Gold collapsing. Bitcoin UP.


Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2015
I believe the person/persons organizing the video meetings for BCH protocol development forward want to be anonymous. I also think the list of who's invited to talk in these video conferences is created in a way that will not be open to the public.

We are creating the new money for the world, and these political decissions (who is important/relevant to attend and talk) will happen behind closed doors.

I don't think anybody will take responsibility for this process.

Prove me wrong.

PS. I think D&P or one of them organize this, and someone give them the task, maybe M?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
who are the initials?
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@Christoph Bergmann

No, I didn't. How did that happen?
I moderate a German forum in which we offer soft support for From time to time we have people accidently sending bch to a btc address, which gets worse when it is a segwit address. Since segwit is more and more adopted, this happens more often.

Usually we recommended to use the recovery tool of After someone sent 7 bch to a segwit address generated by ledger, we investigated and wrote a mail to the admin. He answered that due to the new ABC hard fork consensus rules the coins on a segwit address are locked permanently.

After asking in bu slack I found out that it was caused by the new clean stack rule, whatever this is good for except finalizing the loss of coins sent to a segwit address ...
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Staff member
Dec 16, 2015
The sponsorship of Terab by CoinGeek and nChain has been discontinued.

To apply CoinGeek editorial style, this is a clear indicator that CG and nC are on their last legs financially, have let go the majority of their developer brainpower and are cutting sponsorship ties left right and center (BU GTI, Electron Cash, Terab, ...) A total CoinGeek-nChain-BSV collapse must on the cards. /s :D

However, it is awesome that the Terab codebase has been made available under the new name 'CashDB':

Good writeup on the tech involved in CashDB:
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
well, it's hard to tell if he's using nicks or real names. probably nicks, in which case i can resolve the D & M, but P? in any case, revealing nicks is not doxxing.


Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2015
fork back the clean stack rule! fork in merklix trees! whoever is not with us is against us!
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fork back the clean stack rule! fork in merklix trees! whoever is not with us is against us!
The silence is screaming.

In the vid, on January 3th, a group of developers cherry picked by ABC, discussed the bug they introduced with that fork. After agreeing that nothing can be done except warning people ... All channels, like rbtc or bitcoin-Com, are quiet af.

"ups, we made one of the most frequently happening inconvenience for bch users so bad, that coins are unrecoverable. But passt ... Don't talk about it."
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015

can one run ElectrumBTC and ElectrumSV on the same OS?

Edit : and for that matter, on the same OS as Electron Cash?
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Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2015
After working with Ka-Ching and trying to push UX to the extreme, I realized that bitcoin has overlooked a very important usecase/potential onramp the first 10 years.
Disabled people are the ultimate UX challenge. And the Ka-Ching project will make banks and payment providers like VISA and Mastercard look stupid compared to bitcoin.
More on my thoughts here:

[doublepost=1547260762,1547260076][/doublepost]I have to investigate this more. I'll go to the organizations for disabled people and figure out the pain points for different disabilities in different payment situations.

It's not hard to imagine that a PIN-code can be difficult to enter for a person with Parkinsons. Sitting in a wheelchair is ok in a supermarket when you pick the goods, but not practical when you reach the counter and pay (The counter is simply too high).

I know this can be improved with Ka-Ching.


Staff member
Aug 29, 2015
I believe the person/persons organizing the video meetings for BCH protocol development forward want to be anonymous. I also think the list of who's invited to talk in these video conferences is created in a way that will not be open to the public.
It's not a mystery, the meeting was organized at the initiative of ABC people, including me. We invited some people that have been working together collaboratively with Bitcoin ABC. I think this was stated clearly in places such as the BU Slack. The idea was to start organizing discussion around some issues that need to be sorted out, and let people see the discussion by putting it up on Youtube. We also invited some people who couldn't make it, and plan to invite more and different people for future meetings. We're hoping to have the meetings every two weeks.

By the way, it is my understanding the David Allen (the fellow who helped put the meeting together and moderated it) is willing to organize meetings for other groups also. So, for example, if people from BU wanted to organize some Bitcoin Cash developers meetings, they could easily do that. I think that would be a good idea, so I'd encourage BU to do that.

Here is the recording we are talking about, by the way:


New Member
May 16, 2017
2019 Bitcoin Cash Developers Meeting #2

On January 17 a second public Bitcoin Cash development meeting will be held at 15:00 UTC.

The goal and focus for the meeting is:

To discuss potential items for the next hardfork/upgrade to Bitcoin Cash, to determine which items are realistic to consider for inclusion in the May 2019 Upgrade, and determine the status of each of the items listed and if further discussion is required to solve any issues that there may be.

As with the meeting that took place on January 3rd, this will be a video meeting where a number of developers actively working on Bitcoin Cash will participate and others are welcome to attend.

The recording of the January 3rd meeting can be watched at the link above this post.

Attendees can join shortly before 15:00 UTC by following the Zoom link below. When an email address is requested by Zoom, any style email will do.

For Obvious reasons we do request attendees to use the name by which they are known within the Bitcoin Cash community, The system allows attendees to ask questions using the Q&A function.

Please click the link below to join the webinar:

Or iPhone one-tap :
US: +16465588656,,834187414# or +16699006833,,834187414#
Or Telephone:
Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):
US: +1 646 558 8656 or +1 669 900 6833
Webinar ID: 834 187 414
International numbers available:

These meetings are organized by FVNI Development Society and The Future of Bitcoin at the request of Bitcoin ABC, and are intended to provide a forum for communication and discussion between different groups in the Bitcoin Cash ecosystem.

The meeting will be recorded and the recording will be made available some time after the meeting.
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Aug 22, 2015


Mar 17, 2017
I think once wallets start to adopt Cash Account aliasing (and I think they will), this will help adoption. That Jonathan Silverblood is quite the busy beaver.

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