That leads me to a question I had. A lot of people dismiss everything coming out of the nChain camp as bullshit and maybe with some cause however @shadders at least strikes me as a straight shooter. My question is in reference to the below posts by him indicating that the first prototype of Teranode has come online. I'm just wondering what the "openness" of the teranode tech will be - ie will competitors be able to buy it/license it? If not, and it proves to be capable of processing huge blocks then it would kind of cement the solo-mining problem on the SV chain - well solo-faction at least anyway. (I understand there would be a lot of skepticism to the claims and no doubt a lot of people think SV is doomed in the mid term but I'm curious about the what-ifs.)
And this:
And this: Teranode (or at least the prototypical first iteration) is born. And it's growing fast. The core validation remains in bitcoin-sv so there is no danger of consensus fuckups. But the real perfomance hurdles are being addresses in ways no other implementation team has ever tried. I've been frustrated for the last year that I've been too busy organising dev teams to actually write any code myself but Teranode is my baby and at long last I've had a chance to start coding myself. Then next iteration or Teranode is "coming soon" (tm)... And when it comes we'll shake some foundations. Don't expect loud announcements... You'll just see bigger blocks. The one thing I've learned in recent months is that social media doesn't matter. It's just results that matter. So I will ignore it and just get on with the job as I usually do (except when I get a bit tipsy and go on a twitter rampage)...