Gold collapsing. Bitcoin UP.


Active Member
Sep 24, 2015
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Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2015
However, again if people can't use Bitcoin the chain no longer binds them together.
Good point. This fits in with my previous ruminations that the connections upon which Metcalf's law are based are not all created equal and will run some kind of distribution which will even stretch into connections which have negative value to the network (thus making a split possibly actually increase net value). A simple use of Metcalf assumes that this distribution maintains a somewhat consistent shape through growth but if those connections are actually damaged as with high fees and restricted block size, the value of the network will be adversely affected even with a similar number of participants and likely still with increasing participants. Might make an interesting graphic.


Active Member
Aug 31, 2015

Indeed. lmao. coinbase: "Buys and sells will be available to all customers once there is sufficient liquidity on GDAX. We anticipate that this will take a few hours." (from
Edit, this is what adoption looks like, and it does not include billions of futures being bought and held on exchanges. To think that people here will continue to use BTC and not switch to something else is flat out absurd.
But, but... it's a Store of Wealth... like gold !?!


Active Member
Aug 31, 2015
gdax live, it seems.

Mike Maloney published a documentary about "the crypto revolution" as part of his "hidden secrets of money" series:
EDIT: haha, at around 16:00 he redefines "softfork" as "what happens when 2 miners find a block at the same time". Other than that, so far his technical explanations are pretty accurate and understandable.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2015
I'm a big fan of Mike Maloney, and have learned so much about the fiat system from his high quality videos.

The first half is great for newbies and oldbies. But he spends the last half on Hashgraph, that nobody have heard of. He has either stumbled upon greatness, but more likely a company making a private blockchain or an open blockchain prone to sybil attacks.

EDIT: And I suspect his critique against bitcoin has been fed him from this "Hashgraph" guys. 1 MB is a problem, yes. But we have Bitcoin Cash. And power consumption is not directly related to transactions. Bitcoin Cash can serve the whole world without using all energy on earth and more.


Active Member
Aug 31, 2015
haha, awesome:

this ia a animated version of the famous analogy picture based on live tx data. very well done piece of work!

@Norway: yeah, I'm half way through the hashgraph part. Looks like Mike stumbled into something and got sucked in. No way at this point to tell wether it has merit. Here's what seems to be a balanced view on hashgraph: . It seems to be unclear at this point weather or not it works in non-permissioned settings and how it would fare under sybil.


Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2015
Whatever the price, it's not overpay. It's worth it. I'm ordering one red cap with that text from you. I don't care what you charge me.

EDIT: Just get the best quality you can get. Money is not an issue.

EDIT2: Make it two. Or three from me. I have a buddy that deserves one (he mined BCH at 30 petahash consistantly in the volatile period after august 1.)

And I want one spare to give away. Maybe in Tokyo.

EDIT 3: Actually @albin , can you get met 50 of those to hand out in Tokyo in march? At this point, I have to say that money is an issue. But not a big one. Just give me an (un)fair price and a QR code, and I will give you a shipping address and some of that magical Bitcoin Cash money!
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Active Member
Nov 8, 2015
I'll look into it and get back to soon, I'm not super familiar with hat making but I know what to deal with when it comes to print shops etc. We talking basically mimicking the classic red Trump hat?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2015
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Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2015
Talking about bullshit:

There's all kinds of ideas now what Core could be scheming. Maybe they are trying to go for a blocksize increase themselves now. That's what they urgently need, as everyone knows. Maybe they are also trying to play the waiting game with the promises in front of the hamster wheel just a little bit longer.

But in any of those cases, wouldn't it be a great idea now for the puppeteers of Blockstream/Core to get van der Laan to pass his maintainer role to someone else, to create the impression of things moving at Core?

Of course, all with full community consensus, LOL.

If I think about it, from the game mechanics, it seems almost like an obvious move now, so let's see whether I am right :)


Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2015
The fear that they might just be successful is what keeps me from shifting more towards BCH.

But IMO, it would also be final proof that the miners are close to powerless and thus also the value proposition of Bitcoin on very shaky grounds. Maybe good for a final pump.

And thanks for the link by the way, yes there are signs indeed.
[doublepost=1513851335][/doublepost]What a dangerous flatlining of the retarget ETA:

Looks like it is moving down now, but that was a close call it seems.

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