Gold collapsing. Bitcoin UP.

Peter R

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Agreed, however /r/bitcoin typically still has the highest readership. Anyways, I think censorship events like what just happened are positive. Each time they occur, new people witness the event and realize that those of us from /r/bitcoinxt,, etc., were right after all. Core Dev, Blockstream, Theymos, etc. weaken themselves each time they pull a stunt like this.
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Zangelbert Bingledack

Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
To score a homerun on /r/Bitcoin will require everything to be perfect. No hint of brigading, no link from elsewhere, just another excellent graphic that makes a timely point. Then people in support of the thread should actively *upvote* anyone who is being downvoted on either side until they are at 1 point (brigading for that could even be required!).


Active Member
Sep 24, 2015
It is high time to start viewing the blockstream "core devs" and thermos as entities that have hijacked the Bitcoin project to benefit themselves. Forget BitcoinXT, I still think getting a non-trivial percentage of the ecosystem to use a client that will reject the new OPCODES they are trying to slip in, to be necessary for the health of the project.


Staff member
Aug 19, 2015
(1:35:00 AM) Bloomie: Does anybody from r/bitcoin care to explain this:
(1:35:22 AM) brainbug [] entered the room.
(1:35:57 AM) dcrash [] entered the room.
(1:36:08 AM) justanotheruser: it looks like he got banned
(1:36:19 AM) justanotheruser: and his animated gif was removed
(1:37:07 AM) Bloomie: That's not an explanation.
(1:37:13 AM) kmels left the room (quit: Ping timeout: 240 seconds).
(1:37:14 AM) FredEE left the room (quit: Quit: My Mac has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…).
(1:37:51 AM) justanotheruser: that's what it says
(1:39:03 AM) Bloomie: I can read what it says. I'm asking why they are accusing this person of vote brigading.
(1:39:11 AM) Nothing-: To be fair you asked for explanation from /r/bitcoin, this is freenode irc:D
(1:39:12 AM) phantomcircuit: Bloomie, he was wait for it.... vote manipulating
(1:39:43 AM) IAmNotDorian left the room (quit: Ping timeout: 246 seconds).
(1:39:45 AM) Bloomie: phantomcircuit how so
(1:40:08 AM) Bloomie: Do you see vote manipulating anywhere in his post?
(1:40:22 AM) Gnomethrower [] entered the room.
(1:40:23 AM) Gnomethrower left the room (quit: Changing host).
(1:40:23 AM) Gnomethrower [~B@unaffiliated/gnomethrower] entered the room.
(1:40:49 AM) phantomcircuit: sigh
(1:40:52 AM) antiatom left the room (quit: Ping timeout: 252 seconds).
(1:41:02 AM) phantomcircuit: his dumb shit gif went to like +120 in about 1 minute
(1:41:08 AM) barmstrong [~barmstron@2604:5500:1b:181:60d3:47c:fc02:f8a7] entered the room.
(1:41:08 AM) phantomcircuit: he was vote manipulating
(1:41:11 AM) Luke-Jr: Bloomie: he *confesses* on that post you linked
(1:41:20 AM) Nothing-: this is beyond the theme of this channel anyway
(1:41:32 AM) MikeBones [] entered the room.
(1:41:33 AM) phantomcircuit: also brand new user asking these questions?
(1:41:40 AM) Luke-Jr: "Apparently I was banned for vote brigading; I suppose if that is interpreted as sharing the link to my post them I'm guilty."
(1:41:44 AM) Luke-Jr: ^ confession
(1:41:49 AM) FredEE [] entered the room.
(1:42:07 AM) phantomcircuit: Luke-Jr, lol yeah he did literally confess
(1:42:39 AM) Gnomethrower: phantomcircuit: what's your name from?
(1:42:41 AM) antiatom [] entered the room.
(1:42:42 AM) phantomcircuit:
(1:42:44 AM) Gnomethrower: it reminds me of Doctor Who
(1:42:47 AM) phantomcircuit: called it
(1:42:51 AM) justanotheruser: he actually says "I shared the link to the post to encourage participation"
(1:43:11 AM) phantomcircuit: justanotheruser, then you link to the material, not the reddit post
(1:43:18 AM) arunpyasi left the room (quit: Ping timeout: 264 seconds).
(1:43:36 AM) phantomcircuit: Gnomethrower,
(1:43:47 AM) Gnomethrower: phantomcircuit: Already found that :)
(1:43:52 AM) justanotheruser: It seems he submitted the material then linked to the bitcoin thread in /r/bitcoinxt
(1:44:28 AM) phantomcircuit: justanotheruser, he was proxying the vote manipulation to other people by posting it there
(1:44:35 AM) phantomcircuit: im sure he knew exactly what he was doing also
(1:44:46 AM) justanotheruser: probably
(1:44:46 AM) Luke-Jr: justanotheruser: eh, that seems innocent enough
(1:44:47 AM) midnightmagic: :-/
(1:44:59 AM) Bloomie: Posting a link to a reddit discussion is not vote brigading, and you know it
(1:45:05 AM) phantomcircuit: he's easily one of the most dishonest people in the space today... which is saying something
(1:45:11 AM) Luke-Jr: justanotheruser: would you rather he post it to /r/BitcoinXT and link it from /r/Bitcoin ?
(1:45:17 AM) mode (+b *!*@* by phantomcircuit
(1:45:19 AM) midnightmagic: Bloomie: You shouldn't ban tor from read-only browsing of your forum.
(1:45:21 AM) Luke-Jr: Bloomie: to comments, it is
(1:45:23 AM) phantomcircuit: god damn it verizon
(1:45:32 AM) mode (-b *!*@* by phantomcircuit
(1:45:33 AM) Bloomie: and there's no way he could have gotten 121 upvotes from sharing a link in that thread
(1:45:40 AM) mode (+b *!* by phantomcircuit
(1:45:40 AM) justanotheruser: Luke-Jr: I don't know. It seems the right thing to do is to post it on each subreddit separately and let them speak about it separately
(1:45:52 AM) Luke-Jr: justanotheruser: that fractures the discussion
(1:46:00 AM) phantomcircuit: Bloomie, he posted it to /r/bitcoinxt knowing that there are people with bots who then voted it up
(1:46:01 AM) justanotheruser: good
(1:46:14 AM) phantomcircuit: and you're either a buttcoiner or something equally annoying
(1:46:17 AM) You have been kicked by phantomcircuit: (bye)

Peter R

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015

Thanks for looking into this! I am amazed that they think think I "confessed to vote brigading." All I said was that I shared the link to the original post at other forums to encourage participation in (what I felt was) an important discussion. Isn't encouraging participation a good thing?

What's really crazy is that I would have also provided a link on my /r/bitcoin post back to here and back to /r/bitcoinxt but then it would have been auto-censored!

Peter R

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015

So they kicked you off IRC?

I wonder why phantomcircuit said that I'm "easily one of the most dishonest people in the space today... which is saying something." In what way have I ever been dishonest? This seems to have started with Greg Maxwell's opposition to my fee market paper...


Sep 17, 2015

Well, now you know that when your ban closes you can post it again and it is alright if you don't link it. (unless they move the goalposts)
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Sep 17, 2015
To be really safe you can remove Bitcoin XT from the graph completely or show it taken over by some new imaginary implementation. Am I right that the XT isn't the point here, but the probable end of Core's dictatorship over the protocol?

(ofcourse it's good to explain which changes you had to make in order to get thru the censorship. But whenever mentions to XT are necessary it might be better to use "Bitcoin <redacted>" instead)

Atleast it will give them more targets to attack and ban until nothing than singing praises of Core is allowed anymore.
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Peter R

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015

Is it possible that Gmax is Theymos? How convinced were you that the person you Skyped with was the same person on the forums? And was this video Skype or audio only?
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New Member
Oct 1, 2015

My animated GIF was removed and I've been banned :(

Apparently I was banned for vote brigading; I suppose if that is interpreted as sharing the link to my post them I'm guilty.
That is ridiculous. I am a default subreddit moderator and simply linking to your post on other forums is not vote brigading. It is only brigading if you encourage others to vote on it.

Reddit moderators do not have sufficient tools to establish if there are "upvoting bots" and I find that pretense implausible.

Do you mind if I archive this on ?

Justus Ranvier

Active Member
Aug 28, 2015
I am amazed that they think think I "confessed to vote brigading." All I said was that I shared the link to the original post at other forums to encourage participation in (what I felt was) an important discussion. Isn't encouraging participation a good thing?
Reddit is kind of a weird place with strange rules.

I think there's always been a kind of tension between Bitcoin and Reddit in that a lot of (maybe most) people who frequent the Bitcoin-related subreddits are just there to talk about Bitcoin and don't know or care about Reddit culture.


Active Member
Aug 28, 2015
I joined Reddit because of Bitcoin and had no idea how vast it was at first. Never having done Facebook or Myspace it was a bit of an eye opener. Next time you get pissed off with some Bitcoin broohaha hit the all tab in reddit with images enabled :eek: