If mining is fully-connected, then miners have a strong incentive to make themselves discoverable, do they not?
Tough question.If mining is fully-connected, then miners have a strong incentive to make themselves discoverable, do they not?
No, I didn't. To quote you from one post further up:YOU JUST DID IT AGAIN.
Let me repeat your own thought here once more for you, emphasis mine:This individual was excoriated by the technical crowd for blatantly plagiarizing the work of others and adding no particular value of his own, yet without this person's vision of THE BIG PICTURE we might have waited another decade to get the innovation that made computers accessible to everyone.
This person does not matter as per your own sayings. Yet you bring it up, explicitly. Does not compute.yet without this person's vision of THE BIG PICTURE
Fine. But likewise don't needlessly paint all or some of those who are highly critical of CSW, as being avoidant of issues and not being willing or able to tackle issues because of the CSW stench.@awemany regardless of which person you're referring to, you are nevertheless out of line. I have no thought leaders. Don't paint one onto me, just because I happen to echo something that someone else said.
I will further research the origin and basis of the fully connected graph claim. Given other recent material published on the matter of the network topology, I must question that premise.I think if someone wants to make the claim that it's easy for miners to obfuscate their hashpower, then they need to explain how, in the context of miners needing to participate in a fully-connected graph, because these appear to me to be mutually-exclusive goals.
You have that right. You may insteaad consider the amount of time and focus taken away from doing actually useful stuff (like building things). These are the facts, this is not about personality this is about how he affects the people.And I refuse to be sucked into anyone's cult of personality or anti-personality.
Software patents are explicitly mentioned in the license quite a lot. Its not really a 'detail'. And flowee is not the only one. You must know about libbitcoin ?The true issue is the SWPATs, not some license detail.
It does.Bitcoin 's network passively resists discovery of the topology, does it not?
Discoverable by whom?If mining is fully-connected, then miners have a strong incentive to make themselves discoverable, do they not?
Our discussion was about CSW. You were saying that despite some bad things about CSW, he has still made some valuable points. I then argued that his non-erroneous points that are possible to understand are not that valuable. You pointed to "small world mining" as a valuable contribution. I said that CSW's claim about it was pretty basic and non-controversial. You alluded to some hidden depth in the topic of small-world mining, and I pointed out that neither CSW or you or his other translators had said anything deep about it as far as I've seen. Then you acted shocked and appalled that I "brought up" CSW.I bring up small world mining, you bring up Craig Motherfucking Wright as some sort of hex against discussion
You seem to have misunderstood my meaning when I said "I don't see why listening to CSW is worthwhile." I'm talking about the future. In the past I've spent a lot of time trying to make sense of CSW's technobabble, and pointing out his errors. When I've taken the time to examine them, all of his claims either turned out to be errors, nonsensical, or basic / not insightful. Given that he speaks and writes with such a lack of clarity, the ROI on trying to parse his confused thoughts is negative (except to the extent that popularizing his errors helps other people see that he's a bullshitter). This is why I say he's not worth listening to.and tell me that you're literally not going to think about it, since he said it.
One would think that the skepticism would have been directed at the person to have claimed five years ago to know the topology of the mining network without having presented any data or logic to support it whatsoever. You'd think that by now the assumptions would have been demonstrated. But better late than never.I will further research the origin and basis of the fully connected graph claim. Given other recent material published on the matter of the network topology, I must question that premise.
other miners obviouslyDiscoverable by whom?
Tom, I've been wanting to mention something about this. The MIT license does not allow you to relicense the code. So I hope that the portions of flowee that come from bitcoin classic remain MIT licensed.I know you had doubts about this before, but let me please point out again that Flowee is using GPLv3 which has a patent clause. I think it would be very healthy for the ecosystem for every major implemetation to move to this same license. For reasons of patents as well as for reasons of building an open source community.
@theZerg, I believe you are wrong about this, and the FSF disagrees with you.The MIT license does not allow you to relicense the code.
My vision was always global M2, he he.There is a $100T market for sound money. It's called "global M1" and that is my vision.
Regarding bitcoin not being a stellar unit of account:@jessquit: I appreciated your post. I thought it was particularly intellectually honest/thoughtful of you to ask if maxwell and szabo were right all along. I'll dig up the rest of that post of yours - no time right now.
Was gold really usurped because of industrial use cases? (asking) I've thought of it more related to portability. But fine, for your argument, that sounds valid in the abstract at least.
Bitcoin is volatile right now. And it's small. So, yes, right now its unit-of-account properties aren't stellar. But won't that come much later? isn't that to be expected anyway - until full-ish adoption? Wouldn't $100 trillion M1 dwarf concert ticket and ICO mania. Sure, right now it'll add spikes, but our YoY trend would remain up - I'd hope.
Also, mightn't the volatility of 10 use-cases (ICOs, IoT payments, etc) still have a bigger DC component (trend higher) and maybe even be smoother or steeper than just one use case? (not sure. asking)
[doublepost=1523308987][/doublepost]Regardless, I'm not decided. You, and Cypherdoc make good points. We're dealing with something that's never been possible before, though, so, I don't want to fall for any form of normalcy bias. I'd like to challenge all assumptions. It's hard.
Just want to add some colour to this. I think the silver denari was the tool on the street in the roman empire. As the roman empire collapsed, the government watered down the silver content in the coins to way less than 1%. And the government stopped accepting silver as payment for tax, they required gold, lol!1) problem with divisibility. This was an early issue seen even before the time of the Roman Empire where the value of a standard gold coin exceeded most transactions, therefore requiring sub-unit coins made in base metals, especially copper, also by silver, which were convertible to gold at a problematic fixed or market rate. Coin-clipping was an early crime. Money had to be visibly standardized for common usage.
The MIT license in actual fact allows you to release it as almost anything you want. Which is the exact problem that Bitcoin has had for years.Tom, I've been wanting to mention something about this. The MIT license does not allow you to relicense the code.
Projects like what @Norway is working on, Ka-ching, with the touchless, keyring-sized RFID wallets for spending from, kind of align well with the culture of a more minimalist and unintrusive lifestyle (we already use contactless payment very much in the Nordics). I can imagine people who go running don't want to carry a phone or even bankcard, but they can carry something that won't fall off, like an RFID keyring, to buy a bottle of water whenever needed.
Well, nobody did until he did it. This was last year, and the debate about the role of nonmining nodes was high, UASF-hats and all. It's easy to be captain hindsight, but CSW was the first to put focus on this issue.By "small-world mining" you just mean miners are directly connected to each other? If so, Craig could have just made the very simple point "If miners are all directly connected, it's really hard to increase gamma much above 0 via a Sybil attack." Pretty much everyone would agree with this. It's not that insightful.
This is supposed to be the big contribution that Craig made to the discussion which we should use to excuse all the false and silly things he says?
The abacus metaphor is brilliant!Nice video about Lightning Network:
Because CSW brought it up as part of his scheme of self-aggrandizement and to ingratiate himself with the BCH community. No one was talking about it before he stirred the pot. EGS brought out his paper, most people were "nice theoretical attack" and got on with Bitcoining, some raised objections and counterpoints then it all blew over because the real-world truth was the Bitcoin was continuing to work just fine.why are we even discussing it?
We analyze the measured topology to discover both high-degree nodes and a well connected giant component.
A major contribution of this paper is the finding that the broadcast topology conceals influential nodes that represent disproportionate amounts of mining power.
From p.13 of the slides about this research :We show that this small set of nodes (100 or so) seemingly account for over three-quarters of the hash power. We hypothesize that these nodes are either gateways to mining pools, or are other-wise connected with low-latency to gateways. Interestingly, the set of influential nodes have entirely benign topological and protocol features: they don’t have exceptionally high degree, don’t form an exclusive community, don’t have a unique version string, or are even particularly long lived in the network, making it difficult to find and track these nodes.
However, these nodes provide an exceptional network advantage for broadcast: as long as a transaction (block) reaches these nodes, it is far more likely to be included in a block (extended in the block chain).
and p.14Mostly random, mostly low degree
Super nodes detected:
“bitcoinaffiliate” miners: ~40 nodes with 1k+ connections
Tantalizing results and thorough description of methodology (!) which have already caused me to revise my assumptions about what could be discovered about the network's topology.Visible network may be irrelevant anyway
Private miner peering
BlueMatt’s optimized miner relay network