Gold collapsing. Bitcoin UP.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Is there any evidence of this 1MB soft limit after 2x?
@adamstgbit no but it was a prediction, it felt a little like a premonition. Anyway it's popcorn time, I paid a lot of BTC to get those idiots to disinvest from BCH, I'm now just looking forward to the show.

I think the outcome will be bad if it's given any consideration.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2016
this is huge!

I look forward to seeing real improvments to bitcoin!

one thing i hope gets implemented sooner rather then later is this idea:
Allow nodes to sync with current UTXO set only (~2GB space currently, easy for any smartphone to handle), thus bypassing the initial huge download/verification which prevents most people from running node.
this idea has been thrown around many times. and IMO it can have a HUGE bang for very little buck.

it doesn't really solve the problem entirely ( since we will always Need full-archive-nodes) but it would make a dramatic impact that end users really feel. imagine spinning up a full node and having synced in 60mins!

IMO this would help win over alot of poeple, once poeple see and feel real improvement, the whole segwit is ( or is not, depending on the context... ) a blocksize incress, looks like total junk, in comparison.

just saying.

edit: or somthing along those lines that leads to trustless light SVP clients or somthing.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2015
I'm not sure why there is this impetus to have a node on a smartphone (full or otherwise). It's totally not needed to be able to transact in Bitcoin. A light wallet is just fine. If you insist on having to have a full or partial node, run it on a full system with proper connectivity and have the phone be a light wallet against that.


Active Member
Nov 8, 2015
Think of all the poor people in Africa who currently can't run full nodes on their entry-level Androids, who are deprived from the privilege of running the node infrastructure for millionaires to move around their overpriced transactions!


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2016
the idea is not running it on a phone.
its allowing poeple to run a full node that does not download the entire blockcahin, but is just as secure.

right now if you want a full node you MUST download 1000's of GBs, if you could bootstrap a full node with an initial UTXO set in a trustless way, sniping up a new full-node on a new PC is MUCH less costly to you and the network!

all the users using a full-node as a personal wallet, going on and off line for weeks at a time... would all LOVE to have UTXO only mode.


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2015
the idea is not running it on a phone.
its allowing poeple to run a full node that does not download the entire blockcahin, but is just as secure.
Oh, for sure, UTXO commitments and fast-syncing nodes is an absolute must. Just the quote you included mentioned smartphones and I think they're not really a compelling argument in themselves.

I believe we could already have this if the "wah, it takes forever to sync the blockchain" argument wasn't a key pillar of the small-blocks narrative.

Though it's still only hundreds of GB thus far for what it's worth.


Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2015
@majamalu: Yes. It appears to be a great opportunity now to take future BTC for Core Shitcoins from the brainwashed Corium folks.

As I don't see a future for crypto in general without 2x (because I don't see any true decentralization left), I am willing to put (from my perspective) quite some money on the table to buy more BTC and sell my future Core shitcoins. I didn't do BCH:BTC trading because I still see BTC winning in the end, but I definitely don't see CSC (CoreShitCoin) winning.

I tried to open a bet on, but that site seems kind of abandoned and now my submission is pending and nothing is being done about it.

If someone trustworthy set ups a site to do swaps of BTC vs CSC (with the caveat that Core loses their coins if Core doesn't simply also go 2x, because then the whole thing would be pointless except to enrich the exchange facilitating the futures with my transaction fees), I am all ears.

There still seem to be some more fools out there.

I also like this kind of trading, as it directly incentivizes the miners to properly kill the 1x non-POW-forked CoreCoin.

Roger Ver will do everything he can with to squash the 1x chain, given his bet.

Beautiful, all this.


Active Member
Nov 8, 2015
I'm super jaded about the whole situation, everytime it looks like the Core dev clique is finally backed into a corner where they just have to accept the most bare minimum compromise to defuse the whole situation, they display a stunning ability to handwave brand new bullshit. On the bright side at least I feel like the discourse is becoming more transparently that of a culture war and not so much the pretense of some kind of technical disagreement.


Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2015
I have a good escrow guy if you want to sell 1x. His name is Sturle Sunde, His website (that looks like it was made in the late 90's) is

He is a very early adopter, and he has become a smallblocker. He is a very smart guy, and also a nice person.He is the guy that has done the most to get norwegians into bitcoin.

I don't trust his wisdom that 1MB4EVA/BS/Core is the right path, but I trust him as a bussinessman. I can provide more info if you are interested.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
@Jihan has this great opportunity now to deal 1x shitcoin tokens and at the same time simply killing the 1x :D
Jihan gets it, there is no demand for Bcore coin the minority Bitcoin Fork, that's why there is no market. I would never put my money in an atomic crap, it won't materialize because there is not going to be a minority fork. I think we could to see some positive BCH movement in this turmoil.

I'm more bullish on BCH, by the minute. Jihan now only selling S9's (Bitcoin Mining equipment) for BCH - Bitcoin not accepted.

4. Only BCC payment method is accepted in this batch, please use the exact amount mentioned in your order and complete the payment within one hour. After one hour, the order will expire and your payment may not be detected by the system automatically. If the payment is submitted but the receipt is delayed, we will make your payment "Valid" manually.


Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2015
@AdrianX: I am sure Jihan gets it - but why does it need to be an atomic swap? I am more talking the conventional, trusted arbiter route here. And if the 1x tokens don't materialize: Not our loss.

Which makes me tend to think that if Adam is at all playing chess and not just poker here, he's very likely to have a POW fork prepared and ready to go. So that he has at least the chance to pump his POW fork with the remains of "his" ecosystem - rBitcoin, BCT,
As a further step, it then also seems likely that Blockstream has invested money into building an ASIC or at least FPGA implementation for their POW, to be a step ahead - explaining their recent hardware hires.

To anyone reading this from the inside - a leak might be a great favor for humanity ... :D

@Norway: Yes thanks, interesting, I'll get back to you on that.