Gold collapsing. Bitcoin UP.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Speaking of: whatever happened to Becky & Austin, the couple that crowd funded their marriage and then traveled the world on Bitcoin donations which appreciated in value during that time to around $75K iirc? They seemed so sincere and were still promising to put the movie out years after (that being years ago). Oh well. And then there was that bearish chick Forbes reported who did a week longs stint on Bitcoin not once but twice but still remained skeptical on Bitcoin.

If this guy has kept it up he might ruin the USD totality stat ;-)
Funny how he's wearing a Litecoin tee in that photo :)

Compared to that, I think this guy's claim is a little overblown (although it's almost time for the 3-year update on that one):
Core should have an easy time convincing them because SegWit is such an awesome thing ...

yours was a brilliant tactic to highlight the hypocrisy of ppl like /u/coblee and the overall more widespread skepticism of SW with devs outside of kore gang.
Gresham's Law applies on when a legal tender is in effect. Since there no cryptocoin is legal tender (yet), in fact the its opposite should become true.
yes, Bitcoin unlimited could indeed become *both*.
Last edited:


Staff member
Aug 29, 2015


Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2015
@Christoph Bergmann Let me know if you have a pitstop in Oslo!

Shower thoughts:
The DAO is only about removing the CEO and the board of directors, but keeping the stakeholders and the company.

(Just kidding. I don't shower. And I don't think.)
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015

Yup. Strange, quirky, too crazy to be made up and above all quite sad. This 3 part interview from 6 months ago made my mind up. I find it tragic that genius is seldom recognised and laughed at. Even more disgraceful are all these attacks from notable members of the community and other 'vested' interests. When I said 'there's more to this' I was referring to the shit that's gone on behind the scenes to 'out' and 'discredit' and 'tarnish' there are some truly reprehensible forces out there. Wouldn't it be great if we didn't have such a cult of satoshi and the man could just be left to do his thing.

Thanks CSW. hope you get the last laugh.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015

the fact of the matter is that kore dev, esp the Blockstream ones, have gone out of their way to assasinate the character of anyone challenging their vision of what Bitcoin should become to the point of censorship and personal attack. just look at the long list of reprehensible tactics all the way down to lying about one's github commits and extortion thru negative ratings. it is all quite sad.


Staff member
Aug 29, 2015

Yeah, it seems like a truth is stranger than fiction, "can't make this shit up" situation.

At the same time, it sure seems like there is lots that is being kept secret, and we are not getting the whole story.

Maybe we will learn more in 2020 when the "Tulip Trust" is supposedly set to release the coins.


Active Member
Aug 28, 2015
I'm going to take a moment to declare a 5-year victory for Bitcoin.

Who remembers this piece from exactly 5 years ago today in Forbes?
"So, That's the End of Bitcoin Then"

Contrast with today's piece in CNBC:
"Bitcoin is the new safe-haven asset"

Absolutely amazing what we've done in 5 years. This was all mostly just a wide-eyed *idea* held by a few stubborn contrarians in 2011. The spark has caught fire far faster than I, at least, ever thought it could. The idea of non-government truly peer-to-peer money is incredibly exciting.

Now let's not screw it up.


Active Member
Nov 8, 2015

I think there's some inside baseball that they're not talking about publicly about Blockstream's investors being hostile in some way to A16Z, which also explains the hostility toward Gavin and Mike Hearn.

I can't find it, but several months ago there was a really strange tweet from Adam Back I think in an exchange with Gavin basically accusing him (maximum irony projection here!) of putting Andreesen-Horowitz in charge of Bitcoin.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
@sickpig: Curiously, I cannot find A16Z in the list of investors into Borgstream.
Is that list accurate?

It is somewhat surprising because they are usually just everywhere where it sounds like there might be hype.
well, they did hire Hearn as a consultant right in the middle of the XT shitfest last summer. i'm sure they were influenced by his opinions or it could have been vice versa.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2015
@albin: Interesting, I missed that one. If so, that would be bullish for Bitcoin, because I think A16Z has more effective people and knows the tech sector a lot better.

In a way AXA being behind a large part of Borgstream's funding means this would a bit like Wall Street vs. silicon valley VCs, or wouldn't it?

The non-bullish thing is, though, that people seem to abandon Bitcoin rather than pay just a couple devs to break Borgstream's stranglehold. Coinbase would be an example.


Active Member
Nov 8, 2015
Speaking of A16Z, I'm just baffled by the /r/bitcoin Free Shit Army who think that in exchange for the 1% commission or whatever it is, they're entitled to shame Coinbase principals into risking their own imprisonment and personal financial destruction simply so they can play dice games that are prohibited in the US and cash out on Coinbase.


Active Member
Dec 15, 2015
Conspiracy theory based on nothing: Kore and/or the BorgStream have sacrificed Ethereum at the alter of Satoshi to make a point about the possible dangers associated with hard-forking absent pre-obtained super-consensus. Where has that jonny been? I kid, I kid. . . . Maybe.


Active Member
Dec 15, 2015
@awemany - I don't really know whether theDAO/ether debacle helps or hurts Core - I mean, I definitely could not quantify the help or hurt. That said, after the last five days or so, I feel a lot more wary about a BTC hardfork that leaves Core behind than I did previously. My wariness is not based on tech arguments either - its more based on pessimism RE: how people operate. Its extremely hard to cut through and/or synthesize the various positions, IMHO. Yet, heels get dug in in a very unhealthy way. I dunno how to describe it, I just sense an unreadiness of the community for hard fork at the moment. Maybe I'm just a scaredy cat, which is ok I guess - I'm still just trying to learn as much as I can.

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