Gold collapsing. Bitcoin UP.


Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2015
i am sure the plaintiff feels the same . . . even if the matter goes nowhere in court, it will have suited his purpose if it gets people to think twice before making defamatory allegations for giggles and likes. court fees are not the issue.

meanwhile trial of the big case has been delayed till end of august.
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You're claiming that it's more likely that the keys have been stolen from the trust or the PDF is fake, than that CSW lied about owning them? What probability would you give to each of those possibilities (stolen keys, report is fake, CSW lying)?
Sorry, but csw lies about everything. He was good about some poijss and good at crafting a well understandable message

But his record of lying, unresolved promises and badly charactered fault pushing to whoever is close to him is smelling so rotten that it becomes very hard to ignore.

And while I am at my rant. Electrum sv ... this is such an important software. But Roger ... he demolates important features, reformats wallet files non backward compatible, and rants at every one who wants to keep important features. I wished @kyuupichan would get more involved in client development. As it stands,, electrum sv doesn't play in the same league as electrum and electron, and it gets worse every month. Depreciating seeds --

It has really become hard to keep your own keys for bsv. The node has no wallet gui, all other wallets step back from seed setups or do it when they think it makes their live easier, without any responsibility against their users. I consider putting my bsv on exchanges, for fear of not being able to access them, or having a lot of trouble to do.

So... There are great things in bsv land, but a lot things suck, and adoption is still non existent. While bch made a really impressive community take against the shitlord.
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Oh, well, the irony. First rule or crypto. You always get what you want to avoid to get.

While adoption is non existent, wallets in bsv worry so much about a fantasy traffic volume that they want to abolish seeds and transaction propagation and replace it with some ruby Goldberg wallet backup and 'p2p' schemes which both have a terrible user experience. Who wants to use a crypto currency you need to backup with a file and you can only accept incoming payments when you are online and have some magic communication channel to your peer?

It's all over it again. Bsv has their own lightning experiment, created from some fear of a non existent adoption.

Whatever. Just wanted to rant. Don't take it personally.
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Ok, I downloaded the newest ESV version. It still gives me a seed and allows importing of a seed. So, no reason to panic or rant too much ... wait ... when I click the desktop link it opens esv 1.2.1 - I am not even drunk enough to excuse this confusing post ... when I try to start it with console, it gives me an error (esv on ubuntu is a mess anyway since day 1, installing it and going through all the dependencies wasted my python environment more than one time) -- so, is there a seed or there none?
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Ok, forget my last post.
I finally made the new Electrum SV running. You can export and import seeds, it is just a bit hidden / structured in another way. The wallet looks good, and to have accounts inside one wallets seems ok - don't know the pros and cons.
After all, my rant against Roger and Electrum SV was unfair. Sorry,


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Sorry, but csw lies about everything. He was good about some poijss and good at crafting a well understandable message
We are all more or less liars. The more interesting question is rather whether his Asperger syndrome is also a lie and whether a liar with Asperger syndrome can make an ingenious invention. And in our special area of interest, the invention is called Bitcoin. And the question whether the facts ever come to light in this regard. The performance of the BSV project will largely depend on it.

A little liar is as little guilty for his character as a notorious liar. A small censor as little as a blatant censor. Nobody constructed his character and IQ himself.

Becoming an idiot is just bad luck (worse than death is the life of a fool; Sirach 22:12). But perhaps that's also a lie and the opposite is true (blessed are the poor in spirit; Matthew 5:3). Who knows.

Thus spake Dr. Zarathustra-Schopenhauer-Einstein


Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2015
@Christoph Bergmann thanks for posting candidly -- unless we keep doing that this long conversation becomes a useless habit. WRT to a criticism you made of electrumsv (whether you stick by it or not) -- i.e. that changes are made to accommodate future expected high volume -- i am not sure where that comes from. i don't think any wallet has trouble handling the type of transaction output that is generated by end users.

rather, as i understand it, changes are made to accommodate advanced use patterns. on a trezor wallet right now it is not straightforward to split and manage your inputs, should you decide it is advisable to do that. you can't label recipients or annotate your txns. you cannot implement the addressing methods that are a prerequisite for general adoption, or use it as a minimally sophisticated cash management and accounting tool. you can receive and send money -- and make sure you keep notes. but bitcoin is a most powerful triple entry accounting system that wallets need to be able to interact with. we need wallets that automatize tax payments, that implement conditional transactions, that open up a whole universe of financial possibilities. all of that info obviously cannot be encoded in a 24 word mnemonic.

that being said i have not upgraded to the new electrum, i need to have a way for next of kin to figure out how to access stuff should i, say, get the virus. making the move means having to readdress all of that. i think i'm just going to put it in another machine, i am waiting for BTC price to moon to get one (/s).
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
You can export and import seeds, it is just a bit hidden / structured in another way.
is it really as simple as just importing the word seed to convert one's json wallet to the new database one?
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Doing this with mobile is a bit hard.

Generally, I was ranting.

In this medium post Roger explained why seeds are bad. It concerns me about the safety of my bsv.

Here is an important quote:

'The problem is, that unless your wallet is almost useless like Bitcoin Core wallets were, this can never work as Bitcoin SV wallets become more useful.'

I don't consider electrum 'almost useless'. It is a very very useful tool for key management. It allows to import nearly any seed available, to export and import private keys. I can't tell how often I used it and how often I used or recommended it for other users to recover funds.

If electrum didnt have this function, there would be a lot of bitcoins lost. I hardly trust any other wallet with real funds, and if you have paper wallets and don't want to create your transaction the hard way with python or bitcoinjs, electrum is your tool to go.

In bsv it becomes hard to sync a full node - it has no wallet gui anyway - and there is hardly any option left for good key management then esv. Just debating to depreciate seed recovery makes bsv a less reliable store of value. And even if the store of value maximalism is a rotten ideology, money needs to be.


Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2015
ideally electrumsv maintains a simple wallet for key management and secure basic functionality, the kind of thing people who have been concerned with securing a stash for the better part of a decade have come to rely on. but new users won't be like that. they won't need to know about about json files or proper handling of paper wallets or sweeping privkeys, they won't be their own bank, they will use bitcoin for normal cashflow in powerful accounting applications.

@kyuupichan @rt121212121 any chance you don't deprecate 1.2.5?
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Active Member
Aug 31, 2015
This is probably what RT was referring to:

little bit more context:

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Lately when I see people bragging about BTC moving large amounts of bitcoin held at one address for a low fee, two issues come to mind:

When that person sent the final transaction of hundreds/thousands of bitcoin out of the wallet for a 'low fee' it is likely there were many internal transactions (moving coin from one of your own addresses to another of your own addresses), and each of those had a fee associated with it that same user paid.

That the user ended up with all his/her bitcoins in a single address is a problem. Either they decided to sacrifice their privacy needlessly for show, increasing risk to themselves, or the fee policy of the network was as such that they were incentivized to consolidate all of their UTXO's even when it means they need to sacrifice a measure of their privacy in doing so.

That the fee policy on the segwit network provides an incentive for a participant to decrease their privacy is nothing to brag about.
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recall how easily people lose money plugging in their cold storage key not knowing about change-addresses.

...just sending it all to a new wallet you don't have that potential problem
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Active Member
Nov 30, 2016
Who wants to use a crypto currency you need to backup with a file and you can only accept incoming payments when you are online and have some magic communication channel to your peer?
Are you referring to BIP270 or Paymail?

With BIP270 there is no need to be online even as the receiver you can create the payment request offline and even broadcast the signed transaction later.

To get Bitcoin address for a Paymail you would need the Paymail server to be online like DNS needs a DNS server.
But should you choose to use Paymail there are easy ways to outsource such a service.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
pretty big:



Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Sorry, but csw lies about everything. He was good about some poijss and good at crafting a well understandable message

But his record of lying, unresolved promises and badly charactered fault pushing to whoever is close to him is smelling so rotten that it becomes very hard to ignore.

And while I am at my rant. Electrum sv ... this is such an important software. But Roger ... he demolates important features, reformats wallet files non backward compatible, and rants at every one who wants to keep important features. I wished @kyuupichan would get more involved in client development. As it stands,, electrum sv doesn't play in the same league as electrum and electron, and it gets worse every month. Depreciating seeds --

It has really become hard to keep your own keys for bsv. The node has no wallet gui, all other wallets step back from seed setups or do it when they think it makes their live easier, without any responsibility against their users. I consider putting my bsv on exchanges, for fear of not being able to access them, or having a lot of trouble to do.

So... There are great things in bsv land, but a lot things suck, and adoption is still non existent. While bch made a really impressive community take against the shitlord.
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Oh, well, the irony. First rule or crypto. You always get what you want to avoid to get.

While adoption is non existent, wallets in bsv worry so much about a fantasy traffic volume that they want to abolish seeds and transaction propagation and replace it with some ruby Goldberg wallet backup and 'p2p' schemes which both have a terrible user experience. Who wants to use a crypto currency you need to backup with a file and you can only accept incoming payments when you are online and have some magic communication channel to your peer?

It's all over it again. Bsv has their own lightning experiment, created from some fear of a non existent adoption.

Whatever. Just wanted to rant. Don't take it personally.
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Ok, I downloaded the newest ESV version. It still gives me a seed and allows importing of a seed. So, no reason to panic or rant too much ... wait ... when I click the desktop link it opens esv 1.2.1 - I am not even drunk enough to excuse this confusing post ... when I try to start it with console, it gives me an error (esv on ubuntu is a mess anyway since day 1, installing it and going through all the dependencies wasted my python environment more than one time) -- so, is there a seed or there none?
@Christoph Bergmann great rant, teh sentiments reflect what I see happening in BSV.


Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2015
I read what Craig is saying currently as a computer program. Definitions matter more than the gist of the sentence. I assume FULL ASBERGER MODE based on my experience from inviting him to Arnhem to all the blogs and writings I have read, video performances, and live interaction at conferences. It's not about conveying a message, it's about being right in a logical sense according to established definitions in the message.

I even think he is pushing assumptions buttons in a deliberate way to make people make fools of themselves.

I remember he talked about working with the problem of poor people having AK-74s easily available.

Trolls came out in droves "proving" his incompetence and lying by stating that it's AK-47, not AK-74. Only a liar would get this wrong!

However, a hardcore gun nut knows that AK-74 is a widespread upgrade of AK-47.

I keep coming back to this point: A nerd's weakness is the assumptions, not the logic.

I think Craig's assumptions are superior to most computer science nerds' assumptions.