Gold collapsing. Bitcoin UP.


Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2015
  • If there is strong community support, the hard-fork activation will likely happen around July 2017.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Huh, interesting numbers. I had tweeted this to Petrov, Mow, & jihan an hour ago:

I would've liked them to do both now but looks like we have to wait until June 2017. That sucks.
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Active Member
Nov 8, 2015
From the medium article's signatures:

Adam Back
I can't.

If blocks do fill up immediately even with SW (possible because people may not use SW), then that is when the hard fork pressure will become overwhelming. The only question is how much annoying delay we get.
Greg Maxwell believes that this is how the system should ordinarily work, so in reality we have no assurances that anything would happen at all. All of this accessory argumentation we see from their camp is disingenuous stuff just to get miners to do what they want in supporting that vision.
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Nov 19, 2015
@Bagatell @Justus Ranvier

Cyberport is Hong Kong's infamous real estate white elephant. It was built by a group controlled by billionaire Li-Ka Shing - known locally as 'Superman' - and now owned and operated by the government (except for the residential parts). It's complicated by design. Li's private tech investment arm, Horizons Ventures, is now a major investor in Blockstream. He dominates every area of life in Hong Kong having carved out monopoly positions through his conglomerate Cheung Kong Holdings. He also likes overseas infrastructure assets which generate reliable streams of recurring revenue.

"Sydney motorists contribute every day to Li Ka-shing's coffers"

"Li Ka-shing, is buying O2 from Telefonica and will merge it with its Three network...
to create the UK's largest mobile telecoms group."

"The myth of a free Hong Kong economy"

"Li controls the world's largest private operator of container terminals, Hutchison Port, with ports from the U.K. to Panama, and the largest health and beauty retailer, A.S. Watson, which has stores from China to Europe. His telecom interests span Europe and Australia. Husky Energy, his Canadian oil and gas company, has operations stretching from the Atlantic to Asia. "
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Active Member
Aug 19, 2015
We now have a decision. The judges say it is to be a settlement system so opening the final ruling to the grand jury of users.

It is now obvious that we are in for the long haul. They were producing propaganda videos three years ago while the defenders of satoshi's vision did not begin to counteract their arguments, let alone build their own forceful arguments, until some moths ago.

They have a headstart and they have banning and censoring power which agitates, but we have truth and all we need do is espouse it, communicate it, inform all in a rational and logical manner with the aim to persuade.

We have Bitcoin Unlimited. Through that we can make our arguments, with no silly thresholds, no committees, no politicking, no signed letters. A mere offer. Run it, nothing changes. Consensus compatible. Fully decentralized. No backroom deals. No project fear.

The future has only began. Lessons have been learned. Bitcoin is ours, and so too its future.


Active Member
Aug 28, 2015
Even AntPool gave up.

I'm really saddened by the way thing is developing and in retrospect I can say that I was naive thinking something different could have happened.

Miners have always approved Core changes via soft-fork, why this time thing would have been different?

I thought AntPool attitude could have changed the situation, Coinbase sure had helped fuelling classic momentum. Still, main exchanges had never take a side. Kraken and Bitstamp are BS clients (liquid).

Miners are showing a worryging lack of vision and are completely delegating protocol development to BS.

The only think that could somewhat justify the situation is that there's something that we, as community, aren't aware of. E.g. like with BIP 66, sipa discovered a bug that will be triggered under some specific conditions and 2MB HF could exacerbate those. I don' t think that's the case, though.

Adam 'individual' Back signature just added insult to injury.
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Active Member
Aug 31, 2015
The pressure to scale is ever present. Bitcoin will either scale or scale.

Even Bram 'fuck you' Cohen agrees the pressure is real, and wont stop. (its money)

"More worrisome to Bitcoin the ecosystem is that it's become increasingly clear that the argument against doing a hard fork can never be won. Regardless of how many proposals for it give up and die, the desire for power will always get someone to come up with a new soundbite-friendly proposal and drum up popular support for it. Because the only thing which makes Bitcoin have value is the collective belief that Bitcoin has value, these threats will always have some potential to succeed, and spontaneous ecosystem implosion is likely to remain a serious threat for the indefinite future."

Hopefully RBF schemes and the like can be held at bay, and the pressure to scale on chain will be coming back sooner than 4/2017


Active Member
Nov 8, 2015
Their statement is vulnerable to malleated signatures!
[doublepost=1456005331][/doublepost]I think now as a result of this meeting we're seeing the political rationale for SF SW.

At any point, miners could trivially counter Core's stalling by going and making the simple Satoshi-proscribed code change, and letting everybody know a flag day well ahead of time when they're going to start generating blocks using that.

Merging SF SW appears to mean that the actual hardfork capacity increase is going to need to be way more complicated, and unless miners are hiring their own dev teams basically now to work on it, they're pretty much dependent on Core to do it.

A condition for this agreement should've been to require Core to make the hardfork code they intend to deploy available at SF SW release as a sign of good faith. (For the record I most certainly didn't type "good faith" with a straight face!).
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Whoa, I still had the screen open and it 100% previously said:
Adam Back

and when I refreshed it switched to individual!
That's a very bad sign.

Is conceivable that Adam was immediately told by investors that he has no authority to sign on behalf of Blockstream.


Staff member
Aug 22, 2015
@cypherdoc Or, alternatively, Blockstream will not put its name to any document that promises a hard-fork. Basically, they think that 1MB + SegWit will facilitate enough off-chain volume to keep Bitcoin going for years and BS wants a cut of all that fee income.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
[doublepost=1456009137][/doublepost]or, very likely legal council to Blockstream saw that & immediately informed Adam that he could be opening up a lawsuit against the company if Blockstream was perceived to be the reason behind a last minute stalling tactic or if the HF is never allowed to go thru.

someone have a screenshot?
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