engage in this practice, simply because the reward is greater than the risk.
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Staff member
Dec 16, 2015
Since information coming out of Satoshi's Roundtable's is now largely unverifiable, I would propose a rename for the next one:

Schrödinger's Roundtable

The ultimate unconference, featuring massive amounts of eigenvalues, the event's luminaries / patron saints will not divulge whether you were there or not - this will remain an uncollapsed wave function that can be ridden endlessly by Internet surfers - and though you will get to vote on what should be in the blocks box, the universe will continue not to care and may even decide to play a cruel joke with that information.
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Active Member
Nov 8, 2015
If you miss Curb Your Enthusiasm and the vicarious feeling of social anxiety and general embarrassment through Larry David, then I could not more highly recommend the latest Bitcoin Knowledge podcast where Trace Mayer attempts to talk to Peter Todd about ZCash and ends up so awkwardly and transparently trying to put words in his mouth, for example with the "Adam Back is Gandalf" nonsense and talking over Todd about the cryptography. Jesus Christ on a cracker! All I gotta say is Obamacare better handle this terminal case of douchechills I contracted before it goes away! Admittedly I give Todd some credit for not really taking any of the bait and keeping it moving.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Two bits of news you may have missed

According to the local news agency PressTV, the Central Bank of Iran is seeking to replace the dollar with a new common foreign currency or use a basket of currencies in all official financial and foreign exchange reports.

The governor Valiollah Seif said it would come into force in the new financial year starting March 21, 2017.

Russian Internet ombudsman Dmitry Marinichev suggested allowing the use of cryptocurrencies to residents of Crimea. In his opinion, legal entities and individuals registered in Crimea should be allowed to use cryptocurrency wallets and make transactions with digital currencies.

An important precondition for this initiative is the creation of a free economic zone within the peninsula.

“Today Crimea is an exclusive economic zone, which makes it possible to start with the opening of cryptocurrency exchanges operating there absolutely legally. As a result, we will see the actual legalization of cryptocurrencies.”


Active Member
Nov 8, 2015
I was vaguely aware of the weird OT-levels theology from South Park around a decade ago, but recently I went on a tear through some of the Scientology exposé material out there recently (the "Going Clear" documentary, Leah Remini on Joe Rogan a few days ago, Louis Theroux's documentary).

Admittedly maybe this is a result of subjective focusing of attention, but the parallels were astounding hearing about the groupthink and thought-control tactics. For a moment there you could believe they were talking about #bitcoin-wizards / Theymos-platforms / Core!


Staff member
Aug 29, 2015
Mempool backlog up to 40,000 transactions:

11% difficulty bump coming in two days:

Rapid price changes lead to people trying to move coins, filling up mempool. Difficulty bump will cause slower blocks, exacerbating transaction bottleneck.

Difficulty moving coins to/from exchanges introduces friction to markets, creating uncertainty and slowing price gains.

It will be amazing to see what happens if on-chain capacity can be un-hobbled, and price is truly unleashed.

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