Make your Bitcoin No Longer “Pseudo-anonymous”


New Member
Jul 19, 2019
In the age of big data, there’s a growing conflict between privacy protection and personal data, the need to find a balance in-between is becoming increasingly urgent. The emergence of Bitcoin once brought us hope and have our respect for its autonomy in personal property. However, with the rising attention and user groups, the privacy of Bitcoin is gradually weakened. The advent of VDS ignited crypto market with features like privacy-protection. Not only that, VDS also set Bitcoin free in the name of Satoshi Nakamoto. Vollar is used as the intermediary to make Bitcoin transactions completely anonymous.

Before we talk about whether VDS is capable of trading Bitcoin anonymously, we need to understand why Bitcoin cannot be traded in an anonymous manner. Among the descriptions, anonymity is one of Bitcoin’s distinguished features. The founder of Wikipedia once mentioned that Bitcoin is a safe and anonymous crypto. Many people take it for granted that Bitcoin is anonymous. In fact, Bitcoin is rather non-identifying than anonymous.

Anonymity refers to the state when a pseudonym with no relevance on the Internet is used, and the identity of each person cannot be recognized. Non-identifying means everyone in the network has a virtual identity that has nothing to do with their real identity. The transparency of Bitcoin ledger makes the funds flow of each address checkable. Since transaction involves the establishment of relationships, not only the flow of funds can be checked, the special relationship between addresses can also be traced according to transaction frequency. If you accidentally revealed your BTC address on a public platform, there’ll be no secret to your payment history. Your trading info will be fully exposed to hundreds of millions of users. Therefore, Bitcoin is non-identifying rather than anonymous. Besides, most transactions of Bitcoin nowadays are processed through centralized trading platforms which require real-name identification at the registration. In other words, the non-identifying characteristic of Bitcoin has no real substance.

How does VDS realize the thoroughly anonymous transaction of Bitcoin? First off, through the unique resonance trading system, BTC can be converted into Vollar at a dynamic ratio. Resonance trade is achieved due to the fact that VDS and BTC adopt the same elliptic curve algorithm, therefore, BTC and VDS are able to use the same private key. This design allows Bitcoin to be exchanged into Vollar through decentralized operations without any intermediary such as exchange platforms. VDS utilizes zero-knowledge proof for anonymous transaction, which is the most thoroughly anonymous method currently known without leaving any transaction records and cuts off the funds’ source info. After that, Vollar can be sold through VDS’s OTC group. Till now, the transaction and cash-out of Bitcoin are achieved under complete anonymity. If you pick up the proper ratio to exchange Bitcoin, and sell Vollar at the appropriate price, there is even room for profit, equivalent to the appreciation of Bitcoin. This is indeed a green channel designed for Bitcoin’s anonymous transaction. In addition to currency trading, OTC groups can also be used to trade various securities, goods and even services. Not just cash-out, VDS will also make the anonymous payment and online shopping of Bitcoin happen.

There’s an endless emergence of cryptocurrencies on the market ever since the creation of Bitcoin, some of which with high anonymity. But VDS is the only one to connect with Bitcoin in a decentralized, anonymous manner. It is the real practice pioneer of Satoshi Nakamoto’s spirit and has extended it further to a higher level with applications. Aside from anonymity, all functions of VDS are built on distributed networks. Smart contracts provide plenty possibilities and offer users high degree of freedom. VDS brings BTC more than just anonymity. Sky is the limit.