Gold collapsing. Bitcoin UP.


Staff member
Dec 16, 2015

This is not quite accurate. Stifling the adoption of cryptocurrency hurts people all over the world who stand to benefit from gaining sovereignty over their financial transactions.

As such, citizens of many nations are paying close attention to what the US (and other superpowers) are doing. In the end, no superpower is greater than the combined people of the world.


Active Member
Dec 18, 2015
There's also the trick of releasing intentionally crippled mining software publicly while keeping the optimized version for themselves.
That works when you have a new algo... for the technically challenged there is always "Oopsed launch" strategy : "Oops! we had so many visitors on our client download page that it went offline for a period of time, but I'm happy that lot of you guys got off a good start right at the launch..."


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2015
Hang on you said one of them is you!?
[doublepost=1455268008,1455267259][/doublepost]These are me...

Hmm, I had my node down briefly but I didn't think it would have caught it so quickly. So one of them wasn't me then, I guess :). Those are definitely your nodes in my list.

Edit: Unless my node was somehow unreachable... Nope, shows up in an earlier snapshot.
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Active Member
Aug 25, 2015
Cam someone parse what JihanWu is saying? Core playing hard ball;

OK I've scratched my head for a while over that, then it occurred to me that it might be sarcasm?

i.e. "Its not like there isn't already enough drama around HF" ?

(to clarify I'm referring to Jihan Wu's tweet - the quoted response seems to have chopped it on my screen)
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Sometimes I just can't tell with Matonis?

He made that quip about changing the 21M limit too. As a lawyer he should not be making legally ambiguous comments. He's on the radar but I'll chalk this one down to sarcastic rhetoric.

Justus Ranvier

Active Member
Aug 28, 2015
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Active Member
Nov 8, 2015
Some possible insight into Strateman from

According to Patrick's mother, the lawfirm she works at (in some admin/secretarial capacity) has offered its services to defend Patrick at a discount. Patrick's mother is helping him with the bills. In fact, when she asked plaintiffs in California to drop the case against Patrick, she also asked that Patrick be reimbursed for his legal fees. Patrick may very well be playing the pauper while sitting on a gigantic pile of bitcoin, just waiting for the storm to blow over so he can cash out. A lot of people have had their lives ruined by the antics of Amir, Donald and Patrick. Unfortunately, the demonstrably insane tend to get off lightly. Zhou Tong, who many still believe to have played a role in at least one of the Bitcoinica thefts has started another company taking bitcoin deposits. Amir is back putting on conferences and has reengaged with the community. People have forgotten.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
this is a big deal. Bitmain gets it. that means a SWSF can't activate @95% miner support & that the Chinese miners, in aggregate, will eventually get it come July (meaning bigger blocks):



Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015

hey, i thought the whole blow up in 2013 re: Ver & Matonis was all about gmax, Luke, et al wanting to avoid "controversial" people in the community? i guess Strateman doesn't count for Blockstream.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
DZZ gathering speed nicely:


please tell me you weren't the one causing that spike down candlewick yesterday ;):

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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
A new record for the fastest ever data rate for digital information has been set by UCL researchers in the Optical Networks Group. They achieved a rate of 1.125 Tb/s as part of research on the capacity limits of optical transmission systems, designed to address the growing demand for fast data rates.

Read more at:


Active Member
Sep 24, 2015
Yes it is worrying. Yesterday it seemed that several pools were behind larger blocks but wanted to give core a chance. Today with this it sounds most don't care.

In the end it comes down to what most of the pools do. I don't expect the individual miners in China to follow or care about the increase, but the larger pool operators are hopefully more involved.

In the end it would be ironic for a western libertarian project to be taken down because the electricity cost economics shifted control to Asia without a libertarian mindset....


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
This article is shocking

We're doomed when people who in no way share any of the values of bitcoin run the miners.......
i think we need to give the Chinese miners a little more credit than Bobby Lee seems to give.

for one, i see Bitmain coming around with their public statements. second, they've never cheated outright in terms of a 51% coordinated attack. in that sense, they've been good stewards of the protocol. the only semi-shady thing, which the protocol facilitates, is stratum mining or SPV mining. which actually, as some have said, is a protective good strategy to perhaps avoid bloat blocks and compensate for jacked mempools that we've seen more and more of b/c of the failed core dev 1MB limit. third, given hired gun Friedberg's article of this morning, i'm beginning to be a bit more thankful that we have hashpower stashed away in the Mongolian jungles away from any US bombing runs and the long arm of the US legal system.

in essence, i see them eventually coming around as the July halvening looms. they will have to as they desperately will need all the tx fee volume that bigger Bitcoin blocks can generate. and that means growing the user and merchant base worldwide. there's too much money to be had for miners in general and Chinese miners specifically. i seriously doubt SW will activate before a 2MB HF at this point. and that will be good. b/c maybe we won't need the risky SW at all.

finally, if Chinese want to make money fast, what better way than with Bitcoin? look at the enormous returns of the last 7yrs. nothing else compares. and if miners can understand and follow all the free mkt concepts elucidated over the years in this thread, they can turn themselves into the new banking system stewards (as simple auditors of course). with that will come even greater riches. we've only just begun this journey.
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