Gold collapsing. Bitcoin UP.


Active Member
Mar 14, 2016
EDIT: Deleted

It seems like I got everything wrong about Matonis
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Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2015
Two minor observations:

a) Why is still not working on Blockstream's pages? Is that intentional?

b) In their patent FAQ, Blockstream specifically excludes hardware from some of their pledges. I think this is quite interesting (hypocritical) in context of the whole manufactured ASICBOOST scandal.


Active Member
Aug 28, 2015
@majamalu Remind us again, where do you publish most of your spanish articles? Interested to have a read and practice my spanish ;)
Of course. Here it is:

You will find many quotes from this forum scattered in my writings.

Let me know if I you need help to understand something.



Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
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Active Member
Dec 31, 2015
Remind me again - who is nChain? Is that Craig S Wright's current business entity? If so, shit just get even more interesting.

I got a kick outta this "...nChain advocates for the formation of a neutral standards organisation to coordinate and manage the Bitcoin protocol and technical standards ..." - I am surprised they seem to be unaware of ISO TC 307:


Staff member
Dec 16, 2015
That was a double take for me:

In the same thread, Fenton says about censorship (emphasis mine):
Censorship is a problem for sure. But part of its affect is determined by how much we allow it to affect us.

It's like terrorism. Someone drives a truck bomb & kills 10 people that's horrible. If the country responds by starting a war that kills 10,000 and mandating IDs for all citizens and banning trucks then that's worse.

Censorship is bad....but by buying into division and making this sub the BU team and that one the core team it just furthers that division and the quality of conversation on both subs degrades.
Now, claiming on Reddit to offer $100K to someone who's engaging in something you just likened to terrorism - that just blows my mind on multiple levels.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I came across a name for a psychological phenomenon called the the backfire effect also called Group polarization. It seems evident that someone understanding this phenomenon could have executed an Attitude polarization attack in 2015. Would like coup and contentious to describe a benign upgrade could trigger such a response.

I've been learning about this the hard way. On a smaller scale BU also suffers from this phenomenon I see evidence in BitPay, Stephen Pair's belief that BU will result in deep chain reorgs and chain splits if adopted.

Someone (who is not banned) should post the link below to the r/bitcoin forum avoiding words like: attack, coup and contentious. I think this should be understood by everyone in the bitcoin space.

Please read the story below it's a great story that describes the phenomenon and the state of bitcoin with details all the way down to the metaphorical victim Bitcoin Jesus. (forgive me for picking this slide I cant help myself at this time)



Active Member
That article from The Oatmeal that @AdrianX linked to has been popular on social media lately. It only gives part of the picture though. The explanation for why people react emotionally to arguments that don't fit their worldview is just that "then they'd have to change all their other views, which is hard."

The real explanation is that the Argumentative Theory of reasoning is correct:

TL;DR: In our ancestral environment, building social coalitions and not being a social outcast was at least as important as interacting well with the non-social world. Much of our reasoning ability evolved for the purpose of winning arguments so that our faction in the tribe would gain more power. It didn't evolve just to help us find truth.

Most people on both sides of the debate don't realize that their intuition about "this argument I'm making is reasonable, and the other side's argument is unreasonable" is unreliable. If the mechanism you're using to determine that you're right and the other guy is wrong didn't evolve for the purpose of finding the actual truth, you can't use it to justify you being right.

Not understanding this also causes people to fall into "Core is evil" beliefs. If you don't understand how bad human reasoning about 'political' topics is generally, and how easy it is to be self-deluded, then the only explanation for Core's behavior is that they're especially evil.

If you found The Oatmeal's article interesting, I recommend:
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Thanks for the links @go1111111 The truth is abstract and relative, one shooed not seek truth, but rater seek to understand based on empirical observations. Reality is ones personal interpretation, beliefs cloud reality all the time, The block size being one such belief.

Projecting the "Core is evil" belief as a way to discriminate between those who support or don't support the Core vision, it is an Attitude polarization projection.

The reality is there is no Core, Core is an OSS project managed in a similar way to otter successful OOS projects.

The problem with Core is it's not an effective way to manage the most powerful meme that shapes human evolution, the meme of money.

Removing the 1MB limit from bitcoin allows a greater interconnected and interdependent network to emerge, one that will catapult human cooperation to a new paradigm in evolution.

Categorizing "people who fall into "Core is evil" beliefs" is naive, the people who do not support Core have an understanding. They intuitively understand that a few hundred developers using the typical OSS model on github to manage decentralized global economic cooperation protocol is not effective. It can not scale, it is easily infiltrated and corrupted. It won't serve to encourage economic cooperation through the use of bitcoin.

"evil" is a subjective, it is an adjective to describe a relative morel judgment, when you see people use this word you need to ask them what is it about X that makes it morally repugnant?

because nothing is actually evil its just relatively undesirable based on empirical observations.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015

The truth behind the ministry of truth.

"Nothing of the last year was planned.
I listened to the wrong ideas and simply where we should be is ignoring and leaving the myth.
I had started to present my work. That is when the attacks started and i was not prepared for any of it.
I did not expect to have to explain the distinction between a PhD and a professional doctorate and I did not expect to have any of the other fabrications to defend.
I have learnt from this. I am saddened that people feel they need an authority and cannot learn and must come to a state where they express an attack as an opinion.

Yes, you can have an opinion, but this is not the same as a reasoned argument."


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Why is the slack being favored over an open forum like this? - it's a little frustrating I love chatting with all of you and more so reading your ideas. I feel they are diapering into a hole.

reading this has been fun:

csw [7:42 AM]
Please, all I ask is do not follow me, a developer or anyone based on who they are. Look anytime, everytime on the solution, the effects and the trade-off.
bitsko [7:43 AM]
thank you for your thoughts!
csw [7:43 AM]
Please remember, this is a world of scarcity, there is always something that is a trade-off, a cost and we cannot just assume that a change comes without a cost.
I like CSW more and more.

@lunar thanks for posting that I wasn't going to read it but you'er a most notable filter.

Want to try writing a page…
Based on quotes from the code?”

The conversation started after I received a link to Satoshi’s White paper,drawing my attention to the quote shown on the laptop image above. It got me thinking, why isn’t this common knowledge? Why isn’t it known that nodes are miners? I went to the bitcoin wiki to educate myself, and found the information there confusing.
I can relate I was banned from r/bitcoin for making that argument. kudos to #thewildcard for the effort.


Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2015
@AdrianX: Fully agreed, I like this forum more, but then people unfortunately talk on slack. It is rather like a blackhole for info, I agree.

@Peter R: This was today on "" opened by @bitsko . I am certain you can join there as well.

CSW definitely behaves like a scammer, but the ways he scams are interesting enough to leave a tiny bit of doubt in the back of my mind that he could be real and just very bad with people.

(I also think his double-hashing argument does not make sense, after further reconsideration. I asked him on that and he didn't provide anything. But that's the thing: The argument is weird enough that you think he must be quite elaborate with his bullshitting to construct it like that.)

@Bloomie: Maybe this has been discussed before, but: Can be enabled for this forum?


Staff member
Aug 19, 2015
All - please continue to invite people to the forum. We have to recruit new participants to remain a viable community. Don't be wary of controversial voices joining the conversation. If they have something interesting to say, they deserve to be heard. If they are trolls, they will still attract new readers who will balance them out. I invited Jorge Stolfi and your new friend Bruce Fenton yesterday and hope that they join.

@awemany is not disabled, and people on reddit have used it before to save threads, but it just gave me an error message. If anyone knows how to troubleshoot it, PM me.

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