It'll tend to approach a 1:1 ratio but miners don't convert everything they save some earnings.
The block size debate exists because off chain scaling degrades long term profits and network growth. Supporting the cartel to limit transaction capacity benefits short term profit at the expense of long term viability.
So the chain with the long term profit horizon will be discount in the short term. It may even run negative for a short while.
Long term mining is more committed to profit growth while short term mining is more committed to profit now.
The flippering is when both long and short term profitability converge on the same chain. Could be the 2X or the BCC chain but not the BS/Core chain with the existing developers roadmap. It's designed to move fee paying transactions onto a banking transaction layer undermining miners profit and neywork security threatening the long term viability of the network.
It's this perverted result of incentives that the Core developers have capitalized on. It's what drove Mike Hearn to rage quit bitcoin calling it a failed experiment.
Possibly 40% of hash power is committed to long term success. However miners all have different short term goals.
[doublepost=1502292327,1502291167][/doublepost]Long term investors and miners have the same goal long term returns, growth and security. Because it's hard to visualize future profit without quantifying it there is uncertainty in the present. This is why BCC came into existence and why it started with futures trading