Active Member
Yes. I wouldn't say "built upon", though. The real economy can just switch the money it uses. Sure: large parts of the current economy only prosper because of the type of money that is in wide use (misallocations of capital and distortion of price signals due to inflation of the money supply and injection of the fresh funds in the wrong places). And that's the thing we want to change: end the unfair transfer of wealth by corrupt management of money supply, end the manipulation of prices, fucking end unneeded wars and suppression. The means we (as people) have to effect this change is of course a switch to using cryptocurrency. We can make this switch because in the end, the economy is just people (or other entities like groups of people) making transactions.I would tend to agree but with a smaller scope: "supersede the current money system".
The real economy is much more than the money that it is built upon. If people are wise enough (stupid hope, I know), they could keep large parts of the economy intact while still replacing the money system.
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