This is the wrong apporach IMO, the question is how come segwit, a large change that totally alter the architecture of bitcoin, get implemented into bitcoin without full consent by the community? It seems community in seeking for scaling will accept anything throw at them. It is this mindset put us in the current situation. In an enterprise software project, all the changes must be authorized by the stake holders and customers BEFORE programmers can even write a design specificationI think something that might very much have a chance to damage this narrative is if segwit gets delayed. Rookie developers delay releasing software, not the veterans. A change as drastic as segwit is bound to get delayed, or worse, being deployed with money-losing bugs. One thing the Classic and +1MB communities must do is hold Core to it's April 2016 segwit release date. April starts in 2 days, and ends in about 32 days.
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