Gold collapsing. Bitcoin UP.


Active Member
Nov 11, 2015
You cannot guarantee it, but one idea of protecting the industry is to have an economically relevant blocksize limit
Ok so you seen to not like the word protect. What about the following then:

You cannot guarantee it, but one idea of improving the viability of the the industry is to have an economically relevant blocksize limit


Active Member
Cypherdoc's departure is eerily similar to Goat's disappearance. Anyone heard from Goat recently?
There's a guy named Goat who has been active on the ETC Telegram group, using the same photo as the famous Goat. Pretty sure it's him.

RE: cypherdoc stuff -- I admire how Bloomie is handling this. It makes me more likely to read the thread and contribute more often in the future.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2015
It occurs to me that several of the good things about Bitcoin that have been espoused also need a hard-fork to be true. We already know that two of the promises (low cost transactions and timely transactions) have been broken by the failure to fork (though to be fair, many of us did not see the block size limit as an immutable rule). But consider the promise of proof against deflation and eventual loss of bitcoins: "Bitcoin is currently divisible to 8 decimal places but even if only one Satoshi were left, the number of decimal places could be extended". There's a hard-fork right there.

From the FAQ:
How divisible are bitcoins?
A bitcoin can be divided down to 8 decimal places. Therefore, 0.00000001 BTC is the smallest amount that can be handled in a transaction. If necessary, the protocol and related software can be modified to handle even smaller amounts.
Or are we to leverage more and more into soft-forks until the original Bitcoin protocol is but a husk that the bloodsucking parasite on the Blockstream leech feeds off of?

In the end you can imagine a successfull economy not caring too much about the value of money middle- and longterm while money does a great as a tool in the economy. One of the most eye-opening facts Thomas Piketty presents in his book about the capital is that only a tiny fraction of the capital itself is in money and thus it doesn't care about inflation.
Cause and effect though. The economy does care about inflation which is why safe stores of value are sought and bubbles occur. Perhaps if inflation were not such a factor, a larger fraction of the capital would exist as money.

Of course, then we have to get into what storing money actually means. A savings account is not a store but a loan (I know we all know this but just saying)
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Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2015
From the same Wiki page:

As of Bitcoin 0.5.3 the required fee will not be higher than 0.05 BTC. For most users there is usually no required fee at all. If a fee is required it will most commonly be 0.0005 BTC.


Active Member
Dec 31, 2015
You cannot guarantee it, but one idea of improving the viability of the the industry is to have an economically relevant blocksize limit
Except that many have reasoned that keeping an economically relevant blocksize limit actually impedes this viability.
Anyone heard from Goat recently?
Not in some time. I did share one brief exchange with Goat well after he went dark. I get the impression that he merely called in rich to work.


Active Member
Jun 1, 2016
London, England
So let me get this straight.
1. hellobitcoinworld gets "doxed" and throws in the towel
2. The guy who was coding the fork goes AWOL out of the blue, with no apparent reason
3. cypherdoc throws his toys outta the pram and goes AWOL for no good reason
4. bloomie was offered a pretty buck, enough to buy an apartment, for his domain (turned it down)

To mention but a few.

5. Goat called in rich to work ....

Now, I am not one for conspiracy theories but I also know the junta is backed by good money.


Active Member
Mar 14, 2016
So, I'm going to do some talking out loud briefly regarding recent events.

I apologize for not properly crediting the author, but there was some amazing discussion concerning how to properly address a Bitcoin Hardfork before the actual fork which could result in two surviving chains; for simplicity we call them Btc1 and Btc2.

At the outset, these two chains would have different corresponding hashpower and consequently, so long as they were tradable on exchanges they would have value until they reach a proper equilibrium. My understanding was that prior to this happening the suggestion would be to use a futures market to determine economic values of the different chains pre-fork. I found this a really enjoyable discussion and see no reason why an exchange wouldn't create a synthetic entity like this to be modeled and used for speculation of a 1mb classic fork and 2mb fork.

I think if anything, Eth/ETC has shown that the minority fork will always have some value as an item of exchange simply for speculators regardless of whether or not it's chain is longest or secure. I think it was very interseting that poloniex elected to support and offer trades of the minority fork. This seemed to happen over night but had to have had some significant planning. So while this is going on in the background, we then have the entrance of a new contributor to the forum who has a very strong presence on /btc who had interesting theories which seemed kindof 'meh. After this, we have an ultimate ETH/ETC hardfork, and exchanges decide to facilitate these transactions.

Along that same line you then have an amazingly concerted attack on any possible bitcoin 2mb hardfork, an attack on coinbase, and core btc programmers becoming involved with ETC. We then have Cypher go dark. Afterwhich Bstream buys Greenaddress and Breadwallet is demonized in similar fashion to coinbase.

This is an insane series of events. I think cypher had a tough time w/ the fallout from the nash guy, especially if he invited him? That was, frigging insane it seemed. I still have a lot to think about from that insanity. It was good, just, a lot all at once.

I think there is a lot more going on behind the scenes regarding btc&etc... Shady politics.


Active Member
Jun 1, 2016
London, England
You cannot guarantee it, but one idea of improving the viability of the the industry is to have an economically relevant blocksize limit
And how would you define what an economically viable block size limit if you can not quantify the effect that the 1MB limit has on stifling adoption?

@freetrader - be sure to let us know how many satoshis you are offered to tone down!

EDIT: PS. I forgot, they just want you to disappear not tone down! In any case, let us know.


Staff member
Dec 16, 2015
@pekatete : "the junta is backed by good money"

As long as we remember that there is better money, then we should be fine.
I forgot, they just want you to disappear not tone down! In any case, let us know.
I'm happy to report that no-one's offered me any satoshis, let's keep it that way.
But your 'let us know' request is legit and I will honor it, just so that we can establish a cartel salary floor :cool:

Recent events have also given me pause for thought and I've taken some necessary precautions to ensure that my work will not disappear.

To further incentivize myself I've locked myself out of my mansion - umm, I mean I've time-locked one of my bitcoins :p

P.S. after @cypherdoc 's exit I PM'd him on Reddit as well, and got no response. Found out here that he had deleted his account in the meanwhile. I would still caution us not to indulge in conspiracy theories, but rather use private channels to communicate, build better relations with each other and try to find out what happened. In case you need to reach me via email: freetrader at tuta dot io
Key fingerprint = CC32 9A4F B0E4 1392 8295 05FE C07A 7C34 5E86 B06C

Stay safe!

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