All my arguments against Core have been because of the short-term damage they are inflicting. In antifragility we know short-term damage actually makes a system stronger in the long run and should be welcomed as a training challenge. Yet we are part of that system, hence we fight to build that strength, that immunity.
Unfortunately, in the thick of battle, many people lose sight of the big picture of antifragility and start to imagine that since we are fighting an attempt to take the seat of control of Bitcoin, that Bitcoin therefore has a seat of control. The focus on personalities lets us easily fall back into thinking things like, "If only our guy was in control." At that moment we have lost sight of decentralization. With that trick pulled, Core has successfully created another weak hand, or shown a strong hand to be a weak hand who never really understood Bitcoin.
The bar for understanding will only get higher. Most people in this space will lose money (the Dictum of Cypherdoc).