Gold collapsing. Bitcoin UP.


Jul 19, 2016
Yes I have a funny writing style. I introduced the topic initially as Nash created bitcoin for various reasons, and eventually tried to make a connection that Szabo was Nash and/or Satoshi etc. Eventually my arguments grew more scientific.

I saw a conclusion, with great difficultly explaining why. If you want to suggest my semantics/grammar/english etc. are poor you are wasting your time.

If you are asking if I am hiding something further, my answer is no, in other words I never spoke to him, but I wish I had. I emailed him, and he never emailed back.

Szabo wrote back one time and said "good luck".


Jul 19, 2016
A lot of people tell me I don't know how to use the internet, what do you think?

John Nash said he was obfuscating up until at least 2013...should I not have the same concerns as him?
[doublepost=1469078568][/doublepost]Ideal Poker was basically first presented here, but without the context:

It's a p2p poker infrastructure that will asymptotically take power from the central/server model sites and give the game back to the players:


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
If it wasn't for theymos, none of you would have heard of the relevance of bitcoin to Ideal Money. He is the only mod on the internet that took the time to make sure my voice could be heard.

Ideal Money reveals players hands.

John Nash's works supports "small blocks"
That that sick totalitarian idiot is a sincere mod player in your orwellian world does not surprise me.
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Jul 19, 2016
Theymos is the only mod on the internet that had sincere intent to allow me to be heard. He is the only reason any of ya'll know about Ideal Money's relation to bitcoin...

Nash is anti-central authority. I am the most well read on his works and I claim he is a small blocker, like theymos is accused of...

Gavin lead the big block revolution and he openly stated he was taking bitcoin to the CIA.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
@cypher You said that Nash implied that our money systems should be pegged to cpi's or icpi's and I showed with evidence a quote from Ideal Money which shows that to be not true.
You are wrong.

Ich habe 2002 einen Artikel über ideales Geld geschrieben, der auf einer Rede beruhte, die ich vor der Southern Economic Association gehalten hatte. Das ideale Geld stellte ich dem Geld gegenüber, das durch Inflation entwertet wird. Meine Idee besteht darin, das Geld durch einen Preisindex stabiler zu machen. Mir schwebt die Etablierung einer Art «Industrial Consumption Price Index» vor, der auf globalen Preisen von Industriegütern basiert und auch Gold, Platinum und Kupfer einschliesst. Mit einem solchen Index wären die Preise weniger volatil. Man könnte das Fiat-Geld – das von den Banken aus dem Nichts geschaffene Geld – durch dieses Indexgeld ersetzen.


Jul 19, 2016
I see you make an assertion and then give a link that isn't in English. Allow me to requote for like the 5th time, direct words from Ideal Money:

"Then the limiting or “asymptotic” result of such an evolutionary trend would be in effect “ideal money” but this as a result achieved without the adoption of anything like an ICPI index as a basis for the standard of value.”"

Note the bold and the underline. Notice how I have provided a quote that others claim I don't ever provide.

I'm not wrong, whats happening is you are being caught, ignoring evidence that is plain for rational sincere players to see. Your account is being flagged by anyone with a brain.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
"I see you make an assertion and then give a link that isn't in English."

Your problem.


Meine Idee besteht darin, das Geld durch einen Preisindex stabiler zu machen. Mir schwebt die Etablierung einer Art «Industrial Consumption Price Index» vor, der auf globalen Preisen von Industriegütern basiert und auch Gold, Platinum und Kupfer einschliesst. Mit einem solchen Index wären die Preise weniger volatil.

[doublepost=1469083497][/doublepost]"Your account is being flagged by anyone with a brain."

By brains who are determined to praise thermos. It's a honor being flagged by such brains.
But - since your behavior is 100 percent deterministic - you are not guilty.
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Staff member
Aug 28, 2015
@NashGuy : take this gently, but perhaps you could confine your posting frequency by combining posts into longer essays. You can respond to several points at once to different authors in that way - there is no need for a scatter gun approach.

You are welcome here but 95 posts in two days is excessive IMO. Remember you are one person in a community here and lots of lurkers and occasional posters have to wade through these pages to stay up to date.

Quality > Quantity. Consider separate threads in the forum (e.g. i made a halving speculation thread)


Any commentary on the ETH hard fork which seems so dangerous a message that all vestiges of its routine success have been wiped from /r/bitcoin?

I think we need a sybil resistant method of validating node voting / opinion broadcasting to allow decisions network wide to be made known. Core will never build such a system into their client as they do not wish the network to choose a path which could deprive Blockstream of control of the active majority node client.


@Christoph Bergmann - second time in two days I have cracked up reading this thread!
Any commentary on the ETH hard fork which seems so dangerous a message that all vestiges of its routine success have been wiped from /r/bitcoin?

I think we need a sybil resistant method of validating node voting / opinion broadcasting to allow decisions network wide to be made known. Core will never build such a system into their client as they do not wish the network to choose a path which could deprive Blockstream of control of the active majority node client.

This is one more proof how ridiculous the censorship is. When the DAO failed, r/bitcoin was full of posts about it. And I guess if the Hardfork failed it would also be.

In the last week there was a discussion about "censorship" on rbtc. It was claimed that hiding comments from people with a certain amount of downvotes is "censorship". This claims have been made aggressively by people that are very comfortable with censorship on rbitcon. The Eth-HF-affaire - and pokertravis / Nash - demonstrate two things: rbitcoin uses censorship to manipulate the crowd. r/btc uses moderation to express the oppinion of the crowd - and, secondly, to protect the crowd for people that don't deserve to be heard. If guys like pokertravis / nash or other low-brained small-blockist cry "censorship" because their posts are not seen, they show that they are unable to capture the difference between a radio moderator not playing unpopular songs and a radio moderator not playing songs that are popular but insult his religious / political feelings.They demonstrate a serious lack in political / ethical maturity.

During the ETH-Hardfork most nodes and miners didn't care anything. Not more than 10-20 percent cared enough to vote. miners are not driven by politics, ethos or ideology, they just want to earn money by mining. And that's ok, that is how the system should work. With bitcoin it would be the same: a handfull of nodes who think they need to stay on the old chain, because idealism and gregonomics so on, would stay on the old chain, while the huge majority, I guess 95-99 percent, would just follow the strongest chain.

If you look at Ethereum Classic or Peter Todds tweets I'm sure that Greg is not the only one of Bitcoin's Camp Small Blocks who participated in Ethereum Classic. Actually I think only Bitcoin Camp Small Blocks plus the Hacker are behind Ethereum Classic. They seem to be victim of ideological fallacy. "Hardfork can't work, they are evil, that's the reality, and if the reality does a hardfork, and it works and it is not evil, I do everything I can to make it not work and evil." This is that kind of religious zeal that is responsible for nearly every escalation of (material, rational) conflicts in history. I'm just not sure if in a crazy sense good money like Bitcoin needs this kind of religious zeal to be good money ...
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Staff member
Dec 16, 2015
@satoshis_sockpuppet : Now that you gave away the missing piece, there will be no stopping blockchain. Blockchain UP, Bitcoin UP?

'blockchain' link above goes to an article describing a hearing about blockchain at UK House of Lords.
As I suspected: "That is a debate about what the banking system should look like that goes back centuries."

About a prospect of a "GovCoin":

Lord Darling asked: "Could you spend it at the bookies; could you move it from the app to a NatWest bank account and then spend it at the bookies?" The experts seemed to be unsure of how GovCoin would actually be used.

They should have invited Andreas. :D
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