The Bitcoin Cash HF is needed because the EDA was only a temporary solution to prevent a chain stall. The current situation is unsustainable as the Cash chain either becomes far too profitable or too unprofitable resulting in series of blocks which average nowhere near the desired 10 minute interval. At the current time the Cash chain is 6,286 blocks ahead of the Bitcoin Segwit1x chain. Those extra rewards may be spooking the market and causing some downward price pressure.
A lot of the background arguments have been debated here:
Anyone can join and constructively comment.
An improved DAA is largely being worked on by the ABC developers. This is basically essential maintenance to get the block frequency stabilised. Once it's done then Cash can steadily grow its mining power as it attracts more users with reliable conf times and low fees.
Obviously the 2x situation is another unknown, but it shouldn't be a factor in getting the block frequency on the Cash chain fixed.