It's been my belief that we're going to have to see some pain with the price before miners make a meaningful move. As such, I finally got around to divesting some today (still keeping plenty).
#2 Matthew Light
I also divested more today. I'm keeping enough that if Bitcoin "wins" I'll be doing well, but I hedged my bets in case the insanity on full display at r/bitcoin prevails.
Don't know how serious you guys are, but this is irrational. The point is to own an asset while it rises, and not own it while it goes down. That means you should have sold earlier (if you knew...), and you should buy now.
No reason to let the price rise, then buy.
I think it is rational to diversify our investments, I have been invested in alternative cryptocurrencies since I started, it has served me well as a hedge against Bitcoin. I am certain that the technology will do well, realistically however we can not be sure that Bitcoin will become the dominant currency of the future. I think that it is wise to recognize that we can not be certain about predicting the future, with great insight we can attempt to project and predict the future, but we can not be certain.
I do think that Bitcoin will most likely become the world currency of the future, especially now that this existential crisis within Bitcoin is starting to resolve itself.
It is a comforting thought for me to know however that no matter what happens to Bitcoin the cryptocurrency revolution will succeed. Though if this test of Bitcoins governance does not succeed, for me that would be the case if the blocksize is not raised, I would also be satisfied with a split in a worse case scenario I suppose. If that did happen however I suspect that mass adoption would most likely be delayed by at least a decade, which I think would be a shame considering all of the good Bitcoin could have done in the world in that time. Fortunately I really do think that the winds are changing and the tide is turning, I am feeling more and more confident that we will see the blocksize raised this year.
Out of the top ten cryptocurrencies based on market capitalization I think that Ethereum, Dash, MaidSafe and Bitshares are all great projects which I am personally invested in as well.