Ascribing market value to information doesn't divide or exclude people, it unites them, the most important information and voices rise to the surface. The alternative is a world run by warring anonymous trolls and massive social media campaigns, controlled by competing corporations, placing nonsense, money making, and political agendas on equal footing to established and tested, scientific facts in the search for truth.
The current Internet operates via economics, or else it wouldn't work at all, but it is a clunky, haphazard, ad hoc, taped-together, unpredictable, high-friction system because the base substrate reflects a socialistic bent or at least a total lack of allowance for economics. Bitcoin changes that via Metanet and subsequent layers on top of that chassis. When Bitcoin has supplanted the entire Internet, every piece of data - in fact every single transistor - will have economics baked into its very DNA.
It will also be transparent natively, though hidden behind a veil of privacy via Bitcoin's pseudonymity. A veil that can be pulled back only by due process of law, and at considerable cost per investigated individual. As such, investigations will be reserved for high-value targets after establishing probable cause.
This is the only kind of privacy that lasts. Anything that tries to flaunt centuries of law around ensuring that money is traceable will be stamped down by every rational government - and every private court, PDA, DRO, or whatever angency enforces the law in whatever ancap system anyone may support.
Did we forget we are all pro-law here? I don't recall there being any left-anarchists here, just ancaps, minarchists, and classical liberals or other small government types. None of these systems is anti-law. None hope for making criminal investigation more difficult/impossible. None should want anything to do with the Ring of Gyges that is perfect anonymity, meaning complete immunity to investigation. That is nothing but a dystopian nightmare.
For those wondering about mass surveillance, it is prevented by the impracticality of compelling disclosure from everyone who may have been a relevant party in a chain of transactions. Individuals on ordinary Western income will control on the order of 100,000 addresses. It's not going to be possible to mass surveil people other than by measures so draconian that their effect would be equal with or without Bitcoin, and it would be computationally impractical in any case.
Besides which, a transparent ledger that comports perfectly with all existing monetary legal traditions in advanced countries does not give government any mandate to implement such measures, whereas an anonymous money does. If you want a surveillance state, achieving widespread adoption of anonymous money is the way to get it. The voters (or PDA customers) scared shitless of having their kids kidnapped and sold on the hyper-efficient black markets by impossible-to-apprehend criminals will give them that mandate without a word of fuss.
Likewise, a Bitcoin-powered world lets us audit these enforcement agencies. They are a "tiny dot," after all, compared to the rest of the populace, and they have no right to privacy under law.
This is why sunshine is the real path to a free society, not darkness. Cryptoanarchy is a fool's vision, a total abandonment of law, a wholesale discarding of everything we have learned over the millennia about making society work, and an invitation to complete lawlessness or authoritarianism to halt it. Dark is not the path to liberty. Light is.