Gold collapsing. Bitcoin UP.


Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2015
@AdrianX but what solutions does IBM's private blockchain provide? and how will it generate revenue? i went to hear arvind krishna speak about it once, it was incomprehensible.

i suppose corporate clients can pay large fees to IBM to load/download their data to and from IBM's distributed database. it is not clear this model competes.

cypher, the drop in hash rate is perfectly predictable, BCH and BSV have halved and miners are incentivized to mine BTC this month. a large BSV miner will reason something like this: fully dedicate a % of hashrate to support the network as a long term investment; dedicate the rest to generate revenue, whether in fiat or BSV. right now that second portion of the hashrate will generate more fiat or BSV by mining BTC and selling it for cash or trading it for BSV, than by directly mining BSV.

the interesting thing will be to see how hashrate reacomodates once BTC halves.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I won't defend IBM's blockchain solution, but if one wants to see how it fails one just needs to follow the incentives and question the value. BSV is obvious, but then obvious is not obvious. eg: Kodack being then the inventor of digital photography, not only owned the most significant digital photography patents but also owned the photography industry and did not see the obvious and kill their market share in an industry they practically created and owned.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2015
hash rates are more or less in parity (though fluctuating with aftereffects of the halving), price should follow. although it's all in suspense until btc halves and SHA256 asics reaccomodate.


Dec 21, 2015

We are EHR Data
Introducing the first healthcare platform utilizing Bitcoin SV that incentivizes patients to share their personal health data with their healthcare providers and other related entities. Merging the worlds of healthcare, technology, and blockchain, EHR Data is moving toward becoming the facilitator of global health records, workflow, and pharmacy editing services that seek to put the patient first. We have devised a way to empower both patients and their team of healthcare providers with our proprietary blockchain-based technology. On this secure platform, we can ensure strict compliance with government regulations on data protection.


Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2015

We are EHR Data
Introducing the first healthcare platform utilizing Bitcoin SV that incentivizes patients to share their personal health data with their healthcare providers and other related entities. Merging the worlds of healthcare, technology, and blockchain, EHR Data is moving toward becoming the facilitator of global health records, workflow, and pharmacy editing services that seek to put the patient first. We have devised a way to empower both patients and their team of healthcare providers with our proprietary blockchain-based technology. On this secure platform, we can ensure strict compliance with government regulations on data protection.

I have to admit I'm a bit worried that global health records can be used in a bad way. Yes, you "control" your own data. But you don't really have a choice when people require you to give out your data for basic human needs.

If you can use it to restrict consumption of opioids, it can be used to restrict consumption of food. A limitation of Morphine Milligram Equivalents per day (MME/day) could evolve to a limitation of calories per day.

Perhaps the point is that the tool (health records, guns) is not the problem itself and that we as citizens have the responsibility to elect good representatives and hold them accountable.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Opioids are regulated, so it's a supply-side identity-based restriction. Unless you live in Vancouver, then it's just a matter of ATM access with a new 2m spacing between people in the line-up.

But sure some things should not be connected to your ID, but unfortunately, that ship has already sailed, every one of my purchases is analyzed on the credit card database. Soon cash will be considered too hazardous to touch.

And as of recently everyone's location identity and interactions are tracked by Google and Apple along with my device usage all in the name of big brother keeping me safe, protecting me for everyone else by monitoring me in relation to everything and everyone else, and because it's for the greater good I cant opt-out.

On the topic of cash, I tried to give a homeless guy some money, I approached him by asked if everything was OK as I haven't seen him much on my ride to and from work. His response "stay back, don't come any closer". (I was like sure, thanks, I' don't really want to be this close) anyway, he was very skeptical of me trying to give him money, he put on gloves to take the money, but when I thought about it, most shops in the area are not taking cash for safety reasons so it's almost like cash is dead, not even homeless people want it. After a little chatting, all ended well and he invited me in for dinner.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
why am i not able to post in that thread specifically?


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
this is pretty great. implementing ElectrumX servers is a major PITA:



Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
i would have no problem if the new BCH Unlimited became the new reference implementation for BCH. probably already happened:

What does "not able" mean?
i type "no ads", hit Post Reply button, and nothing happens.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
you're probably right. so who makes decisions these days around BU dev? devs?
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Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2015
Yes, something happened but I don't want to get into details. You may contact CEO Thomas Bakketun.