@Tom Zander: GPLv3 (and more specifically Flowee) are all fine with me.
But a defensive SWPAT pool would be a much wider, much more fundamental and better solution to the actual problem that starts to appear in this space
and be compatible with your decisions.
Not all code is bitcoind and the reality that most implementations (all except yours) did not switch to GPLv3 shows me that the interest in that is low at most.
The true issue is the SWPATs, not some license detail.
Oh, let me also add that if you believe licensing decisions
by developers drive this space, I think this would be a repeat of one of the mistakes that lead to the whole BTC fiasco. Not saying you do, but your personal licensing discussion and my personal voicing of concerns and call for a patent pool are simply normal people's voices in this space, nothing more, nothing less.
BCH is led by the financial interest in it, not the developers, both in the form of
is as well as
ought, for me.
@jessquit: Got it. I think we're mostly on the same page then, even. Arguing from status quo is, witness BTC and the blocksize, extremely effective and I think will also be a defense against any sudden and unwanted introduction of major changes like Bitcoin-NG.
I actually don't like the status quo argument to be overused with BCH (BTC is a different matter now

) but I have always been a conservative (like
@cypherdoc and others) with changes to the protocol.
Slow and steady, please.
So is your worry that the SM-folks want to change Bitcoin in undue ways, or is it something else?