Gold collapsing. Bitcoin UP.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
i don't think they know what they got themselves in to.
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Staff member
Dec 16, 2015
You may see it differently, but I count them among the more intelligent crowd in Bitcoin.

So if they don't know what they got themselves into, then the outlook for the rest I can only imagine as very dire.


Active Member
Aug 25, 2015
Everyone in the Bitcoin Cash crowd was originally in the "Bitcoin" crowd. When Bitcoin Core created some weird fork that wasn't bitcoin, they invented the concept of "the Bitcoin Cash crowd". In reality those that did not follow BTC remained the "Bitcoin" crowd. The people following core became something else.

Everyone in the Bitcoin SV crowd was originally in the "Bitcoin" crowd. When Bitcoin Cash created some weird fork that wasn't bitcoin, they invented the concept of "the Bitcoin SV crowd". In reality those that did not follow BCH remained the "Bitcoin" crowd. The people following cash became something else.


Staff member
Dec 16, 2015
When Bitcoin Cash created some weird fork that wasn't bitcoin
Except that didn't happen.

Craig, chief scientist at nChain, and his doyen Calvin, threatened "hashwar", which they explained involved re-orging, double-spending exchanges, and stopping all trade on Bitcoin Cash for years as they saw fit.

Guess what, for us that translated into a threat to destroy the enormous value of everyone on the Bitcoin Cash network.

Nobody would've had a problem if they'd said "hey, we'll fork off to our own coin, and do our own (BSV) thing".

But they didn't.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
except in reality, BSV didn't do any of that. instead, ABC devs went off the deep end in a mass panic and repurposed BTC hash over to BCH to win a hashwar and then colluded with exchanges. to top it all off, they/you instituted checkpoints that quickly morphed to 10 block rolling checkpoints. now you talk about POS Avalanche. this is why in the end i can only look at what code rules are running as of today to determine what is closest to the original Bitcoin. that's clearly BSV. plus, the upgrade trend of the last year has been extremely promising with BSV devs delivering on everything they've promised and more with massive blocksize limit raises and record blocks produced. i have no doubt they will remove the limit come Feb as they've promised. now ABC, otoh, who the hell knows what they are gonna do. BCH has been stuck at the same 32MB limit for the last two upgrades with no sign in sight of that increasing. the excuses are flying left and right and the 1TB roadmap promise has become a joke. plus, with all the complaining about money that @deadalnix is bringing to the table, i think ossification will set in before he gets around to raising it again.
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Active Member
Sep 15, 2015
I'm still hearing too much hyperbole and disagreement amongst thought leaders. Too many schisms and provocateurs. Something is wrong.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
[doublepost=1574815893,1574815193][/doublepost]@freetrader so what accomplishments is ABC achieving these days post CTOR? nothing? that's sad:



Staff member
Dec 16, 2015
Still playing the ABC / BU division troll, @cypherdoc ?

I don't speak for ABC, and they don't speak for me. Bitcoin Cash is not one client team, and Roger is not its CEO (sorry, but the intelligence level of this forum seems to have declined so much that I figured I should throw that in).

So if you want to know something about ABC's work, why not ask them, or read their commits and release notes. Or pay someone to do it for you.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
New Still playing the ABC / BU division troll, @cypherdoc ?
lol, anyone paying attention knows in fact you're the divisionist/saboteur around here. who was the one who, along with @Griffith, drew up BUIP's to oust @Norway and purge all "non-technical" BU members? who reactivated his reddit account to promote those BUIP's and mobilize membership to jam thru your votes? what a hypocrite. if anything, i've ridiculed both ABC & BU equally. it's these types of non-sensical adhoms that have regularly rolled off your lips that make me so suspicious that you're some sort of plant.
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Staff member
Dec 16, 2015
non-sensical adhoms
That's about the only thing you got right in that post, and I take it as a form of self-description of your content.
BCH is irrelevant. It isn’t bitcoin.
It's looking a lot more relevant than BSV from here.

Keep saying it's not bitcoin, I'm sure repeating that will somehow make it true /s


Active Member
Aug 25, 2015
Hahah, I'm just calling a spade a spade :)

Bitcoin was never designed to incorporate such boondoggle constructs as have been implemented in the Bitcoin Core experiment.

Bitcoin Cash, whilst less of a departure than core, has also moved away from Bitcoin rather than towards it.

So whether I say it, is irrelevant. The evidence speaks for itself.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Except that didn't happen.
What people think happens in bitcoin is very subjective and highly selective.

That people react, positively or negatively, to things CSW says and does ironically makes him the most influential person in this space.

One measure of intelligence is the ability to assess the empirical data for one's self free from the social influences of others.

Your answer above does not demonstrate judgment free to think independently without emotional biases.

Realistically, CSW is not capable of doing the things you think he's doing, that requires other people to put resources at risk and the cooperation of a lot of other people who think many moves into the future. It's more probable the things he is doing, which you've ignored, may be more valuable than you think.
So if you want to know something about ABC's work, why not ask them,
I asked and was told if you don't like it fork off, followed by being blocked.

ABC doesn't seem to be serving investors, miners or the plebian's interests, so who's left?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
have we reached the period of sustained dominance? could be; this is the longest period of continuously larger blocksizes and txs:

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Staff member
Dec 16, 2015
That people react, positively or negatively, to things CSW says and does ironically makes him the most influential person in this space.
Imagine believing this.

Opponents of the BSV roadmap are incapable of discussing BSV without Ad Hominem.
You wish. Of course there are posts discussing BSV without any ad hom. Here's one:

The BSV roadmap in terms of scaling is not significantly different than the Bitcoin Cash roadmap.
After all, BSV split over minor details such as CTOR and what you see as a need to more rapidly remove or increase limits and freeze the protocol ASAP. There's no fundamental disagreement on the need to scale.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
>You wish. Of course there are posts discussing BSV without any ad hom. Here's one:

that one is filled with lies. CSV and CLTV have already been removed, iirc. also p2sh will be deprecated. also 32MB was never meant to be a limit; unlimited was always the goal. DAA will be hard forked out sometime next year too.

>There's no fundamental disagreement on the need to scale.

there's a huge disagreement. BSV has actively moved towards removing limits whereas ABC makes excuses as to why not.