(1:35:00 AM) Bloomie: Does anybody from r/bitcoin care to explain this:
(1:35:22 AM) brainbug [~ljk@46-126-122-93.dynamic.hispeed.ch] entered the room.
(1:35:57 AM) dcrash [~dcrash@] entered the room.
(1:36:08 AM) justanotheruser: it looks like he got banned
(1:36:19 AM) justanotheruser: and his animated gif was removed
(1:37:07 AM) Bloomie: That's not an explanation.
(1:37:13 AM) kmels left the room (quit: Ping timeout: 240 seconds).
(1:37:14 AM) FredEE left the room (quit: Quit: My Mac has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…).
(1:37:51 AM) justanotheruser: that's what it says
(1:39:03 AM) Bloomie: I can read what it says. I'm asking why they are accusing this person of vote brigading.
(1:39:11 AM) Nothing-: To be fair you asked for explanation from /r/bitcoin, this is freenode irc

(1:39:12 AM) phantomcircuit: Bloomie, he was wait for it.... vote manipulating
(1:39:43 AM) IAmNotDorian left the room (quit: Ping timeout: 246 seconds).
(1:39:45 AM) Bloomie: phantomcircuit how so
(1:40:08 AM) Bloomie: Do you see vote manipulating anywhere in his post?
(1:40:22 AM) Gnomethrower [~B@CPE-120-146-232-56.static.wa.bigpond.net.au] entered the room.
(1:40:23 AM) Gnomethrower left the room (quit: Changing host).
(1:40:23 AM) Gnomethrower [~B@unaffiliated/gnomethrower] entered the room.
(1:40:49 AM) phantomcircuit: sigh
(1:40:52 AM) antiatom left the room (quit: Ping timeout: 252 seconds).
(1:41:02 AM) phantomcircuit: his dumb shit gif went to like +120 in about 1 minute
(1:41:08 AM) barmstrong [~barmstron@2604:5500:1b:181:60d3:47c:fc02:f8a7] entered the room.
(1:41:08 AM) phantomcircuit: he was vote manipulating
(1:41:11 AM) Luke-Jr: Bloomie: he *confesses* on that post you linked
(1:41:20 AM) Nothing-: this is beyond the theme of this channel anyway
(1:41:32 AM) MikeBones [~MikeBones@ip98-165-215-249.ph.ph.cox.net] entered the room.
(1:41:33 AM) phantomcircuit: also brand new user asking these questions?
(1:41:40 AM) Luke-Jr: "Apparently I was banned for vote brigading; I suppose if that is interpreted as sharing the link to my post them I'm guilty."
(1:41:44 AM) Luke-Jr: ^ confession
(1:41:49 AM) FredEE [~textual@75-104-69-124.mobility.exede.net] entered the room.
(1:42:07 AM) phantomcircuit: Luke-Jr, lol yeah he did literally confess
(1:42:39 AM) Gnomethrower: phantomcircuit: what's your name from?
(1:42:41 AM) antiatom [~antiatom@78-21-6-95.access.telenet.be] entered the room.
(1:42:42 AM) phantomcircuit:
(1:42:44 AM) Gnomethrower: it reminds me of Doctor Who
(1:42:47 AM) phantomcircuit: called it
(1:42:51 AM) justanotheruser: he actually says "I shared the link to the post to encourage participation"
(1:43:11 AM) phantomcircuit: justanotheruser, then you link to the material, not the reddit post
(1:43:18 AM) arunpyasi left the room (quit: Ping timeout: 264 seconds).
(1:43:36 AM) phantomcircuit: Gnomethrower,
(1:43:47 AM) Gnomethrower: phantomcircuit: Already found that

(1:43:52 AM) justanotheruser: It seems he submitted the material then linked to the bitcoin thread in /r/bitcoinxt
(1:44:28 AM) phantomcircuit: justanotheruser, he was proxying the vote manipulation to other people by posting it there
(1:44:35 AM) phantomcircuit: im sure he knew exactly what he was doing also
(1:44:46 AM) justanotheruser: probably
(1:44:46 AM) Luke-Jr: justanotheruser: eh, that seems innocent enough
(1:44:47 AM) midnightmagic: :-/
(1:44:59 AM) Bloomie: Posting a link to a reddit discussion is not vote brigading, and you know it
(1:45:05 AM) phantomcircuit: he's easily one of the most dishonest people in the space today... which is saying something
(1:45:11 AM) Luke-Jr: justanotheruser: would you rather he post it to /r/BitcoinXT and link it from /r/Bitcoin ?
(1:45:17 AM) mode (+b *!*@*.nycmny.fios.verizon.net) by phantomcircuit
(1:45:19 AM) midnightmagic: Bloomie: You shouldn't ban tor from read-only browsing of your forum.
(1:45:21 AM) Luke-Jr: Bloomie: to comments, it is
(1:45:23 AM) phantomcircuit: god damn it verizon
(1:45:32 AM) mode (-b *!*@*.nycmny.fios.verizon.net) by phantomcircuit
(1:45:33 AM) Bloomie: and there's no way he could have gotten 121 upvotes from sharing a link in that thread
(1:45:40 AM) mode (+b *!*@pool-100-2-23-87.nycmny.fios.verizon.net) by phantomcircuit
(1:45:40 AM) justanotheruser: Luke-Jr: I don't know. It seems the right thing to do is to post it on each subreddit separately and let them speak about it separately
(1:45:52 AM) Luke-Jr: justanotheruser: that fractures the discussion
(1:46:00 AM) phantomcircuit: Bloomie, he posted it to /r/bitcoinxt knowing that there are people with bots who then voted it up
(1:46:01 AM) justanotheruser: good
(1:46:14 AM) phantomcircuit: and you're either a buttcoiner or something equally annoying
(1:46:17 AM) You have been kicked by phantomcircuit: (bye)