Not sure how to take this statement by Peter Todd: . In some ways, i appreciate the candor, but in other ways I wonder if I'm just reading it wrong.
I know PT didn't sign on to the statement from earlier today, but his github comments a few days back (linked above) + today's offering from seems to scream that scaling generally doesn't matter to those who think they have the most influence in btc protocol development right now. In fact, Pieter clarified
here today that SW doesn't intend to scale bitcoin, its just a side effect (btw, zokoo appears in that thread (but I'd read from the top) and he's once again all over it). Consequently, I can't see how any arguments to the Devs about users (or usability) or mass adoption are going to be persuasive (Hearn said this months ago). The very next comment form Peter Todd in the github thread is the cherry on top: essentially, if users want something for themselves as users, they need to go elsewhere and find a different dev team.
To borrow a naval analogy, there is an ongoing Blockade (its a great name to boot - please make Blockstream jokes at will)

. Sticking with the naval analogy, the work-around for those wanting to break a blockade is a technique called "blockade running." This really is a great analogy because it exposes intent in that the conflict of interest present with several core devs and other influencers is the best explanation for the blockade (i.e., intent). In other words, and continuing w/ the naval analogy, BS devs likely know about blockade running counter-strategies and thus their business model is to own and sell all the initial working models (and know-how about) of the ideal blockade running boats.
From my perspective, an obvious counter-move for the big block folks (and possibly only option) would be to make the small block proponents lay in the bed they have made for themselves by reaching out to the current and future user-bases before the Linux and R3 does.* Rounding out the naval analogy: users need to know that there are planes available now to beat the blockade and to forget waiting on the boats to be built.
TL, DR - Users have to be the tail that wags the dog in this ecosystem, otherwise this whole project makes no sense (or cents); folks are getting tired of watching paint dry in the digital age, they prolly just need some nudging.
*Attempt at levity - The messaging could fun, yet serious: "For Sale: Ticket to the Moon (XT logo w/i a moon shape);" or "Hey, [insert small block figurehead], [you're fired]! Yo, [big block figurehead ], You're Hired" (working in friendly trace gifs along the way)! If I were really gung-ho, I might consider making an automated capacity alert/warning system bot that communicates when capacity cliffs are being approached and the possible consequences of using BTC during said time; offering a faster detour.