@AdrianX: I think I see your point about the debate environment. But I interpret it in a quite different way: I think it is exactly healthy if Peter R can call bullshit, bullshit. And to address the "gag order" naming that came up somewhere: As far as I can see, this is simply him being put in the position of risking funding for a prominent BU project for doing the right thing and speaking out about certain issues. Not because there was any written NDA involved and signed by Peter, but just due to the monetary interest. But, @Peter R., please correct me if I am wrong.
And again, nChain terminated the agreement.
And to address @jessquit point about the real world here: As much as it is the real world that folks ignore the healthy standards of acadamia which are really just common sense in the end (and I am not at all saying academia or its standards are healthy per se!), as much is it the real world that people will rightfully call bullshit on bullshit. You seem to present an is as an ought here, and to be honest, I find that despicable.
And regarding psychological safety: It is always nice to have a civil environment. But it is at least as uncivil to bullshit to create a cult as it is to be "rude".
And, to be honest and at risk of being called a misogynist arsehole once more, "psychological safety" reeks of the "SJW safe space concept" to me
Sounds nice, sounds desirable, but will end up with exactly the wrong people ruling from the shadows. And as a nice, non-arsehole person, it is very easy to get pulled into that kind of ruling situation, exactly because one wants to give the benefit of the doubt just a little bit too many times.
Finally on the giganetwork, and @Juan Garavaglia : For myself, the giganetwork so far mostly presented itself as a bunch of 5 quite capable mining nodes across the world one could, when available, do performance testing on. But I guess there was also funding for work involved which is likely the much bigger chunk, money wise.
Maybe it needs to be scaled back now, I don't know. But I personally think the former part (a network to test code on) is the more immediately useful and cheaper part. So my 2 satoshis and personal interest in this would be to keep that part going first
Which is not at all to say that I regard funding and travel and the other parts of the giganetwork initiative as worthless. But I think the former gives the more immediate bang for the buck. But I am biased and have my own interest in this
And again, nChain terminated the agreement.
And to address @jessquit point about the real world here: As much as it is the real world that folks ignore the healthy standards of acadamia which are really just common sense in the end (and I am not at all saying academia or its standards are healthy per se!), as much is it the real world that people will rightfully call bullshit on bullshit. You seem to present an is as an ought here, and to be honest, I find that despicable.
And regarding psychological safety: It is always nice to have a civil environment. But it is at least as uncivil to bullshit to create a cult as it is to be "rude".
And, to be honest and at risk of being called a misogynist arsehole once more, "psychological safety" reeks of the "SJW safe space concept" to me
Finally on the giganetwork, and @Juan Garavaglia : For myself, the giganetwork so far mostly presented itself as a bunch of 5 quite capable mining nodes across the world one could, when available, do performance testing on. But I guess there was also funding for work involved which is likely the much bigger chunk, money wise.
Maybe it needs to be scaled back now, I don't know. But I personally think the former part (a network to test code on) is the more immediately useful and cheaper part. So my 2 satoshis and personal interest in this would be to keep that part going first
Which is not at all to say that I regard funding and travel and the other parts of the giganetwork initiative as worthless. But I think the former gives the more immediate bang for the buck. But I am biased and have my own interest in this